
Chapter 419: Let's Put Everything in Order

Chapter 419: Let's Put Everything in Order

Tsuvara Kingdom, Royal Castle Griffonias

Getting straight to the point, Kazane's body at present seems to be unchanged from before.

While putting her coat on, Kazane listened to Louise's words.

They were in a room in Tsuvara Kingdom's Royal Castle Griffonias. Kazane had had Louise examine her body to check if there were any abnormalities.

It looks like there aren't any traces of the horns or anything of the sort.

Kazane patted her own head, but she didn't feel anything sticking out.

Kazane herself was too focused at the time, so she didn't notice, but when she saved Yumika and the others, it seemed she had horns and cat ears on her head.

So then, you can't become that figure any more?

It's not that I can't do it ever again, but I can't do it right now.

It was currently 3 days after the coronation ceremony. Until yesterday, there had been various special events, and since Kazane hadn't shown any particular fatigue after her transformation, she had been participating in them.

For that reason, the postponed physical examination was finally done today, but Louise's diagnosis was that there were no problems. She had a normal, healthy, AAA cup short body. She hadn't gotten bigger at all. No growth was seen. There was no more growth.

(Well, my Status values didn't change, so I already knew that)

Kazane didn't have even a slight change like Yumika's slightly elongated ears. Her appearance remained completely human, her internal organs were all in their normal places, and as long as her Skill wasn't turned on, she didn't have double breasts either. However, her Occupation had changed toDragon and Beast Ruling Tenma Monarch (Apprentice), and along with that, the SkillsApprenticeship Cancellation,Nil Principle,Skill Hand,Halo, andEvolution Handhad been added. Also, these Skills seemed to be Kazane-exclusive Skills that weren't shared with Yuuko-nee.

Among them, the SkillApprenticeship Cancellationwas the Skill that transformed Kazane into the form that was, according to Yumika,the strongest character a boy would think up. The activation requirement was that it could only be used once per Level; in other words, Kazane could use it again once she reached Level 41, but since she had already transformed at her current Level, she couldn't use it right now.

The SkillSkill Handadded a point when she gained a Level that could be used to raise a Skill's level by 1. However, the number of points required increased the higher the Skill's level was, e.g., 2 points were required to raise a Skill from level 2 to level 3. Kazane could immediately raise the level ofBoobies Plus, but to make Stone Minotaur level 3, she would have to wait until she received an additional point at Level 41.

TheEvolution HandSkill increased the ability of beings that qualified as ally monsters, like Tatsuo, Yuuko-nee, and the Berserk Ogre; it seemed the effect not only applied to Skills, but Status values as well, with conditions that were roughly the same asSkill Hand.

TheHaloSkill could be used to absorb and contain Light attribute attacks spells with about half  power attenuation. Also, in theDragon and Beast Ruling Tenma Monarchstate from Apprenticeship Cancellation, it was able to contain the Skill Golem Maker, so it seemed it had room for growth.

The final one wasNil Principle, which was a magic Skill likeFlame PrincipleandHealing Principle. It allowed the use of no-attribute magic that didn't rely on the eight elemental factors. When she made her Halo move, that was apparently no-attribute magic, so it seemed she could now use magic related to Space and Transference. However, since she had no way to learn such magic, it was currently a completely dead Skill.

(Setting asideNil Principle, I wonder what I should do withSkill HandandEvolution Hand?)

Even among the Skills that were still level 1, there were several useful ones. Moreover, using it on a Skill that was close to rising in level likeDevil King's Intimidationwas wasteful. Being able to power up Tatsuo and the others withEvolution Handwas also useful, but the problem there was who to use it on and what to empower.

What's wrong, Kazane?

Eh? Ah, nothing, just thinking about something.

When Kazane came to, Louise was looking at her with a worried expression.

Well, there have been various things with the parties over the past three days.

Ao-san rudely told me not to talk, you know?

Kazane said in a huff, and Louise could only bitterly smile in response.

Kazane wasn't present as the White Party member Ogre Killing Princess, but as the God Dragon Empress, so she had been participating in her busty older sister form using the Shapeshifting Skill from theDragon Eating Ogre Army Armor. Kazane had completely forgotten, but she used that Ogre Skill when she went to Minshiana's Royal Capital Shubain to wake up Yuuko-nee. In the first place, since there had been no quests that involved shapeshifting and infiltrating, she'd had no opportunities to use it. TheStealthy Hand PlacementSkill that had never been used for similar reasons was surely crying.

Ao's opinion that her usual manner of talking was unsuited to that figure was reasonable, and since she used a slight amount of Devil King's Intimidation to keep away unwelcome nuisances, no real problems had occurred, so she'd had no reason to complain.

In any case, the fact was that nothing happened, and there was still an ongoing festival in the city for the coronation ceremony. Kazane was also free starting today, so she could go look around. Up until now, Yumika has been going around the food carts and feeding Tatsuo, so Kazane had to do her best to regain their parent-child love. He had been saying things like,

Mother, I ate skewers with Yumika. It seems the skewer itself isn't edible, but the meat was delicious.

Mother, Yumika gave me something called cotton candy. It was very sweet.

Mother, Yumika...

So today, now that the parties were over, Kazane was eager to wipe out the frustration from having to listen to that with a smiling face.

Also, Prince Sieg had already returned to his own country, and Audin was currently heading to inspectAudin Tower. As for Audin, partly due to strong opposition from Keiran, who as a person from Hyvern thought it waslacking due respect, Kazane was no longer a queen candidate, so Kazane's cognitive Status Abnormality: Stalker had been removed.

There hadn't been many opportunities to talk to Prince Sieg, but she had promised to meet him when she returned to Minshiana. Since Kazane's eyes had been drawn to his muscled attendants, it was a half-hearted reply she didn't remember at all, but it seemed she replied that way. It was a mysterious thing.

At any rate, I'm now free, so I'll play around today.

But tomorrow, you'll have to return to the magic hot spring town. You're quite busy, aren't you.

After Louise's words, Kazane saidUgh.The house building for the residents hadn't been completed yet.

Well, that will only take a few days, and Yuuko-nee will cover everything else the hot spring town needs. When that's over, we'll go back to normal operation.

Kazane and the others' plan to capture the rank A dungeonGordo Golden Ruinswas a matter Yuuko-nee wanted to prioritize as well. And Yuuko-nee also thought that the power of Kazane and the others was necessary to achieve that quickly, so for that reason, she said she would no spare no effort to cooperate for Kazane Magic Hot Spring Town. Besides, Kazane Magic Hot Spring Town could operate just fine just by communicating with Makka like now; at worst, if they left Naoki behind, they would be able to manage somehow.

It was true that the feudal lord was Kazane, but the reason Kazane was the feudal lord was not only because she was the owner of the hot springs in the city, but also because she was considered to be part of Minshiana's royal family, which hardly existed now, due to her ability to handle the White Sword. Naturally, her blood-related younger brother Naoki was also considered a member of Minshiana's royal family, so he would be allowed to rule as her proxy.

Looking at it that way, Yumika was the only one who had no authoritative support. Well, Yumika wasn't particularly envious about that, though.

In any case, it was Kazane's first day off in a long time. Kazane was eager to walk around the city with Tatsuo.

Name: Yuihama Kazane

Occupation: Dragon and Beast Ruling Tenma Monarch (Apprentice)

Title: Ogre Killer, Dragon Slayer, High Beast Summoner, Rea King, Liberator, Guardian

Equipment: Staff White Blaze, Draghorn Tonfa x2, Dragon Eating Ogre Army Armor (True), Indestructible Cloak, Mysterious Pouch, Crimson Saint Coffin, Heroic Spirit Summoning Ring, Circlet of Wisdom, Aim Bracelet, White Magic Accumulator (Revised) 2, Rainbow Necklace, Rainbow Dragon Ring, Angel Bracelet

Level : 40

Health: 156+20

Magic Power: 378+520

Strength: 81+45

Agility: 83+39

Endurance: 45+20

Wisdom : 75

Dexterity : 53

Spell : FlyTorchFireHealFirestormHealer RayHigh HealGolden DuskDragon ExclusiveMirror ShieldRabbit SpeedFlare Mirage

Skill : Apprenticeship CancellationNil PrincipleSkill HandHaloEvolution HandKick DevilKick Decapitation WaveWarrior's Memory: Lv2Night VisionCrushing BlowDog's Sense of Smell: Lv2Golem Maker: Lv4Aegis ShieldFire Principle: Third ChapterHealing Principle: Fourth ChapterAir Jump: Lv2Killing Leg: Lv3Fear VoiceInvisibleTiger EyeWall WalkingIntuition: Lv2Cheat DeathNimbleChargeMaterial Shield: Lv2Information Link: Lv2Optical CamouflageHigh DashBloodsucking BladeDragonization: Lv3DragonRegenerateSoul Breaking BladeStealthy Hand PlacementThunder Chariot: Lv2Sturdier Teeth: Lv2DragonCrystallization: Lv2DragonDevil King's IntimidationStone Minotaur: Lv2Mega Beam: Lv2Space ExpansionPseudo-Silver CreationPoison ClawFireballDragonCuticleDragonArms Creation: Black FlameIngredient Connoisseur: Lv3Dragon PheromoneDragonBoostMonkey's Strong ArmTwo-sword StyleBoobies PlusLiving ArmorAlarmSix-sword StyleMental Attack Complete ProtectionSpider WebWire CutterFlexibleMagic Power AbsorptionRed Body TransformationFriendship Tag-team

Kazane: Display items have been added. Skill Hand and Evolution Hand's points have become visible.

Yumika;So then, what are you going to strengthen?

Kazane: Hmm. I'm thinking about using Evolution Hand on Tatsuo. Ao-san is currently on his way back to the East Dragon Village, so I'll talk with Husband about it once he gets there.

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