Lord Shadow

Chapter 1516 Slashing That Sword

It felt like winter was personified, turns into a sword and pierce his chest

The sword coldness seems to be able to be conveyed to the people watching, a haze of mist seems to rise from the edges and tip of hat sword

The sea below Kaiju feet seems to slowly become frozen and even the air and space around him seems to be slowly frozen

'What a…. beautiful sword' some people mutter 

But then slowly this sword become transparent by the second.

Kaiju who was stabbed by this sword look at this sword and his hand tries to grab it

'Argh!' he shouted. Before, his shout could split the sky above and the sea would shakes with each word

But now, it seems like his power had been drained that his shout only echoes around him.

His hand tries to grab this sword but the more he tries to grab it the more he felt helpless.

His hand sems to pass through this sword. He could not push the tip of the sword out from his body.

'What is this sword!' he seems to be screaming in anger. 

And then the sword slowly turns translucent and then it seems to turns into a sharp energy. 

To the rest of the world, it looks like the sword turns into motes of energy that flew up toward the heavens

But only Kaiju could sense where this energy is going.

It is a cold energy. It is a shar energy. And it enters his wounds, enter his veins, eventer his blood. A sharp sword like a needle cutting and crushing his body from inside out

The motes of light flew up and the sword intent disperse and with it the coldness of the sword also disperses

The world becomes silent. 

'Snow' someone said. And some people who were looking down or closing their eyes look up to the sky

And they see snow falling from the sky. At first, it was only on one part of the island. Then the snow began to fall everywhere all over the island continent. 

The wind blows and this time it brings the coldness of winter. The snow began to fall harder and faster. 

And the Turbulent Sea experienced a snowstorm. All over the entire Turbulent Sea, the snow keeps falling. 

Some people sighed at this. 

And some people marvel at this. 

In the distance, not far away, there is a woman dressed in white and there is a smile on her face, a few droplet of sweat on her forehead and snow swirling around her entire being like a shield that protects her from the harm of the elements. 

Her robes had many tear, sign of a hard-fought battle but there is no stain. She is standing on top of an enlarged snowflake, like it is a ride 

She stands there looking flawless. And beautiful. And there is only one woman in the world that seems to be able to do this. 

Azief look towards her and the only thing he could do is smile.

'There is no need' he said

And that woman replied

'I wanted to'

Azief sighed, close his eyes for a second and then open it back up

He knows there is no need to say anything anymore

'You used up all of your energy. Thank you' he speaks facts first and then he did not forget to thank her. 

He understood why she did what she did. It might be to prove something to herself.

Because just like him, this woman also seeks her own Grand Path.

  And even though Azief did not like the way she goes about doing it, putting herself in this risk, he understood. 

And so, the only thing he could do for her now is to support her. 

Then he waves his hand. It was such a simple motion and gesture. 

But from that one movement, the rules of the world moves and the las of space and time around hi seems to distorts and bend out of shape.

from that simple motion a gust of wind swept away that woman and in just a second that woman appears on the northern shore of Arturia

It was like she was teleported to that area in an instant. Around her, space and time become distorted like it was ripped apart. 


The sand rises up as she fell down to her knees. The moment she appears there, she could not help but fall down to the ground

'Ugh!' she did not feel good at all. Her hands are trembling and she could feel her entire energy is in disorder

'I really overdid myself this time' she mutters to herself.

  However just as her energy about to completely went wild and astray, a pure energy seems to counteract these chaotic energy and calm it down inside her source of energy.

'He really could not help himself' 

There is a foreign energy in her body. When Death Monarch whisk her away with his hand, he also left a wisp of energy inside her body.

Not too much that it would overwhelmed, not too little that it would not do anything just enough to help her and aid her. 

'He becomes more and more unpredictable and more mysterious when he became a Divine Comprehension leveler' 

Katarina is quite sure that all of her problems and all of her injuries after slashing that sword become clear in Azief eyes in just a glance. 

Katarina is at the peak level of Disk Formation. 

There is only one step away from her reaching the Divine Comprehension realm

If she wanted to, she could always breakthrough to the next realm. 

But she did not want an inferior strength. There is a reason why Raymonde even though he had fulfilled the requirement to break the realm did not

Because they know that just following the minimum method of breaking through is not enough for them. 

For normal people, it might be enough for them to quickly break through the realm. 

But when they do this, they ran to the problem of inferior quality of realm and harder path to move ahead 

Like Death Monarch. 

He breaks through only when he reached the maximum limit that his realm could bear. 

This allowed him to fight even Divine Comprehension realm being even when he is in Disk Formation and he alone is invincible among the peers of the same realm.

And it is still like that now. Even though Jean and Hikigaya is also in the Divine Comprehension realm, it would take two of them to restrain Death Monarch

Emphasizes on the word restrain.

  To kill him, would take the effort of Jean, Hikigaya and the full power of the six world powers. 

And even in that calculation, it would left the world broken.

That is the terrifying prowess of someone who perfected their foundation. 

Katarina also learns the Perfection Path but she knows that is not her path. 

And when she slashes that sword and pierce through Kaiju heart, she become even more sure that her path is not that path

And her way forward is clear 

She sighed for a second as she felt that energy is coursing through her veins and assimilate with the energy in her body without any resistance. 

It is that wisp of energy that saved her from having her energy went wild.

  She still has some high-quality pills and potions that she could use to minimize the effect of her energy went wild. 

But she could feel that those potion and pills could not held a candle compared to the wisp of energy of a true Divine Comprehension leveler. 

'It is nice having someone like that on your side' she mutters and then she chuckles. 

The woman smiles even in her cureent situation

'Uhuk!' she suddenly coughed. And dark red blood drips down from her mouth, the sand turns dark 

The blood itself melt the sand

And there is also red blood dripping down from her nose. She also sems to age considerably and her vitality is almost spent

Each second seems to age her by a year

That kind of sword that could cut through someone like Kaiju...is not a sword that does not ask for a payment

There is a price for using such a powerful sword. And she is now paying for it.

But her eyes are shining bright and there is a smile on the corner of her mouth. She chuckles and then she laughs

'It is worth it' Even though she looks very weak right now, if anyone is close to her right now, they could feel like there is something changing about this woman. 

A kind of sublimation with the energy of the world. 

Her Disk were all cracked and her life force is low, but a different kind of energy blooms inside her and this energy is getting stronger and seems to slowly envelops her from inside out

She understood something when she slashes out that sword. So, even if she loses many things, she does not seem to care that much. 

Instead, she laughs. Even when her laughs make her chest hurt, she laughs anyway.

And then the snow fell from the skies 

And the cold winds of winter blow. 

This woman is none other than Katarina. 

At that moment when Kaiju is about to unleash his greatest attack, to fight Death Monarch with one blast, Katarina unleash the sword that she has been forging 

And that sword, filled with invincibility concept pierce through Kaiju chest like a knife pierce through paper. 

That is a sword forged by her will. A will of invincibility. From the moment she swings her sword in this war, she won all the way.

And with each people she killed on the island, each kill racks up a certain momentum of her. This belief is very important. 

The power of will did not play much importance during the early stage but when your power began to touch the rules of the world, then it is very important to have these kind of will

Those who could be outstanding all believe that they could be outstanding. This is the will that forged a sword. 

And then even when she slashes it, she was victorious. Death Monarch returns to Earth and shock the world with his power

He is the strongest man in the world. And today Katarina proved to everyone that she is the strongest woman in the world. 

There is always a debate whether it was her or Sofia. But could Sofia arrow broke through Kaiju body? 

If it could, Sofia would have done it already. And if she could but not do it…. then Katarina still wins. In this world, today, who could be like her, using a sword when she is in Disk Formation level and pierce through the body of someone like Kaiju

'I did use some tricks though' Of course there is many reason why she managed to succeed. Kaiju was already very weak when Katarina slashes that sword 

But in the end, it didn't matter. That sword momentum was preserved and she follow through until the end, invincible from beginning to end, a sword that could cut through everything!

Those who saw this were all shocked. They could guess where Katarina was bringing that sword

But they never thought that she would have the chance to use it. And now the most unbelievable end to the battle had unfold

Not only she managed to use the sword, she even managed to go beyond everyone expectation. 

And so, she laughed. It was like something was unsealed from her

Blood dripping from her nose, blood dripping from her mouth but her laughter is heroic


Like she has seen a new scenery she never seen before. And now that she has seen it she could not help but feel like she is invincible


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