Loser's redo: Transmigration in a novel

Chapter 137 Rampaging Cold Energy

Next Zick spent his time trying to make Varine change her decision. Seeing it getting nowhere, he could only 'give up' and eat the food on the dining table.

He also ordered Varine to eat looking at her gawking wordlessly at him.

'The matter of Varine is taken care of, I just have to destroy the evidence which led her to find her parent's whereabouts later on.' Zick ate with a single hand, with a spoon, not caring about ethics in the least.

There were many kinds of dishes made of meat that Zick had never tasted. The beef was also especially juicy letting Zick enjoy his first dinner in a long time.

No one noticed but even now Zick was training in mana nonstop.

'By doing this I should be able to become a peak rank knight in three months.' Zick immediately cut a month from his initial estimation of four months.

Varine started eating, holding the spoon with her small hands. Actually, Butler Von drilled some lessons on how to eat after he saw her clumsy ways of eating.

"Did butler Von teach you how to begin your journey as an assassin?" Zick asked, breaking the silence.

Immediately, Varine answered him: "Yes, but...I didn't get any time to train...." Varine's voice trailed off.

"I see, that's a good thing. Try to become an assassin as soon as possible. This way you will have the strength to defend yourself." Zick nodded his head as he said with no change in expression.

Hearing this made Varine involuntarily stare at Zick.

With the help of the made-up story now, Zick could act a little more freely. It didn't look out of place for him to worry about Varine instead it just made her closer to him now.

Opening his closed eyes, Zick looked at Varine before saying: "Be ready in the morning, we will go to the clothes store." He said it looked like he didn't like something.

"Okay, sir Zick." Varine nodded her head and continued eating the food in front of her, she felt hungry as she had not eaten anything in a while.

After finishing their food, Zick booked a room for Varine and himself. Sending her off, he headed toward Seveleen's room without any hesitation.

Arriving in front of it, Zick used the key he got from the receptionist and entered it quietly.


Closing the door behind him, Zick looked at Seveleen who was sleeping soundly with hastened breathing.

He had thought about the matter of Varine for a while but it seemed like the chances of fully recruiting her would be very hard in the current situation, so-

'I just have to create a situation where she can only lean on me!' Zick's eyes narrowed with evil intentions.

Without a doubt after waking up, Seveleen would try to go look for her sister without a second thought. Though she would want to repay Zick, she knew her priorities well. Her body was slowly rotting away – finding her sister and sending her to a safe place would be her main goal now.

'But how can I let such a thing happen?' Walking in front of the bed where Seveleen was lying deep in slumber. Zick took out the poison he brought from the trading port.

The Feanert poison!

The cure for this poison is very easy to find so it was normally useless. But to Zick, it was very useful in his current situation.

'This poison would react in a certain way when it comes in contact with a person affected by the epidemic of the Hevertec kingdom.' Zick recalled from the novel.

The moment Feanert's poison enters the body of a person affected by the Revelner disease it would react violently. The affected person would lose control of the whole body, vision, the ability to smell, and almost everything.

The only thing they can do is hear, only that. This caused many people to go crazy in the novel.

'She should not break easily, with her persistence she would still not give up.' With a cold gaze, Zick slowly opened the vial.

Catching Seveleen's face with his left hand, Zick forced open her mouth slightly and poured the whole content of the vial into her mouth.

Seeing the vial had become empty, Zick put it back in the space ring and started heading out of the room with no change in his expression.

As the saying goes, adding icing on the cake cannot compare to offering help in times of need.

Troubled times and turbulence revealed people's true colors.

'She will experience many hardships from now on and I will be supporting her the whole time. This would involuntarily make her reliant on me more and more.' Zick didn't think even for a second longer to decide whether he should execute this plan or not.

So what if it was an evil action?

So what if it made her suffer through untold hardships?

If it would increase the chances of Seveleen joining his team of meatshield even by a little, Zick would have executed the plan.

'Hmph, After this, she will only have me to rely on. I should have around a week's time, I will close the distance between me and Seveleen in this time.' Resolution flashed by Zick's eyes as he reached his room on the first floor of the inn.

Entering his room, Zick sat crossed-legged on the bed and let his mind rest a little.

His regenerative powers had fallen by a lot so he felt tired and a little dazed with all the thinking he has been doing for a while.

After an hour.

Zick opened his closed eyes and found himself feeling a lot better than before.

'I should check those weird crystals now....'

Taking out the snow-white crystal, Zick looked at it intently.

The snow-white crystal was no different than a mana crystal, leaving its color and the fact that it gives out cold energy instead of pure mana.

Experimenting for a while by sending his mana into it, Zick found nothing in the end.

Putting back the snow-white crystal in the space ring.

Instead, he poured out a little of the snow-white liquid he got from the pound.

A ball of white liquid floated above Zick's palm with the help of his magic.

"Haaaa..." Zick breathed out loudly, preparing himself. 'Though there is a low chance of it strengthening me, It's still worth a try.'

With a determined look, Zick put the snow-white liquid in his mouth. In that instant, he felt like a piece of ice was placed in his mouth.

He gulped it down after a second, Zick was fully concentrating to not miss anything. The cold feeling traveled through his lungs and reached his stomach. At that moment, suddenly the concentrated cold energy dispersed slowly and started heading toward his heart.

Zick's eyes shone with joy, this feeling was the same as how it was when he used the unorthodox method on himself.

All the energy gathered in his heart, and just when Zick's heart started pumping that energy to the mana nerves, a violent change occurred.

"Kuhhhh!!!" Zick tried to suppress his scream as much as he could. His eyes turned red from pain and his face distorted.

Pain, immense pain assaulted him!

It was as if his whole body would blow up at any moment.

A layer of frost started forming on Zick's chest skin intensifying the pain.

Zick clenched his jaw tightly and checked the situation within his body. Finding out the problem, Zick was immediately filled with despair.

'I actually let greed affect my mind!' Zick regretted.

'My mana nerves are rejecting this cold energy leading it to spread all over my body. My mana characteristic and this snow-white crystal characteristic don't match at all!'

Mobilizing mana all over his body, Zick started to fight back against this cold energy but they were very persistent, encroaching on his body further. This made Zick fall deeper into despair.

Shortly, a thin layer of frost covered Zick's whole body. The pain made him feel dizzy, all the mana within his body was used up. He looked almost like an ice sculpture.

The cold energy rampaging in his body still made him feel immense pain but he couldn't scream anymore.

'Hahaha, I actually killed myself. Sigh! How lamentable, it wasn't like me to carry out such actions without thinking but it doesn't matter anymore I guess....'

Life was slowly leaving his body as all his internals froze, that was when.


Zick's heart started beating rapidly, his original black heart had a little snow-white color mixed in it now.

Slowly the cold energy released by the heart started getting absorbed by Zick's body. The rampaging energy was also absorbed slowly.

"Haaa....haaa..." Feeling the changes in his body, Zick felt some hope rise in him.

After a few hours, all the cold energy in Zick's body was absorbed.

The whole time he had been recovering his mana in case something happened.

Breaking the thin layer of frost in his body, Zick looked at the bed which was broken in two.

While feeling pain, Zick could not control his strength perfectly it seemed.

Looking at his palm, his pale skin shone in a cold glow, giving a sense of strength.

'What exactly happened?'

Just when Zick was going to check his body, another change started happening — sending waves of pain all-around his body.

Now, his mana started affecting his body, sending him to another round of refinement. He didn't feel it to be bad so he let it continue.

A turbid breath left Zick, 'That was close, If my heart had not adapted I would have died for sure.'

Zick felt afterfear.

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