Lord Shadow

Chapter 1534 Seven Warlords of Delphi

Chapter 1534  Seven Warlords of Delphi

Standing beside Andreas is a man in his thirties.

This is Nikos the mediator of the seven. The Seven Warlords of Delphi all have their own charms but they also have their own quirks.

With all of them having strong personality, someone like Nikos is needed.

Nikos epitomizes elegance and sophistication. His chiselled features and meticulously styled dark hair enhance his refined appearance.

Nikos's expressive hazel eyes radiate a combination of intelligence and charisma, captivating those around him.

Possessing an innate charm, he effortlessly navigates social settings with tact and grace, always choosing his words carefully to sway opinion and inspire confidence.

He is also quite the playboy. But unlike some savage people, whne he charm woman, he make sure that they are willing.

And he is always very gentle with the opposite sex. An elegant and man with a manner would always attract people.

Nikos armour exuded elegance and sophistication. Crafted from interlocking steel plates, his armour provided both protection and flexibility.

Its surface was intricately etched with runic patterns.

A leather-clad cuirass displayed the emblem of his city and now his family

A crested helm with a visor partially concealing his features added an air of mystery to his countenance.

He looks at Andreas and he heard what he said

He looks at the submarine and sighed

" You know I wonder why she care that much about Antonius. You know, compared to hi-"

"You are still sulking that she did not like you? Did you really think you could court her?" A young voice cut his words

Nikos look beside him and he just chuckles

"Dimitris, you are a kid. You know nothing about the complicated affairs of men and women" and he chuckles again.

And Dimitris snorted in dissatisfaction.

This is the youngest member of the group, Dimitris, in his twenties, carries an infectious energy and enthusiasm.

His tousled, chestnut-brown hair and warm, playful eyes mirror his vibrant personality and adventurous spirit.

Dimitris exudes a magnetic aura, his contagious laughter creating a joyful atmosphere. Out of the seven men, all of the other adore him, like he was their little brother

Despite his youth, he possesses a sharp intellect and a thirst for knowledge, embracing challenges with an unwavering determination.

But he also very rash sometimes. At times he could be very passionate. The kind of man that sometimes could be overwhelmed by his emotions.

Though, that is youth.

Dimitris wore a suit of armour that showcased his agility and grace. Crafted from overlapping leather scales, his armor offered exceptional manoeuvrability while maintaining a formidable defense.

 The deep blue colour of the scales complemented his piercing gaze, enhancing his enigmatic presence.

A lightweight plumed helmet adorned with an owl motif symbolized his keen intellect and strategic prowess.

Beside Dimitris, is a tall man. He heard everything that they've been saying but he did not offer nay thoughts and simply waited silently.

This is Stavros.

A middle-aged man of imposing stature Stavros emanates a quiet strength. His rugged features are accentuated by a well-groomed salt-and-pepper beard, adding an air of wisdom and authority.

With piercing sapphire eyes that keenly observe his surroundings, Stavros possesses a discerning nature and an unwavering commitment to justice.

He speaks with a firm yet soothing voice, his words carrying the weight of experience and empathy. He is the second commanding voice among the seven after Andreas

Stavros wore a suit of armor that showcased his formidable strength. Forged from burnished iron, it boasted a muscular silhouette, enhancing his robust physique.

The engraved motifs depicted scenes of mighty warriors and ferocious beasts, paying homage to his warrior spirit.

A crimson cape, lined with gold trim, draped from his broad shoulders, a symbol of his unyielding courage. His helmet, adorned with fearsome crests, exuded an aura of intimidation.

Standing beside Stavros is Thanos

He also has his own personality. Compared to the other, he is full of grace and sophistication

 Thanos captivates people with his polished appearance and refined demeanour.

His impeccably styled dark hair and striking emerald-green eyes reflect an air of mystery and depth.

 Thanos like all the other six possesses a magnetic presence, effortlessly commanding attention and respect.

His eloquence and profound understanding of diplomacy make him an invaluable asset in navigating complex social dynamics and he is usually the spokesperson of the seven

There is a joke among them that Thanos is the diplomat. Though, he very much hated it when people mention that there is a character named Thanos in Marvel comics

Thanos armor exuded a sense of grandeur and regality.

Fashioned from polished silver, it reflected the sunlight, radiating a dazzling gleam. The intricately engraved motifs depicted tales of heroism and valour, accentuating his noble lineage.

A crimson silk tunic, emblazoned with the emblem of his family, added a vibrant splash of colour.

His helm, adorned with a majestic plume, evoked the image of an ancient Greek deity, lending him an aura of divine authority.

[in Lord Shadow, the meteor fall happens before the Marvel Cinematic Universe take off. So, in this world, Thanos is not as popular is in our world. Just a TMI]

He seems to be thinking.

And then….Then there is Barnabas

Barnabas carries an air of quiet strength that distinguishes him from the rest of the group.

A middle-aged man, his rugged charm and weathered features tell tales of battles fought and won.

Barnabas donned a suit of battle-worn armor, weathered by countless encounters.

His bronze breastplate bore the scars of past conflicts.

The patina of age added an aura of wisdom and experience to his attire.

A simple leather cape draped his shoulders. His helmet, plain and unadorned, covered his bald head, giving him an austere and resolute appearance.

His bald head, devoid of hair, showcases the marks of experience and sacrifice, adding to his stoic appearance.

At least that is what he told people.

But from what some people knows, he had bald spot and so, he simply shave all of his head

Though no one really dares speaks of that in front of him. And he would lose it if one mock his bald head. That is a very sensitive matter for him.

After all, the way he loses his hair is very unusual. Most people with the power that he reached, growing hair would not be so hard.

But because of the unusual nature of how he loses his hair, Barnabas remains bald. Barnabas possesses a deep, penetrating gaze.

wisdom and an unwavering loyalty that runs deep within his character.

His piercing blue eyes hold a hint of sadness, a testament to the burdens he has carried.

Though Dimitris believes that the sadness and burdens is basically just him lamenting his lost hair

Yes, Dimitris like to make fun of Barnabas

Despite his reserved nature, Barnabas possesses a profound wisdom and an unwavering loyalty that runs deep within his character.

Although Barnabas is the quietest among the seven, his silence is not one of indifference but rather of measured thoughtfulness.

He is a man of few words, preferring to listen and observe with a discerning eye. When he speaks, his voice carries a quiet intensity, commanding attention and respect.

Behind his calm and composed exterior lies a heart filled with compassion and empathy. Barnabas is known for his acts of selflessness, always ready to lend a helping hand to those in need.

He is a trusted confidant, offering solace and guidance to his comrades during moments of doubt or turmoil, possessing an unwavering dedication to his convictions, upholding principles of honour, integrity, and justice.

He is a steadfast ally, always reliable in times of adversity.

Although his presence may be unassuming, his unwavering commitment and innate sense of duty make him an indispensable member of the group.

In the midst of chaos and noise, Barnabas's quiet strength serves as a calming anchor, providing stability and wisdom to his companions.

But…..he is bald.

And the six of them would never let him forget about that

And there is Alexius.

Alexius possesses an enigmatic aura, his presence commanding attention wherever he goes. With dark, flowing locks and piercing, intense amethyst eyes, he holds an air of mystery and intrigue.

Alexius possesses an acute intuition and a deep understanding of the human psyche. His calm and measured demeanour conceals an intense intellect and foresight, making him a trusted advisor and confidant.

Looking at his armour, Alexios armour exuded a sense of mystical allure.

Crafted from darkened steel, it bore intricate runes and symbols that whispered of ancient magic.

The armor design incorporated flowing lines, reminiscent of the mythological creatures of Greek folklore.

A deep purple cloak, embroidered with celestial patterns, billowed behind him, hinting at his connection to otherworldly forces.

His helmet, adorned with intricate engravings, concealed his features, adding an air of mystery to his presence.

Not many people knows the past of Alexius. Some people said that before the Fall, he was a psychologist. Some said he works with the army. Some said he is a doctor.

But out of the seven, he is the most stable. Just by looking at them one could tell that they are unusual people.

Each of them donned armor that evoked the spirit of ancient warriors.

For those who were living under Pandemonium, Lotus Order, Order of Thinkers and League of Freedom, they did not know much about these seven people and why they wear this kind of armour

But for those world power near Greece, they at least knows why they wore such an armour.

All of the armours could be considered a mystical artifact.

Their attires were meticulously crafted, blending tradition and modern design to create a visually striking ensemble.

These seven people rarely shows up for anyone.

But they got up today, and goes to Santorini, leaving their palaces and castles and came here to wait on one person.

They look at the submarine and they did not know how to feel about this submarine now. They were the ones that gives the resources to create this submarine.

These individuals were aware of its significance and the attention this submarine had garnered across the globe from the moment it appeared in the world stage

"It is good that today the whole world is still looking at the Turbulent Sea. Even the Order of Thinkers is probably still paying attention on Arturia. It would be better if today meeting is not known by any forces" Alexius said

But Thanos shakes his head

"Sooner or later, one of the world powers would know"

Alexius sighed. He knows but it is not wrong for him to hope. Greece is at a crossroads. And the way forward seems dark.

And they did not want to grope their way forward.


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