Loyal Heart Roaming the Skies

Book 2: Chapter 26: The cause of his death

These cunning and treacherous thieves! Each one is more sinister and better at hiding than the last!

Jiang Wang cursed in his heart.

At this moment, he curled up by the side door, but his gaze was always fixed on the main hall.

So he could clearly see that the body belonging to Tian Yong on the ground stood up.

What's going on?

Playing dead?

Or another refined zombie?

But his voice was loud and full of energy.

He shouted, "The guilty must be killed, their hearts can be condemned," and the features of the corpse gradually faded away.

The stiff flesh became soft again, the dark color faded, and the blood surged back.

The heart beat, and the blood flowed.

In just the blink of an eye, Tian Yong transformed from a corpse back to the appearance Jiang Wang saw when he first entered the main hall!

Just as Tian Yong returned to his human form and spoke, the long-cloaked zombie immediately turned around and pounced at him with lightning speed, its nails growing and aiming for his head.

But Tian Yong was faster. Just as the long-cloaked zombie turned around, his hand was already pressed on Zhao Fangyuan's heavenly spirit cover.

The reason why he chose to make his move when Zhao Fangyuan controlled the zombie to kill Lian Que was to create a time difference and catch Zhao Fangyuan off guard.

The long-cloaked zombie stopped halfway.

Zhao Fangyuan looked at Tian Yong in shock. "Who else refined a corpse? No, you're not a zombie!"

He quickly realized, "The invasion of killing intent was your method, everything was your plan!"


A muffled sound.

At first, there was no abnormality in Zhao Fangyuan's head, but after a while, blood flowed from his eyes, nose, mouth, and ears.

His entire brain had been turned into pulp.

Tian Yong glanced at his hand, which had dispersed halfway through forming seals, and sneered disdainfully.

Of course, Zhao Fangyuan was good at acting, but Tian Yong was not a foolish person who underestimated the situation.

From the beginning, he faked his death.

No, he really died once.

Because if he hadn't truly died, he wouldn't have been able to deceive Ji Xiu from the Eastern King Valley, and Ji Xiu's Nine Deaths Poison wouldn't have been successful.

He used some means to truly "die" once, and then resurrected at this moment.

Because he had truly "died," the Nine Deaths Poison had no effect on him.

And the only truth was that he was the one who planted the invasion of killing intent.

As the second person to enter the Fourth Heaven Palace Dragon Palace, he had already planned his method from the beginning. He deceived Jiang Wang into searching the side hall while he secretly engraved the majority of the formations.

When all the cultivators in this Dragon Palace had gathered and it was confirmed that no one else would come, he guided everyone to search different places using the same words.

Then he returned to the main hall, completed the last stroke of the formation, and used a scream to attract everyone back to the main hall, escaping death.

His death itself was the biggest trap for Lian Que. All he had to do next was wait for the competitors in the Dragon Palace to kill each other.

While everyone was killing each other in chaos, he would "resurrect" and clean up the mess. It would be easy for him to claim victory.

This was his entire plan.

And now, he had succeeded.

Although there were some twists and turns in the process, none of the competitors in the Tianfu Secret Realm were weak.

But the final outcome was still as he had predicted.

He had almost succeeded.

The reason why it was only "almost" was because of Jiang Wang.


After killing Zhao Fangyuan, Tian Yong wasted no time. He wiped the blood from Zhao Fangyuan's face and condensed it into arrows, shooting them directly at Lian Que.

With this turn of events, the blood on Lian Que's face had already surged to his lips. But when the blood arrows attacked, he could only temporarily stop his battle with death energy and move his body slightly to avoid vital points.

The blood arrows pierced through his abdomen, and the death energy surged back to his nose.

But Lian Que didn't cry out in pain. He continued to fight against the death energy with determination.

From Ji Xiu to Zhao Fangyuan, and now Tian Yong. The battle between blood energy and death energy on his face continued to fluctuate, with each counterattack of hope immediately being interrupted.

If it were anyone else, they would probably have given up.

But Lian Que showed no signs of giving up. It was as if he didn't know what giving up meant.

And just as Tian Yong was about to strike a fatal blow, Jiang Wang leaped up like a Flood Dragon, crossing half of the main hall in an instant, and struck down with a punch.

This was completely beyond Tian Yong's imagination.

Because if Jiang Wang still had the strength to fight, why didn't he make a move during the many opportunities before?

Tian Yong, out of caution, chose to kill his opponents in order. He instinctively chose Lian Que first precisely because of his judgment of the situation.

The smarter a person is, the more they believe in themselves.

That self-confidence was accumulated through countless correct judgments and victories.

Now, that self-confidence had harmed him.

Tian Yong turned around and threw a punch, meeting fist with fist.

However, before the punch reached halfway, Jiang Wang had already transformed it into a palm. In the center of his palm, a flame blossomed.Jiang Wang, with his powerful levitation ability, hovered in mid-air, shooting out flame flowers that collided with Tian Yong's fist.


The entire fist was blasted away.

In Tian Yong's uncontrollable cry of pain, Jiang Wang's palm fell again.

Tian Yong, enduring the pain, swung his remaining left hand in retaliation.

Jiang Wang retracted his hand, avoiding the heaviest part of the punch, then reached forward again, grabbing it and twisting it in one swift motion!

Starting from the point where his fist made contact with Jiang Wang, Tian Yong's entire left arm, muscles and blood vessels, exploded in a counter-rotation.

Bones cracked.

Taking advantage of the momentum, Jiang Wang pulled him forward and delivered a knee strike.

This knee strike lifted Tian Yong's entire body, slamming him high into a pillar.

Jiang Wang fell back through the air.

Only then did Tian Yong slide down the pillar, his internal organs pulverized by the knee strike, dead beyond dead.

It was a pity that all his knowledge, the secret techniques of the Tian family, and even the means to manipulate killing intent, were all too late to be used.

In terms of full combat power, compared to Tian Yong who had paid a great price to feign death and resurrect, Jiang Wang was the one who maintained the most complete combat power in the field!

Tian Yong only misjudged one thing today, one person.

And this was the cause of his death.

Jiang Wang stood alone in the hall, at this point, all the other cultivators involved in the struggle for the Dragon Palace were dead, leaving only Lian Que struggling on the ground.

As long as he killed him, the opportunity of the Divine Mansion would be in his hands.

Killing him would be easy, he wouldn't even need to draw his sword, a single flame flower would suffice.

But Jiang Wang didn't even glance at him, instead, he began to search the hall again... not for corpses, but for clues to the divine opportunity, fearing he might have missed something.

The cultivators who participated in the Heavenly Mansion Secret Realm must have good things on them. But due to the rules of the Heavenly Mansion Secret Realm, they couldn't be used. Any relic left by a corpse could make Jiang Wang rich overnight.

But he couldn't take any of them.

Even though no one would remember anything after leaving the Heavenly Mansion Secret Realm, those "relics" were the most real evidence.

Whichever he took would mean he killed that person. No one would even give him a chance to explain.

Even though it was accepted by everyone that one could kill at will in the Heavenly Mansion Secret Realm, no one would admit it after leaving.

Because the country needs rules, humans need rules, this world needs rules.

Jiang Wang didn't make a move, but Lian Que couldn't help but speak first.

"Aren't you going to kill me?"

At this point, the death energy had been forced down to his neck, so he could probably say a few more words.

Jiang Wang was examining the pattern on a screen, trying to uncover some secret, and casually retorted, "You didn't want to kill me, why should I kill you?"

This was a very normal sentence.

But Lian Que was taken aback, then as if insulted, he shouted angrily, "At this time, in this place, stop pretending to be righteous! If you want to kill, just do it, I won't even frown. Don't use those disgusting torturous methods!"

"Disgusting torturous methods? What are you referring to?" Jiang Wang's eyes were almost glued to the dragon painting, but he still couldn't find any clues.

He continued, "Skinning? Bone extraction? Starting from the toes, slow roasting over a small fire? Planting grass in your nostrils?"

With each point he made, Lian Que's eyes widened.

Even on that ugly face, where blood and death energy were battling, a third color appeared. Pale white.

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