Lord Shadow

Chapter 1306 A Writer Inside a White House

Chapter 1306 A Writer Inside a White House


It is a question.

It took them a few seconds to think.

A few seconds is enough for these five ancient Orvanians to do all kinds of calculation in their minds and they all sighed in unison that it echoes all over in the dark space that envelops them

'Do not investigate. In the end, it did not matter whose hand that reach out into the Time Space Tunnel. What is important that the mortal survives and thrive. Fate and destiny is not easy to be changed. Sometimes it would be a curse. But sometimes it would also be a blessing'

What he meant is understood by the other Orvanians. Azief if he knew his fate, he might be dissatisfied and wanted to change his fate.

He probably would think of his fate and his destiny as his curse and shackle.

Changing fate is hard. It is not as easy as one might think.

A fate that is created by man could be broken, but a fate that is decreed by heaven is hard to change and even harder to break

But there is also advantage of being mark by fate and destiny.

Azief would not die until the moment his role is completed. There is a need for that fate to be fulfilled and completed

This is what is called a great destiny

As such, anyone who wanted to kill him early, had to fight against fate and destiny

It is funny that sometimes fate and destiny could be your enemy, but at times it could be the staunchest ally.

Someone might have tried to make a move against Azief inside the Time Space tunnel. But even though the Time Space tunnel is cut off from many conventional law, fate and destiny still remains and this fate and destiny that binds Azief is also the one that protects him the most when his role is not yet completed.

This is the fickleness of fate and destiny.

Thus, one always said, fortune and bad luck is not easily distinguished. Sometimes a bad luck is actually fortune is disguise and vice versa.

'We all agree then not to investigate?' The other four nodded.

Then one of the Orvanians waves his hand and the crystal ball disappeared. They all blink their eyes at the same time and then they were separated by thousands of miles

'We will continue to observe and reduce contact with him. Lower his vigilance against us. It is imperative if we cooperated in good manners'

One of the Orvan then said

'I believe when he reached Sovereign level, he might be the one who would seek us. So, there is no need to be to active now. It is unfortunate that we had to scheme against him to seek the Creator.'

The other four nodded and then like they share the same though, all five of them sighed. Then once again they lazily close their eyes and the darkness that covers them become darker and deeper.

Azief might not have known that the disturbance that happens in the Time Space tunnel is observed by many people.

However, not many beings know what really happened inside it other than a few powerful being

On the other hand, sitting on the edge of the Omniversal Void, the Creator squinted His eyes and frowned

'I told him not to interfere too much in this Omniverse. Stubborn'

The Creator of course knows that Azul had interfered.

But, it is not easy to stop it. Since Azul is the only being that is stronger than Him other than His Lord

Azul is the one who realized the Path and had created a new Universe.

The last time Azul descended in this Omniverse, the entire Omniverse fate and destiny lines seems to sway.

This is a being that transcended everything.

But, he is different from His Lord.

There are many galaxies but there is only two Universe.

This depends on the definition. Before the ascension of Azul, the Universe is only one. There is nothing before it.

Even the Multiverse and the hidden dimension and all of that is under the umbrella of this Universe.

The simple definition of a Universe is all of space and time and their contents, including planets, stars, galaxies and all other forms of matter and energy.

Of course to some civilization in the Universe, if they define Universe as "all the can ever see" or space time regions that expand together" then many Universes may indeed exist under that definition

But in the eye of the Creator who created most of the living being in the Universe, knows that there is only one Universe.

Even those who hides in pocket dimensions or cut a bit of space and hidden it away, in the end, they based off it with the Laws of this Universe.

Hence, there is uncountable of galaxies in the vast span of the entire Universe but there is only one Universe that comprises of all things.

But the moment Azul ascended, His form of being changed, transcending everything and so He cuts a Void. This is different from the Void that sometimes appeared between the chasm of galaxies.

This is a Void that could not be crossed because the Laws and energy beyond that Void is entirely different.

A New Universe emerged. This Universe is not part of this Universe at all and different and separate.

If Azul did not allow anyone to come, no one would be able to come. Unless of course if His Lord wanted to move, then His Lord could come because they are of the same level

But if not, nobody could cross that chasm.

The Universe that the Creator has been looking out for had evolved to an Omniverse. In the beginning there is no Multiverse. But Sithulran was stubborn and touch what should not be touched and see what should not be seen and so the infinite universes exist inside the contains of laws and rule of this Universe.

Then there is also the Savi'krian race whose speed and ability split time and space, creating many separate dimensions and pocket dimension once again splitting more and more spaces of the Universe.

And encompassing all of this the simple Universe become even more colorful, become an Omniverse.

He could only sigh. he did not even have the chance to stop it and before He knows it Azul golden air of fortune and luck had crossed the dimensions and the Omniversal lines and even enter the Time Space tunnel.

He could not stop it but he also did not go toward that gate. There is no need to. Azul knows what he should and should not do.

He only looks toward that endless Void, his eyes is looking far away. For a moment, His eyes are shining bright, the heat from his eyes burns the space around Him.

And then he sighed. His sigh fills the entire Void and breaks the vacuum space. Then he averts his gaze.

He also has many things to do. He might not have to scheme as hard as the Five ancient Orvanians, but He also has His plans.

The Karma between Him and Azief is not yet written off. Arial, this incarnation of Him still owes a lot.

And Karma that has been owed, needs to be repaid.

'Maybe, from the very beginning, all of this has always been under His calculation' he thought and he smiles. Then thinking of this, He disappeared from his sitting place.

This disturbance that create ripples all over the Omniverse of course alerted some beings. And it alerted a certain being

Somewhere inside a garden, there is a white house surrounded by flowers and trees.

The flowers are all beautiful and many of them are unique. There are some that are commonly seen, and some is too weird to even describe.

The floral scent fills the garden, each scent seems to be able to revitalize the spirit and calm the mind.

And as for the trees, there are some trees that are tall and lush and some are withered and dying. Each tree has its leaves, and each leaf seems to contain breath of creation.

In such a vast garden, with so many trees and flowers, there is a Gardener. The Gardener did not seem to notice the disturbance.

Maybe, he would have noticed if he pays attention to it.

But the gardener has no such desire to take notice of everything. Instead he is busily pruning and cutting the trees and the flowers.

Sometimes he would spread out some fertilizer on the wilted and dying tree, hoping some miracles would rejuvenate the trees.

In other places, miracles are hard to happen.

But in this garden, there is no lack of miracles at all.

On the hill near the garden, there is a hill.

And on the back of the hill, there is a scholar reading a book with one hand holding a book the other holding a cup of tea.

He too did not notice as he is too engrossed in reading the book. And then there is a white house, near the garden

There are many rooms in that white house. And in one of that room, there is someone writing a story with a typewriter.

When Azul send the golden mist, he stopped writing. He looks at the typewriter like he was thinking of what he wanted to write

His gaze looks toward the window.

The window if one did not look carefully might look like a normal window.

But if one has some method of eye technique, one could see that on the window is the map of the Universe.

Everything could be seen.

'Hmm' The one writing the story seems to say. There are rarely any words coming out of His mouth.

Then there is a sigh

There is only a long sigh that could be heard all across the large garden. Then after a while, the sound of the typewriter could be heard again

All over the Omniverse, there is a reverberation that is causing waves towards fate and destiny. A storm had been created by the wings of a small butterfly.


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