Lord Shadow

Chapter 1510 A Huntress And A Madman

The fight on the island has died down a bit. In many sectors of the island, most of the fight had ended

In the beginning it seems that the pirates and the Crime Alliance have a slight advantage and there were a few times where the forces of the world powers was overwhelmed. 

One might not understand why the world powers could be overwhelmed when they have more people under them compared to the Crime Alliance and the Pirates.

The reason is because the dark forces of the world could focus on the island and put most of their men there.

But the seven world powers also have to station their men in their place of control. Even when they are fighting here right now, all over the world, there is battle being fought

In the past, to fight in so many fronts at the same time, requires massive manpower. Because soldiers are people and people simply could not be replaced.

But now the war on earth since the Fall, since the invasion of the Weronian had changed

The mode of war has changed and so is the way a war is fought

Manpower could be replaced with androids and cybernetics organism. Some uses beast and some uses monsters.

There is even the use of golem-like creatures, having no consciousness, creating them from the element itself. 

Even though they lack the destructive power of a high realm leveller, it solves the problem of manpower.

Instead, what they are burning is magical resources and energy of the world. Only some people could see that the energy of the world seem to be roiling and full of turbulence.

All over the world there is fights and it is because of that it is very hard for the world power to focus all of their strength here.

Unless they chose to sacrifice the people under their rule, they still have to station a few Disks Formation levellers on the borders and important dominion of their forces

But…. even though the criminal underworld has an advantage in the beginning, that advantage is slowly being wiped out.

  Even though the soldiers and the people of the world powers is not as numerous as the people of the criminal underworld, they fought quantity with quality

And everyone could see that one by one the forces of the world power is increasing that advantage. 

Queen Maya who fought someone and was about to be cut by her enemy, suddenly were saved by a sword light, fast and swift, lethal and terrifying. 

And she was saved and the sword intent in the sky become stronger. 

She looks at the sky and frowned and one person came into her mind. Snows fall and winter wind starts to blow

On another side, the Huntress Delia was fighting an army of a hundred men.

It might seem like a hundred men is not enough. 

But when one hundred men is all Seed Forming realm and all of them connect their power together, even someone like Delia could not fight it easily.

Her huntress attire has holes on it. Her small cape was blown apart, motes of energy could be seen leaving her body

From her attire to her cape, everything about it is magical in nature. Her bows has already been exhausted and now she uses only energy arrows.

Her bows had many scratches, a proof of a hard-fought battle. The hundred men also have wounds all over. But they are still standing. 

She also has her own unit. 

But they were all slaughtered by these one hundred men. 

One could only imagine the kind of power these one hundred men possess to back Delia to such a desperate state. 

Delia wanted to run but the entire space around her were all locked by spatial formation. She is not like Warp that could simply breaks the restriction of space-time any way he wanted. 

When she is locked, she is locked. 

So, she could only try to fight and ask for help from nearby forces. Just right before she throws herself into a desperate fight, a sword light appears. 


  A sound of explosion. And the space all around her breaks. The space that locks her from flying away or teleporting had suddenly been broken.

No, the best way to describe it was like it was cut and sliced. 

This sword light was so fast that even before anyone knows what happened, three people among the one hundred men already had their life force snuffed out

For a moment, they did not even know what had killed them. 

They see only a glimpse of a light that seems to pass their comrade before their comrade falls down to the ground. 

Even Delia could not see what had happened. 

But what she knows is that she has an opportunity. The moment that three of the men fall down, the perfect formation that have killed her men and beating her to this point is no longer perfect

She throws her flying daggers and two of her flying daggers struck straight at two of the men. 

The speed of the flying dagger is hard to see and the mystical nature of her flying sword is even harder to explain. 

Another two men falls down. She extended her hand straight and two short daggers falls from her sleeve and landed on her palm.

She kick the ground, ready to charge these people but as she was only a few feet away on reaching these men, a powerful sword intent suddenly seems to appears out of nowhere.

Sword light fills her vision and the sharpness is so sharp that she had to close her eyes. 

And when she opens back her eyes she could see one hundred men on the ground

They all seems to fall asleep as there seems to be no wound that could show them that they were attacked by a powerful strike. 

But there is no life force on these people. 

From beginning to end, Delia does not know who help her and who attacked. She looked at the corpse and then she finally saw it. 

She focused her eyes and her pupils like a magnifying device and her eyes magnify the wounds on the bodies of these people

And it was only then that she could see what killed these people

A small wound that is so hard to see with the naked eye.

She crouched down and touch the body and she could feel the sword intent lingering inside the body of the corpse. 

And just a second later, she suddenly felt a sword intent washes over the entire island. 

And she looked up at the sky. And saw a gigantic sword intent that gathered together to form a sword. 

'Katarina!' she muttered in shock. 

Many people are being helped by Katarina. 

As more and more the sword in the sky getting stronger, the faster her sword became and more sword light fills the island continent

  And by now, all over the island, the enemies of the world power is now being eradicated by Katarina sword attack

The Mad Scientist Akira was fighting a bunch of Seed Forming battalion when a sword decimated his enemies

He did not even have the chance to use his many weapons. He is not happy at all that Katarina had helped him

After all, what is a better way than war to make sure that his weapons is battle tested?

His weapons shot off from the surface of the moon to the island and decimated a few dozen powerful men of the Crime Alliance and the pirates.

And he was just about to show a new weapon. 

To him, with the global broadcast, he could even promote his weapons to other people

Akira unlike the others did not hate the Crime Alliance or the pirates. After all, they are two of his most profitable partners

They are the ones that usually buy his weapons. It is a pity that the world power had to listen to Death Monarch

To him, the Seven World powers is like a shield for Death Monarch to use. In the beginning, this was not the case.

But as Pandemonium, The Republic and the World Government began to become great friends with each other, with their interest tangled, the seven great powers become the way for these three great powers to stabilize the world

Akira could see that if one day, one of these three great powers were ever to have a conflict with each other, there would be a world war 

And if that day comes, the kind of world war that would be fought would make all the world war that earth has seen before pale in comparison. 

But Akira finds a silver lining in it 

He might not like that Death Monarch decided to order the other six great power to join him in his battle but Akira has always been an optimist

He might be a little bit crazy, a little bit mad but he is quite the optimist. 

One of the person he used to kill before reminded him to always see the silver lining. Well, he did kill that person because that person made a very bad decision that cost him a lot of resources being stolen by the Trickster but…. the advice was pretty good 

He chose to see this war as way to promote his weapons and what better way to promote his weapon than to use it so that the whole world could see it?


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