Lord Shadow

Chapter 1508 Accumulating Momentum

The fight with Susanoo is like an opening curtain of her attack. For that victory, she accumulates momentum.

  Now, she appears in one place, swing one strike of her sword and then disappears to another front of the battle 

Each time she swings her sword, people died. If it's an army, the army would be defeated. If it's a person, the person would be cut. 

With each victory, the momentum of her sword become more powerful and more lethal

Her sword lights fills the world! That is the feeling of the people watching. 

People forgot that other people are also fighting. The League of Freedom is fighting. Narleod is fighting, his red mask crack in one half revealing a charred face behind the mask

He was fighting someone and was about to deal the final blow. But before he had the chance, a sword light appears, his enemy body turns to dust

The enemy did not even understand how he died. The sword swept him and his consciousness immediately dissipated.

Narleod look at the sky and he frowned and the veins of his burned face twitch. 

'Katarina!' he shouted in anger. But Katarina had already disappeared to another battle site. Her sword becomes even more refined, even more powerful and even more lethal

A sword that is invincible. Not many people understand what Katarina is doing right now. Even swordsman does not understand what she is doing

But swordsmith, blacksmith, divine forgers, those whose jobs, whose magic vocation is the art of creating things immediately understood

She is forging. 

And what is she forging? An invincible sword. How does she forge it? Using an invincible will that did not lose!

Each victory, each win, each kill, is like a hammer beating a mould of iron. Warp who is also fighting someone who is suing space laws is about to crush his enemy

The space is locked, the only thing that is missing, is that one last strike. He made a piercing motion with his hand. The target is in front of him, but even before his hand could reach that person heart, a sword light appears

'Freeze!' he shouted the moment he saw this sword light; he mobilizes the power of space and time.

The moment he did that, the sword light should be trapped by his rules of time and space. The space should constrain, the time should stop

But then something shocking happened. 

The time and space around him sems to be frozen. It stalled. That is the best way to describe what he is feeling.

He still feels the control he has over space and time around him. But the feeling was like someone had just frozen his body.

That is the feeling he has when the laws that he controls tries to restrain that sword light

And the moment that happen, the sword light could no longer be constrained

All of this happens in the span of one second. The sword light also appears in that span of one second. 

It appears out of nowhere, like it was slashed out in a different place, at a different time and just at the right moment when Warp is about to deliver the final attack, the sword light appears

Not a moment late. Not a moment faster. Just at the right time, at the right place, precise to the point.

So, what could Warp do? He could only watch as that sword light passes through his enemy. This is another influential person in the Crime Alliance.

The sword light passes and the person instantly died frozen from inside out. As the sword light passes, Warp hand finally pierce that person chest.

Toi the rest of the world, it looks lie Warp had killed that person. 

Only he knows and only a certain people could see that in a brief one second period, a sword light appears and like a reaper of death stole this kill from him

He looks at the sky and in the distance he could see a woman in the sky, white as the snow that falls with her presence. 

'Katarina sword…. could even froze my laws' he muttered to himself. He close his eyes and nodded and in his heart he knows he needs to train harder

But, he still feels a little bit annoyed. After all, this kind of thing could be considered a kill steal. 

Like before, Katarina only appears in the area for a brief moment. She appears, a sword light is shot, then she disappears.

All along, everyone in the island could feel that there is a strong sword intent that seems to be growing by the second. In many places of the island, the forces of the Crime Alliance and the Pirates are retreating.

Most of them are low level people, people that most powerful people would not care about. In the past, Katarina would kill these people without hesitation.

  But her sword, her sword will and herself did not want to stain her sword with the lives of weak people

To forge a sword…..an invincible sword, the stronger the people that died under her sword the better and the stronger it would become

The world also could see that Katarina is trying to feed her sword intent, trying to forge some kind of sword intent.

But, there is still a question in everyone mind. She wanted to forge a sword intent. Using the momentum of victory, the feeling of invincibility to forge a sword. 

But why?

And who is she targeting. 

For this kind of sword is not the kind of sword that you could forge and then turns it into a solid real object. This is a one-time use.

Because it is the forging of wills. Maybe, in some worlds, one could sue emotions, wills to forge soldi objects. 

In this world there might be some people who could do exactly this kind of thing. 

But Katarina is not a divine forger nor is she some kind of elemental blacksmith or emotion smith. She did not learn or have such skill.

Even if she does have such knowledge, she probably would not have the ability to materialize it into a real divine object. So, she probably would accumulate it, forge it and then quickly use it.

Then the question is…..who is her target? Who is worthy to accept such sword?

On another battlefield, there is someone, crimson hair and a dress bright red like blood. Around her there is a sea of circular fire. Her enemy is a woman.

Green haired, pale face, snakes and dangerous creatures is around her shielding her. But there is arrows and this arrows if full of destruction. 

Each time it hits it target it would explode and hundreds of those creatures exploded with it. 

The Flame Archer Frieda. Some people called her Fire Arrow Frieda. 

But no one dares calls her like that right to her face

In a way, when people speaks like that, they usually meant it as an insult.

  People always compared her to the Divine Archer and some people denigrate her by calling her Fire Arrow Frieda. 

Like she could only shoot fire arrows.

  She has many tricks but because of her affinity with flames, people simply thought the only kind of arrow she could shot is fire arrow.

But she decided to embrace that and since then, her arrows become more powerful and more lethal. She even thinks the explosion that resulted from her attack looks like art

'Explosion is art' she once said. 

One last shot is needed. A crazy kind of madness is in her eyes. And she pull her bow string and the temperature all over the area rises. 

The leaves and the grass around her all dissipated into ashes. Flames seems to rises up all around his ten-kilometre radius.

All of the grass in that radius all burst into flames before turning to dust that is blown by the wind. It is the same for three trees and the leaves. The heat must be so hot that it did not even leave scorched trees but immediately turns to dust

The space around her distorted because of the heat, the same way the roads would look like when you are travelling on a hot day


A surge of flame rises up to the sky, swallowing the clouds. Those who looks it from afar would feel like they saw a flame dragon rises up toward the sky and is attacking the heavens

And then she let loose of her arrow. And the moment she did that all the flames in the island right now, all surge towards her arrow.

Anyone who saw it must be shocked. In a fragment of a second, all the flames in the island continent, made naturally or not, all flew towards her arrow. 

The sight was mystical and terrifying

When the flames travel though the space between the vast distance to her arrow, it turns translucent and did not burn anything else. 

For a moment all places in the island seem to be extinguished out of its flames

Even the explosion and the effect of other people attack that create fire and flames and heat were all taken away by that arrow. 

The one with the green hair wanted to run. She kicks her feet to the ground but as she tries to fly she could feel heat wall all around her. Her entire space area was blocked

She could not fly away and so she could only try to meet the attack head on. The arrow came. And it came suddenly and only in a second. 

Even before the arrow reaches her, she felt the flames melt her skin and burns her Disk and burns all the Seeds of Energy in her body. 

Argh!' her life force was burned by that fire. 

And the arrow did not even reach her yet. 

It is like a sword intent or a saber intent. 

Before the attack even arrived, the sharpness of the weapon is conveyed through the will embedded in the attack

And that is what is happening to her. 

A flame that burns his immaterial concept even before the arrow even had the chance to touch her.


A sound echo all over Heaven and Earth

A sound of a sword!


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