Lord Shadow

Chapter 1519 A Mischievous Smile

'You're not making any moves? That would be too wasteful, don't you think? You are already here; you should make your move'

Yewa Hafar chuckles. 

'Is that anxiety I trace, Loki?'

Yewa Hafar smiles widely. And Loki frowned. He felt that something is wrong. 

'Something is really wrong' he muttered. He doesn't know what he overlooked, but it almost seems like Yewa Hafar already has executed his plans. 

He had no evidence to this. He just felt like it.

He closes his eyes, trying to think of something, of anything, of things he might miss. Yewa Hafar saw Loki closing his eyes. 

Right now, Loki is concentrating all of his mind power in reviewing his moves. Right now, if Yewa Hafar wanted to run away from this ship and do something, he could

But Yewa Hafar stay there on the ship, smiling, letting the harsh wind of the ocean flaps on his robe

There is a confident smile on his face

'From the very beginning…. you did not see it. Because this is a pawn that could be a Queen. But it is a pawn you never expected. Even the smartest man sometimes could be fooled. And your mistake is your own pride of your own intelligence'

While the world watches what is about to be the end of the battle, while two misfits of the world that came from a different time clash with their plots and schemes, there is a woman who have seven swords behind her back walking through the ruined vast forest on the island continent of Arturia

She was not interested in the battle. In this world, there is not many things in this world that she cares about

She has little relationship with the people in the world, a woman who seems glamorous but very lonely 

She has a teacher. 

But this relationship is thin and was formed by pity. 

She did not hate her teacher because the title alone is enough to protect her. 

And she has a husband. 

And in the vast world, this is the person she cares about the most

But before she met her husband, she has six people she cares about. 

There are seven swords behind her back. One of them is her sword. The other six is the sword of that six people she cares about

But those six people...are all dead. Today, she had used seven swords to fight tens of thousands of enemies

In battle, she danced and, in her dance, she felt like she was right back there, with the people she cares about, dancing together with their sword

Today, she felt like she returned to those times. 

She dances with her sword and her sword dance captivates the living being of the world. 

Seven swords fly across the sky, seven stars shine in the sky and life and death determined with each step, a dance to determine life and death

This woman is the Sword Fairy Somi. She is not fighting anymore. All over the island there is people that is running away. 

The forces that attack the city is running away. Somi did not chase them. Instead, she is looking for something. 

She walks slowly but around her all kinds of concealing formation and concealing artifact is used to conceal her whereabouts from the sky. 

The seven swords behind her back are shining but this glow could not be seen by anyone in the world. 

The seven sword could kill but it also has many other features. And Somi has trained with this sword for years and some of its secret has been uncovered by her. 

It also has the power to cut the connection between her and the heaven and in that state, even the Heavens could not see her. 

She doesn't want anyone to know what she is doing

She walks and walks and even when the clouds dissipate, when the sky hanged colors, when the sound of thunder and light echoes all over and the dark clouds gathered, the world shakes and the heaven rendered, she did not pay attention to all of these

She keeps walking, keep searching, believing in a dream

And then she found it. A cave hidden behind large bushes. It is hard to see but the cave is the same as in her dreams

She pushes away the bush, enters the cave and she realize that the cave is very short. This is not the kind of cave that is created naturally.

This has been manmade. But she ignores all of that. Instead, she walks to the end of the cave which is very short

The cave itself is only thirteen feet in length. 

Even though the cave is far, her eyes could see through the dark like it was filled with light. 

'Here you are' she mutters to herself. She saw a serpent. Black in color but it had three horns. The snake itself is small around four feet in length. 

But this kind of snake is not any kind of snake that she had even seen before

The tail of the snake is pinned by an energy stone with seven colors. 

The stone is her reward and her task is to let go of this snake. But she seems to hesitate. 

The one coming in her dreams, could he be trusted? But she has been listening to him and she has become stronger and more powerful

She hated being powerless. She was powerless when all of her sisters died. And strength and power calm her. 

But…. she also knows that this person whoever he is that comes into her dreams must have his own purpose.

Somi saw herself as a kind person. But humans are a complicated beings. 

There is a temptation of something that is very valuable and precious to her. And as for the risk of doing this, even if it's something bad, Somi has no way of confirming it.

Maybe, the snake simply is something that the person wanted. 

But it might also be used for evil. But since Somi does not know the true purpose of such snake, she could feel less aversive to doing it.

And so faced with the temptation of seeing her sister again and a possible risk of doing evil, she lifted the stone and the snake opens its eyes

It hissed, look at Somi and then slithers away in a flash. It was like it is lightning itself, disappearing from the cave almost instantly collapsed

Somi kicks the ground and in an instant, she is outside of the cave. 

The snake is gone, the cave collapsed and Somi frowned. She looks around and she could not see the snake. She only sighed and then walk away

On the other side of the island, there is a woman leaning on a tree. Around her, there is many guards. 

This woman is Paulette. 

Beside her is her sniper. 

There is a smile on her face. Maybe because she releases her tension with all of that fighting, she thought to herself

It has been a long time since she could let it all out. And being in the palace could sometimes be very frustrating. She likes Jean but not his mother

Because she dated Jean she is in a constant danger. 

Of course, she also has her own ability and Jean also helps her in getting many potions and weapons to protect her but danger is always present.

There are many people who wanted revenge against Jean and since they could not defeat or kill Jean most of them switch their target to her. 

Jean nearly lost her once and since then he becomes a bit overprotective. 

Paulette however does not hate it that much. She was never taken care of much by people and in her life, she rarely felt affection and love.

It is an unfamiliar feeling…being loved. Being taken care of. And she did not hate it. 

'After we got back, Jean should take a break. Katarina is there. And Boris probably would be released. If that is the case, there is no need for us to be involved in that kind of political maelstrom again' she thought to herself

She did not look at the battle between Death Monarch and Kaiju. Of course, the impact of that battle sometime hit the island and she felt it. But she herself is not that interested in watching the battle. 

She knows the end of this battle before it even begins. And after getting the report that Kaiju could only muster the strength to equal Death Monarch, Paulette knows that the victory belongs to the world power

Unlike some people, Paulette is privy to many of the secret details of the negotiations between Death Monarch and the world power. 

So, she knows why there is so many publicity and why White Owls were allowed to record the war. 

All of this is to establish the invincible image of the world power and to show the world the end of the Crime Alliance. 

By now, the pirates, the criminals, those who sided with the criminal underworld are all retreating. 

And Paulette is not motivated enough to chase them down. As she leaned on the tree, she closed her eyes. 

'Ouch!' she shouted in pain and opened her eyes. 

She felt pain on her ankle. She looks at her ankle and she saw a snake. 

The snake looks at her and then die almost an instant later, falling to the ground like it ingested poison

Paulette face changed. 

This kind of snake is a kind fo snake she never saw before. And she never heard of a snake that dies after biting people

how could it be so coincidental that this snake attacks her? No one even noticed this snake, not the guards and not even her. 

She was about to capture the snake but before she could capture it, the snake body rots in an instant and then turns to ashes. 

The wind blows and the ashes scattered

'A scheme!' she thought to herself. The more she thought about it, the more she thinks that this is a scheme

There is not many evidence pointing to this but her instinct is telling her that is one. She got up and was about to say something but then she felt dizzy and before she could say anything she fall down to the ground

'My Lady!' someone shouted and the guards all make a fuss. 

Paulette fainted but no one in the world knows. Not even Jean. Everyone was watching the battle. 

A small stone is thrown onto the calm lake. But the ripples of this stone is about to create great wild waves on the calm lake. 

And on the lone ship, Yewa Hafar who was looking at the sky smiles

A very mischievous smile. 


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