Lord Shadow

Chapter 1532 Changes in Geopolitics

Chapter 1532  Changes in Geopolitics

Azief continued his words

"In any other low-level worlds, a Divine Comprehension leveler could already be considered a God. We could move mountain as easy as waving our hands. We could teleport wherever we wanted. We could stop time and change destiny and fate as we wished"

What Azief is mentioning is something that is very possible.

In high level world like Earth right now, it is harder to do the things that he had mentioned.

But this is simply because this world has its own laws and with mystical energies infused into its will, the world and the heavenly will forms a policing system, limiting the damage that one could inflict to the world

The laws itself become even more powerful and harder to manipulate.

Unlike before, where the Heavenly Will was weak and there is loophole you could use to manipulate the laws of the world.

In any other worlds, Azief could wave his hand and the entire world would collapse if he wanted to destroy it.

In the vast Universe a Divine Comprehension leveler is already a kind of being that could traverse the stars and live independently from their home planets.

One could even create a force in the Universe

If Azief wanted he could leave planet Earth and could still survive for tens of thousands of years or maybe even hundreds of thousands of years.

And outside of Earth his life limit might reach millions of years

On Earth however, there is many restrictions and the damage that one inflicted to the world is minimized because of the Heavenly Will

But the reason they stay is simply because there is probably no other world that have this much concentration of energy in the entire Universe.

Azief know this better than anyone.

In the Three Thousand Worlds for example, when the earliest batch of mystical beings have comprehended their path and become godlike, they exhausted the energy of Heaven and Earth.

It is called the Path Ending Era.

Because even if you find your path, since there is no mystical energy, you could not go further.

And to replenish such energy it would take hundreds of thousands of years if not millions or even billions of years.

This energy is called the Source of the Universe.

There is as many names as the stars to refer this power that grants living beings great power

But on earth, while this energy would be exhausted after some time, like it did when Azief break through to Disk Formation before, unlike waiting for thousands of years or even million of years, they only need to wait for a few years or decade.

The All Source that is present on Earth quickly replenish this source of energy that come from the very beginning of everything.

And with the Multiversal Convergence acting like a charger to the Transcendence. Hikigaya ponder all of this.

There was another moment of silence.

All Source, after the Multiversal Convergence, Disk Formation leveler rose up like mushroom after a rain.

Earth is the perfect place for them to reach the path to Transcendence. Hikigaya ponder all of this.

There was another moment of silence.

And that moment of silence keep stretching on and then both of them seems to know that there is nothing more to talk about.

Hikigaya get up from his seat and bow slightly to him

"Thank you" he said and Azief only shakes his head.

He excused himself and then turns into a mirage before completely disappear from the room.

Azief sighed as he leans his back on his chair and close his eyes for a few second before opening it back up. He took a deep breath, in and out.

He never needed to do this as he could breathe in other ways as he is a being of pure energy right now.

But he likes doing it, feeling like he is still a human being.

Normally, Azief would be occupied with numerous tasks and responsibilities, seldom finding time for himself.

However, on this particular day, exhaustion weighed upon him.

His mind felt tired.

He has been thinking so many things. As for his conversation with Hikigaya, it did not tire him. Instead, it felt like he was imbued with energy when he was speaking with Hikigaya before

"Am I still too rushed?" he mutters to himself. Maybe that is why he felt tired.

He wanted to quickly try to reach Essence Creation. He had failed once before, but he is confident that now, without any rush, he could break through

The last time he tried, he was in a hurry. He felt like he had to break through to Essene Creation else, he could not save Katarina.

But now that Katarina is safe, the world is peaceful again, no external threat whatsoever, Azief thinks he could now try to break through again

"It will be my second time" he muttered to himself. He chuckles to himself like he found something funny

Even though he failed last time, he did not find that memory to be particularly painful for him.

 Instead, he is very grateful that he did fail.

From the beginning, he rarely fails when trying to breakthrough and because he is also walking in the Perfection Path, there is this feeling that he would not fail

Even though he tried not to think that it is hard not to have such though when you have never failed before

Each success lends more weight to this belief. So, to him, it is good that he had failed

It tempered some of his arrogance.

Azief lean on his seat and closes his eyes, humming some familiar tunes and just let his mind blank out for a few moments.

Time passes and then he opens his eyes

"Boris Problem" he suddenly muttered like he just remembers it

While Azief and Hikigaya enjoyed their leisurely conversations, delving into matters that concerned their own hearts and the broader world, the rest of the world grappled with the aftermath of the war.

Their privileged positions allowed them a certain detachment from the immediate concerns faced by the common people.

Not many is as leisurely as Death Monarch and Hikigaya who could speak to each other like there is nothing wrong in the world

They sit at a different place and the problem they think about is a different problem than what they the common people think about.

Amidst this backdrop, on the coast of what was once known as Santorini in Greece, a submarine emerged, casting a shadow over the local inhabitants.

The emergence of the submarine off the coast of Santorini did not elicit widespread shock and surprise.

This was not the Santorini of old, for the Multiversal Convergence had transformed the landscape of the world.

Once a small island, Santorini had now grown into a vast continent due to the expansion of the Earth itself.

The specific area where the submarine appeared was devoid of human inhabitants, serving primarily as a port.

In the vicinity, work camps were established, bustling with activity as androids tirelessly carried out their assigned tasks.

They cleared away dense forests, erected structures, and prepared the area for potential developments.

To those who knows the politics of Greece they would know that the area of Greece is controlled by the Seven Warlords of Delphi.

As Greece's proximity to Republic-controlled territories made it a strategic addition, the nation was invited to join the Republic, offering them the opportunity to become Senators and operate within the Republic's framework.

However, the Republic was not the sole entity vying for Greece's allegiance.

The World Government, primarily based in North America, also sought to extend its influence across the globe.

Prior to the formation of the Seven Great Powers, there were only two major powers: the Revolutionary Army, which later evolved into the Republic, and the World Government.

During that time, the World Government's influence was pervasive, establishing bases in Africa, operating black sites in South America, manipulating proxy governments in Europe to contain the Revolutionary Army, and extending their reach into Asia.

Of course, when Death Monarch partitioned the world into seven blocs of power, President Hirate of the World Government had chosen to avoid the sharp edge of Death Monarch and accept the proposal

At that time, he had made a calculated decision to avoid direct confrontation with Death Monarch, instead choosing to accept his partitioning proposal.

This resulted in a delicate balance of power in the world, with the Seven Great Powers entrusted with governing the seven continents.

Each power bloc had its own sphere of influence and responsibilities, ensuring a semblance of order and stability.

 The intricate geopolitical dynamics among the Seven Great Powers dictated global affairs

In the complex world of international relations, it would be unrealistic to assume that all world powers would maintain peaceful interactions.

Not to mention that all of these world powers have rivalry with each other and even personal stake involved.

Espionage is a common practice employed by various world powers, including the Republic and the World Government, as they seek to gather information and gain an advantage over their rivals.

The Seven Warlords of Delphi have managed to maintain their independence despite the pressures to align with either the Republic or the World Government.

Over time, however, the pressure to conform and submit to one of these powers has likely intensified.

Many people question why the warlords have not chosen to align themselves with one of the major powers, but only they can provide the true answer to this question.

The ongoing development in Santorini and the rumours of a potential alliance with Japan indicate that the Seven Warlords of Delphi may have reasons to be optimistic and unconcerned about aligning with the existing world powers.

 The emergence of Japan as a free nation after seceding from the World Government, coupled with the presence of Hikigaya, one of the three Divine Comprehension levelers, as their protector, has elevated Japan's status and made it a formidable force in its own right.

With Hikigaya safeguarding the Empire of Japan, both the Republic and the World Government would need to carefully consider any actions they might take against Greece.

While there is no official news of an alliance between Greece and Japan, the mere mention of such a possibility has sent shockwaves throughout the world powers.

The implications of such an alliance are significant and would undoubtedly reshape the global balance of power.

The question arises: who would broker this potential alliance?

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