Magic Love Ring

Chapter 54

Chapter 54

When he and Hans were fighting, the blood rose was nearby. Then, she must know that he was shot in his right arm, but now, there is no injury on his right arm. How to explain?

if the blood rose has doubts about him, and then secretly investigate, compare his recent behavior with the past, and he will be able to guess what he has changed his fate.

Ring system is his biggest secret. Even the eldest uncle's family and Feifei won't tell them how to let a killer know.

Think of here, there is killing to condense in his body, look at the blood rose's eyes are also cold.

"You want to kill me!" Blood rose points out frankly.

Song Yan didn't speak, but his muscles were tight. He was ready to put out the blood rose at any time.

"You are afraid that I will reveal your secret, so you should kill people and kill them!" Blood rose in the "secret" on the word is very heavy.

"You are forcing me to kill you!" Song Yan's body is slightly leaning forward, and the inner strength of Dantian is flowing out, swimming all over the body.


The blood rose smiled, like a silver bell.


Song Yan murmured and his body flew out like a mirage.

Instantly resist the sofa, and point into a sword, stab blood rose throat.

The other side did not move, but in his departure, quickly said a paragraph: "I moved in Nangong Jun car."

Hear this sentence, song Yan movement a lag, fingers in front of the throat of the blood rose a centimeter stop.

At the same time, the killing machine in my heart also gradually retreated.

"Why, don't you kill me?" Asked the blood rose faintly.

Song Yan retreats to a meter away and stares at the blood rose. He guesses whether what she said is true or not, but the other side's expression is too calm. He can't see any information at all.

"No doubt, I didn't do it for you in nangongjun's car." The blood rose said again.

"What do you mean?" Song Yan asked with a frown.

"The four black bodyguards who chased me when we first met were Nangong Jun's men." Blood rose raised her eyes, stared at Song Yan's cheek and said slowly.

"Why are his bodyguards after you?"

"He took a fancy to me and wanted me to be his woman. As a result, I hurt his people. Unfortunately, he has many bodyguards to protect him and I also hurt him. Otherwise, I will kill him on the spot!" The tone of blood rose is full of murderous machine.

After analyzing the words of blood rose in his mind, song Yan thought that she should not have lied. At the beginning, he thought it was God's blessing that Nangong Jun had a car accident. Now he knows that it was blood rose that caused the car accident. So he has a lot of gratitude in his heart. If she hadn't caused the car accident and caused Nangong Jun to be seriously injured, I'm afraid Nangong Jun would be eager to launch a series of revenge on him

Thinking of this, song Yan was concerned about the situation of blood rose and asked, "what are you going to do in the future?"

"What? You're not going to kill me? " The blood rose said with a smile.

Smell speech, song Yan is a little angry, low roar way: "do you think I and your killer are cold and heartless, you moved on the Nangong junche, it is indirect to save my life, for me have the benefactor, I still can't do it!"

"Cluck, aren't you afraid I'll reveal your secret?"

Song Yan's heart tightened again, but he pretended to be calm and said: "what's the secret? I have no secret! "

A faint disdain appeared between the thin lips of the blood rose: "you are too tender to hide things. As long as someone has a look, they all know what you have gained recently or what changes have taken place. In fact, I'm curious. You've been shot in the right arm, but now you don't even have scars. Have you evolved some special ability?"

Song Yan is silent, but he has some troubles in his heart. In order to earn fame, he must keep a high profile, but too high profile will attract the attention of interested people. What should I do?

"If I'm not wrong, your ability should be able to repair the injury quickly!" Blood rose continued.

"So what?" Song inkstone.

"Cluck, it seems that you admit it. It seems that I didn't guess wrong!" Blood rose's smile is a little more cunning.

Suddenly song Yan understood that just now, the blood rose had been trying to set his own words. Thinking about this, he felt extremely angry. How could his brain be so stupid?

The voice of the blood rose rings again: "there are very few powers in the world. There are 10 billion people in the world, and there will be no more than 10000 powers on the surface. No one like you can cure the injury in a short time. If you are known by the major organizations in the world, they will be desperate to turn you into their person."

"What if I don't agree?" Song Yan is not convinced.

"No matter you agree or disagree, you are too weak now! As long as they want, there are thousands of ways to force you to join them. Of course, they may kill you directly! "

Wen Yan, song Yan's heart can't help but be shocked: "is my ability really worth doing so?""Of course." Blood rose nodded: "maybe you don't realize how powerful the ability to instantly recover the injury is. For example, there are many injured masters in the killer organization of dark world. If you have your ability, you can cure these masters in a short time, and the strength of dark world will increase greatly!"! At the same time, there are many injured experts in other organizations. If you cure them, their strength will be improved! Now you understand your importance, don't you? "

Listening to the analysis of blood rose, song Yan suddenly felt that his situation was really quite bad.

"Then what should I do?"

After a long silence, the blood rose continued: "there is no wall in the world that cannot breathe. Your powers will be exposed sooner or later. So, I advise you to prepare early. Maybe it's a good way to cover up your powers with medical skills."

Song Yan's eyes brightened.


At this time, the blood rose made a low hum, the eyebrows were tight, and her face was pale.

"What's the matter with you?" Song Yan asked with concern.

Blood rose whispered: "my injury has not been good, kill Hans, I paid no small price! So now I am injured plus injured. If you want to kill me, now is a good time! "

"I said, I'm not as ruthless as your killers!" Song Yan snorted coldly, and went to the blood rose, intending to cure her with the light of life.

"Are you going to treat me?" Blood rose looked at his weak way.

Suddenly, song Yan realizes that he seems to have been led by the blood rose by his nose all the time. His painful appearance just now is not necessarily to pretend to win his sympathy, so as to achieve the purpose of letting himself heal her.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help exclaiming, aren't beautiful women so smart?

To Fifi, so is the blood rose.

"No, I'll fight back!"

Thinking of this, song Yan's eyes fell on the two high stands of the blood rose, playing with the taste: "my ability is very special. If you want to treat the injury for you, you need to put your hands on your heart without separation. Do you want me to heal you?"

Isn't the heart in?

Think of here, blood rose not from cold eyes to song Yan, but song Yan Si is not afraid, raise eyes to meet.


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