Lord Shadow

Chapter 1513 The Power Of Heaven

The power that Kaiju is now unleashing was so power that it cut the ability to broadcast the war 

Many broadcast camera instantly turns into black screens. Even the special camera used by the White Owls could not withstand this power

All over the world the same thing happens. 

And it is ridiculous that in such a massive global catastrophic disaster that people would not die. 

Azief, Hikigaya and Jean could feel it. 

Kaiju could also feel it. 

But unlike the other three, he doesn't really care. 

There is disturbance in the energy of the living. The feeling of tens of hundreds of thousands of people lives disappeared snuffed out of its light could be felt by Azief, Hikigaya and Jean

Jean felt it and there is anger in his heart. But there is also this feeling of helplessness. 

'If I was stronger….' If the world was the same size as it was before the Multiversal Convergence, Jean would not have a problem to cover the world with his Time Avatar and have enough power to save everyone.

But the world right now is too large and people all stay in different places, some further away than others and some in hidden places that even Jean with all his power could not see through

Jean gritted his teeth and he once again split himself to hundreds of thousands of Time Avatar 

It made him incredibly weak that his main body real drops to Disk Formation realm. But he sends his Time Avatar all over the world to contain the disaster. Hikigaya who has always remains nonchalant and dismissive of every threat that has erupted during the war could no longer just ignore it

It is not that he did not want to help

It is that he is helping just by sitting on the throne and guarding the city. 

But right now, for the first time since the war began, he could not help but want to get up from is throne and help the world.

He might have his priorities but he also could not let so many people died without doing anything. But he fears that if he moves, that he would sacrifice the big picture.

But the screams, the feeling of life beings snuffed out like that, it made his heart uneasy. 

'These two people fighting...I expected it to cause the world damage. But I did not think it would be to this level. Death Monarch plans for the future does not seem so absurd now' he sighed

'It seems necessary now more than ever'

Hikigaya had many thoughts floating in his mind. There is the conversation he had with Death Monarch before the war. 

At that time, he was not that keen on agreeing with Death Monarch about that matter. But today seeing the impact of the battle…. Hikigaya had half a mind of agreeing with Death Monarch

He tapped his finger on the handle of the throne and then he sighed again. Then he slowly gets up from his throne.

The moment he got up the entire island seems to crack. This is only a feeling because he had been holding up the protection formation of the island

The formation that covers the island invisibly began to have cracks

The execution platform itself seems to crack in all places.

There is still that ten people whose head is below the blade of the guillotine. 

Hikigaya look toward those ten people. 

If he wanted to kill them, he could simply waves his finger and the blade will fall

But Azief had tell him, only after he defeated Kaiju, after the world powers defeated these forces, only then they would kill these ten people

The death of these people would serve as the closing act of this war. 

Azief had planned this war and the story and the narrative of this matter because what he wanted was for the world to have peace. 

At least for a few decade the world will have less problem. 

What he wanted, what the world power wanted is the stability of the world, so that the world could use the stability to prepare themselves for the future problems. 

There is more and more threat coming from the stars. 

And if they are not ready, if there is no period of peace where they could rebuild and rest, then when the next calamity forms the stars came, they might not be able to protect Earth

The high-ranking member sf the world powers already knows about the All Source. 

Most people called it the World Orb, the orb that gave rise to the energy that fills the whole world. It is the same energy that created the system that everyone on Earth uses. 

Most people did not think much of this energy, they simply take it and sue sit.

But Azief had told the high-ranking member of the World Powers that this All Source, is a powerful source of energy with no other object like it in the vast Universe. 

It enables them to quickly grow, without worrying about the consumption of energy. Of course, there are times when someone breakthrough drains an entire continent of the energy. But in the end, leave it long enough, and the energy would be replenished.

The way the All Source operates is still a mystery even for Death Monarch. 

When they found out about this, they also found out about the history of this object from Death Monarch

And it is not a good history at all. 

There was once a war that erupted all over the Universe because of this object. And hearing this the world power also understands what Death Monarch is trying to tell them. 

They have time and the energy. 

But would people let them have the time? 

The energy they have in their world enables them to quickly rises up in power level.

Many of the high-ranking members of the world powers had gone to other worlds in their journey to strengthen themselves

And if there is something that they noticed is that for any creature to reach to a level of powers like Seed Forming or even Disk Formation, such rise of power usually takes hundreds of years if not thousands or tens of thousands of years

It would not take only decades to reach the level of power that Earth has achieved. Earth somehow had skipped tens of thousands of years to produce a lot of Disk Formation leveler. 

Of course, Azief also told him and Jean about the matter of luck and fortune and that is a different thing but also connected.

Still, when the world power learns about this thing, they understood something. They possess a treasure that could upgrade a world. 

An almost limitless energy source that would provide the people of this world for generation to come probably until the End of Time itself

And what does that mean? It means the threat from the stars will never end. Because there is a treasure on Earth

And Earth will not give it to anyone else. It is fine if they never have it.

However, they do have it. 

And knowing the ability this power source has, how could anyone could bear giving it away?

Giving it away means Earth would decline.

  Of course, people who have raise their power would not be affected in the short term.

But for the next generation, they could no longer achieve the level of tehri predecessor and given enough time, humans would be mortal again

They have it and they could not give it away. And so, in the minds of every world leaders, they understood that there will be conflict someday

there will be people that would try to take it. 

So, Earth has to be ready. 

It has to be strong and more importantly it has to be united 

And for that the world needed stability. At least for a few decades, the world should not have any large-scale conflict. 

This is the big picture of the war and this is the objective of the war

This is why the war has to be fought like this. This is why they hyped up Kaiju. Hikigaya knows this. 

But he could not have expected Kaiju to be some powerful and that their clash with each other would create so much casualties. 

This is not something he wanted to see. 

And he knows Death Monarch and Jean. 

This is also not something they wanted to see.

They do not mind sacrifice because they understood that every worthy thing that needs to be fought would always sacrifice something.

But...the people that are dying now is not a part of that sacrifice and they never intended to sacrifice these people

Sacrifice only held meaning if its done willingly. 

Forcing it on other people….is not their way. 

All of these thoughts swirls inside Hikigaya mind and so, he took a step away from the throne. 

His true body walk forward and each steps he takes weakens the entire structure of the formation protection of the island.

That invisible formation that shrouded the entire island seems to be weakened. Those with high sensitivity to energy would feel it. 

Like a tight grip being loosened. 

'Come!' he shouted. 

And his voice echoes all over the island and for a moment drowned the sound of thunder and lightning that fills the world

It drowned the sound of the wind and the explosion. 

But only for a moment. 

When he yelled "come" all of his avatars around the island, the avatar that fought against the sea monsters and the avatar that stabilizes many area of the island dissipated.

And the energy returns back to him. 

'Azief, someone has to pacify the world. Jean alone is not enough' he mutters these words, a slow and faint words but he knows that Death Monarch could hear it 

And he said it so Azief could hear it

He sighed and only one person in the current chaos could hear him. 

Then he takes a step and he flies up and in just a few second, he flew outside of the Turbulent Sea. 

The island protection formation in many places all over the island breaks in many parts. 

Someone in an underground area could not help but sighed. As for the ten people on the execution platform they still could not move. 

Because even if Hikigaya had disappeared from their sight for some reason, they still feel like they were being watched. 

Hikigaya is rendering his help all over the world, changing calamity to illusion that would phase through places. 

On the battle site between Death Monarch and Kaiju, the tense atmosphere has now reached the peak 

Azief did not expect that Kaiju simple move could create such a disaster. But he did not understand. 

Why would the Heavenly Will let this happen? 

But then he could feel something and he frowned a bit. He did not glace above but he could feel it.

And for a second, he was shocked and he understood.

'So, it is time to repay' he mutters to himself. 


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