Lord Shadow

Chapter 1591 New Deduction

Chapter 1591 New Deduction

Azief observed an intense celestial battle waged on a scale that transcended imagination.

"This time, I could see it in detail" the last time it was like seeing a fast-forwarded movie. But this time, he seems to be able to see it in more detailed, seeing the struggles and the strength of both of these alien civilizations 

  One Etherna, surrounded by a pulsating aura of divine fire, obliterated a colossal spaceship with a single, earth-shaking punch. 

Primordial fires burns the stars, moon and sun, engulfing them like a wolf swallowing the world

The ship, the size of a hundred Earths, disintegrated into a cloud of fragmented debris and molten metal as the fiery shockwave engulfed it.

Amid this epic clash, the Etherna race is showing unimaginable might and diverse abilities displayed their immense powers. 

"before, they were unimaginable" Azief chuckles and then mutters

"But, now they are not" Before when Azief saw it, all he could see was the scene of destruction

But he did not understand how such force is generated. However, now he understood

And understanding it means things that is unimaginable has now become something that could be imagined.

And things that could be imagined could be realized

As long as there is a will and desire, every imagination could be realized. 

Azief might not be able to unleash the kind of force that the Eterna unleash, but he is now polishing his method. 

Why uses spells and words and runes when one punch could determine the world?

Azief relished in the destruction. Not because he is some psychopath that likes to watch death and destruction but because all of this has already happened. 

He could not change it and there is nothing he could do. 

All he could do right now is to seize the opportunity he has right now, learn something, gain something and turns this experience into a part of his strength

He sees Etherna methods of fighting and he could not help but feel absurd and ridiculous.

"How could I imitate this kind of fighting?" he asked himself. 

They are basically violent method of fighting. One of them even intentionally bump his body against a planet to move it out of orbits. Some even uses moon like a volleyball., throwing it out into the sun, creating a massive explosion that rocks space time and created a hole in the fabric of reality.

Some destruction even created a singularity point. 

Time, space, all of this is like a plaything, like a paper being moulded according to the will of these Etherna.

He saw an Etherna unleashing cosmic forces that shaped and shattered entire universes, wreaking havoc on the fabric of reality. 

The cosmic space and time itself twisted and contorted as they exerted their energies.

the laws of physics and reality as Azief knew them were mere playthings, their boundaries stretched and bent to the breaking point. 

All around there is a maelstrom of cataclysmic storms of elements and laws of the world, tangled and untangling

Each clashes released torrents of divine energies that rippled through the Supreme Dimension, creating destruction on an unparalleled scale.

"Most of this I have seen it before. But not this detailed." he mutters to himself.

Azief gaze shifted to the opposing civilization, and he recognized the massive star formation they had created. 

Azief once again saw that star formation. 

Before this, he has seen this star formation before when he was transported to this memory.

Seeing it once again, he must admit that it is a sight to behold

This formation of stars is a colossal arrangement of millions of stars interconnected to form a single, intricate network. 

This star formation tapped into the vast energies from countless parallel realities and dimensions, its high capacity slowly tearing through the very fabric of reality.

The star formation emitted a radiant, multi-coloured glow, with beams of energy streaming across the universe. 

These beams of power connected the stars like a complex celestial circuit. 

It was clear that the civilization controlling this formation possessed immense knowledge and power in both magic and mechanical technology

Before, when Azief saw this what he felt was only awe and terror. 

But now, as he watches the same scenery, the same memory, he no longer feels that awe. Instead, what he is feeling right now, is only wonderment…if that is the right word. 

The memory had once filled him with awe and terror, but now he felt different. 

Back then, he was weaker and less knowledgeable. 

This time, his increased understanding allowed him to see things he hadn't noticed before.

He focused on the star formation, trying to commit its details to memory. 

His enhanced senses allowed him to perceive nuances in the energy flows, the specific arrangement of stars, and the intricate patterns within the formation. 

Before, the shock factor was enough to make him unable to see through the intricacies of the vision of this memory. 

This time however, he believes he could learn something and gain something from watching these memories.

Azief is determined to make the most of this opportunity to learn from the memory. 

As he observed the star formation and the energies flowing through it, he carefully memorized the positions of the stars and their intricate patterns. 

He knew that this information could hold the key to understanding this powerful formation.

His focus then shifted to the cannon that was targeting the Etherna. He examined its design, energy source, and the principles behind its operation. 

Pure destructive power gathered on the cannon and it focused on the legions of Etherna. Azief frowns. 

Not because of the power of the cannon but as he tries to try to see from what kind of material that these beings constructed those cannons and he found out he could not really point out what kind of materials is being used to construct these cannons.

Before he did not notice it but now as he shift through all of those shocking scenery, he looks and focused on the cannon and he could see something else

it is a masterpiece of runic engineering and protective formations. 

That is the best way Azief could describe it

The cannon bristled with runes and complex patterns, intricately intertwined like a web of interlocking threads, forming an elaborate binding symbol.

Azief marvelled at the craftsmanship, appreciating the level of sophistication these beings had achieved in their technology. 

The fact that they could stand their ground against the Etherna, even if briefly, was a testament to their resilience and ingenuity.

Though he knew the ultimate outcome of this battle, Azief couldn't help but respect the remarkable efforts of these civilizations in the face of such overwhelming adversity

That alone is a feat worth applauding



Just the sound of charging these cannons seems to break space around it. 

The cannons hummed with power, their charging process resonating through the void of space, disrupting the fabric of the universe itself. 

The asteroid belts in proximity to the cannons were absorbed by them, possibly transforming into a potent energy source.

Amid the growing tension, one of the beings on the ship let out a resounding shout. 

The force of his voice broke the eerie silence of the vacuum, and at that moment, the cannons unleashed their destructive energy in a fiery burst. 

The onslaught was unleashed upon the approaching Etherna. 

As the catastrophic explosions unfolded before him, Azief, ever cautious, closed his eyes to shield himself from the blinding brilliance of the detonation. 

Yet, even with his eyes tightly shut, he couldn't escape the force of the shockwave.

His ethereal form, which is still not entirely solid, acted like a wisp of wind, and he found himself being blown backward through the cosmic landscape. 

It was an experience devoid of pain, more akin to an otherworldly gust carrying him away. The remnants of the ether danced around him as he floated through the aftermath of the titanic clash.

As he opened his eyes once more, Azief couldn't help but sigh. 

The devastation left in the wake of the cannon's discharge was a sight to behold. It had annihilated everything in its path with ruthless efficiency

And then Azief once again saw the enraged Etherna. 



The enraged Etherna embarked on a ruthless rampage, delivering devastating blows to the stars, moons, and suns of the galactic system. 

Their destructive frenzy seemed unquenchable as they obliterated everything in their path, leaving the galactic system in ruins. 

The civilization that had dared to challenge them is mercilessly slaughtered by the Etherna. It was a horrifying spectacle of unbridled destruction and chaos.

The Etherna, in their insatiable rampage, also drained the very essence of the planets in the Supreme Universe, leaving a barren and desolate wasteland in their wake. 

Their actions left no room for life or hope in the once-thriving galactic system. 

"I see more this time" he mutters to himself. 

The last time he saw this, he could only see a glimpse of this act of destruction. 

But now, as long as he focusses, he could see the destruction wrought by the Ethernian all over this universe. 

"Before I could not see the complete memory of this battle. But this time…. This time….it is different" 

By now, Azief is quite sure of his deduction. 

The rings are inextricably linked with the Etherna. And the clues he had before...all of them is being assembled in his mind right now.

But he could not yet think of the candidate of the true owner of these rings. 

It is hard to think carefully when all around you, all you could see is destruction. 


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