Lord Shadow

Chapter 1547 When Deities Get Angry

Alexei takes a step forward, emerging from the grand entrance of his residence, a vast expanse of architectural beauty that has been expanded and enhanced after the Multiversal Convergence. 

With its imposing walls enclosing around 1,18,000 square feet of land, the residence stands as a testament to opulence and magnificence.

Those who had gone inside would see a labyrinth of rooms unfolds, each exquisitely adorned with intricate designs and luxurious furnishings. 

The architecture draws inspiration from the splendour of the Safra Mansion in Sao Paulo, evoking a sense of timeless elegance and sophistication. 

High ceilings with ornate chandeliers cast a warm glow upon the polished marble floors, adding a touch of grandeur to the living spaces.

Venturing further, one is met with breath-taking gardens that stretch as far as the eye can see. 

Manicured lawns, adorned with vibrant blooms of various colours, lead the way to hidden alcoves and serene sitting areas. 

The gardens are carefully landscaped with winding pathways, guiding visitors through picturesque scenery, reminiscent of a paradise on Earth.

As Alexei strolls through the estate, he passes by man-made lakes that mirror the tranquil beauty of the surrounding landscape. 

Crystal-clear waters reflect the azure skies above, creating an illusion of a serene watercolour painting come to life. 

Bridges arch gracefully over the lakes, connecting to hidden pavilions where one can bask in the serenity of nature.

The bathrooms, too, boast a touch of lavishness. 

Designed with modern comforts and sophistication, they feature intricately designed tiles and fixtures, each space a private oasis of relaxation and indulgence. 

Bathtubs carved from the finest stone and adorned with golden faucets await, inviting one to immerse in a world of luxury.

Throughout the villa, the fusion of timeless aesthetics with modern amenities creates an ambiance that is both grand and inviting. 

Each corner of the residence is thoughtfully designed, from the living spaces that exude elegance to the gardens that showcase the beauty of nature.

As Alexei walks through the grounds, the splendour of his residence unfolds before him.

"It is quite a good life that I have here." Then he sighed before he mutter

"I am really reluctant to leave it all behind" he sighed and paused for a second

"I am really reluctant" he repeated and there seems to be some kind of determination in his voice right now

Amidst the opulence of his Senatorial life, Alexei found himself devoid of any desire to indulge in the luxuries of his grand residence. 

His gaze was drawn to the distance, fixating on the sight of a chilling mist rising from the mountain of ice that loomed behind the Senate building.

Katarina is back.

The realization struck him like a winter gust, stirring a mix of emotions within him. 

Though he had witnessed her arrival before, the impact of her presence remained just as profound. 

She is the Ice Queen, capable of commanding the elements with her otherworldly powers, and her return heralded a time of trepidation and uncertainty for the city of Moscow.

The sight of the cold mist ascending to the heavens was a haunting reminder of her formidable abilities. 

As the chill permeated the air, it seemed to seep into the very soul of the city, freezing the spirits of its inhabitants.

Since her arrival, an otherworldly coldness has permeated the skies, altering the very fabric of Moscow's climate.

  Despite the season being summer, the heavens weep frigid tears, and the city is blanketed in a surreal winter wonderland.

As he gazes upon the icy peaks, Alexei can feel the weight of Katarina's anger reverberating through the air. 

"Other people get angry, and only those who are involved suffer the wrath. But when she is angry, the entire city of Moscow suffers" he sighed

Her presence commands the elements, and her emotions manifest in the changing weather, as if the very cosmos bend to her will. 

The city is at the mercy of her wrath, and the weather is but a reflection of the turmoil within her.

Moscow, typically a bustling metropolis, now finds itself shrouded in cold mist and swirling snowflakes, the warm embrace of summer replaced by a frigid tundra. 

The once-familiar cityscape is transformed into an ethereal realm, as if pulled from a winter's tale.

Amidst the supposed warmth of summer, Moscow found itself entangled in an enigmatic and chilling phenomenon. 

The skies were shrouded in heavy clouds, and when the heavens wept, it was not rain that fell but stones of ice. 

The city is sometimes besieged by a winter-like deluge, its streets and buildings blanketed in a layer of snow.

In the midst of this baffling occurrence, Alexei let out a sigh

Why did the heavens unleash icy stones upon the city? Why did the temperature plummet to depths reminiscent of the frigid Siberian tundra during the season of summer?

The answer is simple. And everyone in the Republic knew the answer. From the senator to the people of Moscow. 

That one in the Ice Palace is protesting. She did not use words, and she did not go to the Senate to air her grievances or ask for the support of the Senate.

Instead, she sat on her throne, in her Ice Palace and get angry. 

And when she gets angry, the sky answers. The Heaven listens. And so, snow falls and the world become colder. 

The consequences was that now Moscow is draped in an unrelenting winter, as if her anger had cast a frosty pall over the city. 

The cold winds of her wrath swept through the streets, leaving no corner untouched.

And yet, no one dared to approach her with appeasement or placation. 

Because there is a red sword before the steps of the ice staircase leading to her Ice Palace

She had struck that red sword in front of the staircase of her Ice palace when she returned to Moscow. Then without saying a  word, she enters the ice Palace and close its gate

The sight of the red sword standing before her Ice Palace struck fear into the hearts of all who beheld it. 

The mere thought of crossing her path was enough to send shivers down their spines, for they knew that any attempt to pacify her might lead to a swift and deadly end.

The red sword, a symbol of her wrath and power, stood as a menacing sentinel, warning all who ventured close that their lives hung in the balance. 

The chilling sight of its crimson hue against the backdrop of the pristine white snow sent a stark message to anyone who contemplated approaching the Ice Queen.

Everyone could tell the unspoken message. 

Do not come unless you are ready to die. The only way to come inside that Ice palace and not get beheaded is to come with good news

Her fury is palpable, and the fear that red sword evoked is an intangible force that permeated the air around her Ice Palace.

The atmosphere itself seemed to tremble in the face of her anger, and the very ground quivered beneath her icy gaze.

In the face of such display of unyielding attitude, the Senators of the Senate kept their distance, wisely choosing not to provoke the wrath of the Ice Queen.

  They understood that any attempt to calm her emotions might only stoke the fires of her rage further, leading to dire consequences.

Thus, they remained cautious and wary, allowing her emotions to run their course without interference. 

"The more they are like this, the more influence she would gather" he sighed and shakes his head. 

Alexei had made up his mind - he would not wade into the dirty business of choosing sides in the power struggle between Katarina and the Senators. 

His true intention was not to support either faction; he wanted to remain neutral and steer clear of the political machinations that threatened to consume the Senate.

"Haish" he sighed

Instead of attending the Senate sessions and getting entangled in the web of schemes and plots, Alexei chose to stay within the sanctuary of his grand residence. 

The vast estate, with its luxurious palaces, research labs, and picturesque gardens, provided him with a refuge from the chaotic world outside.

When the time came for the Senators to convene, Alexei sent his secretary to deliver a message. 

The pretext was that he was unwell, using political language to say, "I'm not going to weigh in on this matter, so I am going to stay out of it." 

It was a carefully crafted move, signalling to his colleagues that he would not be taking sides in the power struggle.

Some may interpret his absence as a sign of weakness or indecisiveness, but Alexei knew that this was the best course of action for him. 

He did not want to be drawn into the divisive politics that threatened to tear the Senate apart. 

His decision to remain neutral was a calculated move, allowing him to maintain his independence and protect his own interests.

he knew that sometimes, inaction could be the most strategic move of all, allowing him to navigate the treacherous waters of politics without getting entangled in the dangerous currents.

In any other situation, doing such things would make him isolated. And nothing is more career damaging in the state of politics than being isolated by your own colleague. 

But this is desperate times and the measures that he had to take changes according to the situation. 

He also did not try to curry favor with the Ice Queen. 

"That is the most complicated woman in the Senate" She is not complicated because she engages in political play. If she is the kind of person that engages in politics and do political maneuvers, then Alexei would not be that wary or afraid

But Katarina has always been the kind of person who did not play according to the rules. In this way, she is quite similar to how Death Monarch acted


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