Lord Shadow

Chapter 1504 Snow Falls

One of the three holy Guardian of France has died.

Jean averts his gaze and continue fighting, the grief in his heart is inconsolable. 

On the island however, the battle is still continuing. 

And the moment that Null died, Maximoff could no longer keep up with his enemies and he is now also on the verge of dying. 

Everyone watching this battle could not help but feel that Maximoff would die

Just like Null, Maximoff is someone that have enemies all over the world. Even though he is a member of the Republic, his reputation is not really that good. 

The person that has managed to force Maximoff and Null to this point is wearing a mask

He is lean and tall and there is a sword on his hand. 

The sword itself is a normal sword. 

It had no powerful abilities and have no powerful aura. 

But under this person hand a normal sword had cut down one of the Three Holy Guardian of France

Maximoff panting, his blood spilling down to the ground, the wounds of his body could not heal and he feels his breath getting hard.

Each time he takes his breath he could feel the strain on his body. He looked at this person who wears this mask and for the first time since the battle, he spoke

'Who are you? Someone like you should not be an unknown person'

'Susanoo-no-Mikoto' The voice shocked everyone and even the man with the mask looks startled. It is not the man with the mask that answered Maximoff question but someone else

The voice seems to come from afar and the voice travels here. 

Then the coldness of winter suddenly descended. 

And then from the sky, white snow falls. And everyone knows who have come 

Descending from the sky, is a fairy from heaven. This is the feeling of the people of the world

The number one beauty in the world, the Ice Queen Katarina

She wears white, untainted like the first snow that falls from the heavens. 

Her sword is red, crimson like blood. 

The sword is as famous as its wielder. 

The Red Queen is the name of the sword. 

Even now when the battle seems imminent the people of the world could not help but admire her beauty

There are many beauties in this world and with the explosion of social media before the Fall, everyone could see that there are many beauties in the world.

But no beauty in the world could capture the imagination of many people the way that Katarina did.

  It is not simply that her face is pleasant, it seems to evoke the kind of emotion one would feel when they saw their first love, remembering that innocence of love 

It awakened all kinds of instinct and that is why even though other people have beautiful face, they are not worthy of such title. 

She landed on the ground, just in front of Null body and in front of Maximoff. 

She looks at Null on the ground and she frowned. 

She did not know Null is still alive. 

She heard rumours about his apparent faking of death but since she did not meddle in the matters of the Republic that much, she only disregarded it as rumours.

Turns out it is true. 

Even before when she saw him on the platform, she did not recognize him. 

That is until her maidens tell her about Null identity. She did not know how to feel about this person. 

Null is the kind of person she would slaughter without any guilt in her heart. But he is also a member of the Republic. 

'Maybe, it is good that he dies' she thought to herself.

  She thrust her palm toward Null body and the snow from the sky gathers around Null body and a coffin made of ice was instantly constructed and inside this transparent coffin of ice is Null body. The coffin itself is oozing with white mist.

'Jean probably would want to give you a proper funeral' 

Even though she doesn't know much about Null, she knows that Null is one of Jean general when he was the Emperor of France

And she knows how Jean treated his generals. He treated them like brothers. Since that is the case, she would give Null this honour. 

Then she looks behind her and saw Maximoff. 

Maximoff saw her and nodded

'You look weak'

Maximoff could only smiles bitterly.

She sighed and then she makes a move

She flicks one of her fingers like she is flicking something. What she flicks is a snowflake. This snowflake turns into a bullet and shot itself toward Maximoff.

The cold wind blows harshly and there is signs that there is storm that are forming around Katarina and Susanoo.

Maximoff was hit by that bullet-like snowflake.

People were shocked in the beginning, thinking why would Katarina suddenly attack Maximoff.

But when the snowflake hit, there doesn't seem to be any damage.

But Maximoff took three steps backs. He was curious for a moment before he exclaimed a sound of shock

He then look at Katarina back with appreciation. 

He bows a little and shouted

'Thank you, Grand Chancellor' Katarina did not respond and simply look at Susanoo. Maximoff could only watched the battle right now

Everyone who watched this also finally understand that Katarina had probably done something beneficial for Maximoff. 

The moment that snowflake enters his body, his injuries and wounds stopped. Like it was frozen. 

No, that the destructive aura that plagued his body stopped, he could take some pills to heal his injuries 

Maximoff began stuffing himself with healing pills and his body is also healing itself. Katarina no longer pays attention to Maximoff.

Instead, she is looking at the person in front of him

There is silence between them

Then Katarina breaks the silence. 

'Susanoo. I did not think you would come here instead of fighting with Hirate or Hikigaya. Amaterasu is there. I thought you would stand by there to assist'

The moment Katarina appears, she reveals the name of this person. And now she said it again

And now no one has any doubts that this person is really that person


Not many people has seen Susanoo take action. 

Most of the time it would be Amaterasu pushed to the limelight and the name of Susanoo could only be heard or whispered about.

Amaterasu, Susanoo and Tsukuyomi. These three is known as three of the strongest members of Yomi below only Izanagi and Izanami.

Today, since the world power went all out, the Crime Alliance also went all out. It is then understandable why Maximoff and Null both fall in battle under this person. 

Susanoo is the same status as Amaterasu in Yomi. that alone spoke of his influence and his power.

'Katarina, you are here' the voice is cold and his aura suddenly rises. This is the first time it seems that he would take things seriously.

His voice is hoarse and deep and it brings chills to people heart. 

Around the area, the clouds are dark and the surrounding is hot. But as more and more snow falls down from the Heavens, the area is becoming white and the wind that blows began to become a cold wind. 

In the distance, one could see the titanic figure of Death Monarch and Kaiju duking it out. 

Sometimes, their blast or shockwave would reach here to the island. 

But right now, this place filled with snow seems to be a free zone area without any of the interruption from the external world.

Like this world of snow is separated from other worlds and dimension. 

Each snow seems to have a trace of Katarina power. 

That snow white figure close her eyes, opens it, takes a breath and then take her step forward. A snow-white figure walking on the snow filled path. 

Her steps are not big and the speed of her walking is not fast either. 

But the strange thing was that each step is full of mysteries and even though she walks naturally, she seems to be stepping a few feet forward each time she takes a step. 

It is not teleportation. She is still walking but, in her walks, there is the feeling she merged with heaven and earth and rules of the world is at the tip of her feet 

Those who watched this from them screen suddenly felt wrong. 

There is this weird sense of unbalance, of contradiction, and so those who were looking felt extremely uncomfortable, as if there is a big stone pressed on their chest. 



All over the world those who watched Katarina about to make her move all couldn't help but coughed up a mouthful of blood. 

Only after coughing up blood, they felt a little bit better. Like their energy went wild and their body went out of control 

Only those who are in Disk Formation and on the peak level of Seed Forming could withstand it and not coughed up blood as they are not affected. 

But those who enter Disk Formation with weak foundation also feel pressured and their faces are red as they tried to withstand the feeling of dissonance 

One could only imagine if they watch this battle in person. 

They might even faint on the floor. Because Katarina would surely also emanate an aura and that aura alone probably is enough to knock them off. 

And now they are just watching her from the screen. 

That alone had caused them to feel so uncomfortable that they had to cough up blood. 

'This is too scary!' some people mutters even as they keep watching. 

They could not help but imagine that even when they were separated by thousands of miles, just by looking at the methods of the Ice Queen, they would be affected this much. 

To many people of the world, there is always a debate between who is the strongest woman in the world. 

Unlike the title of the strongest in the world which had always remained under Death Monarch name, this title of the strongest woman has many candidates. 

There is Athena, Freya and there is also Sofia and many other names that would pop out. 

The competition is very fierce. But most people usually either in camp Sofia or Camp Katarina 

Sofia strength is because her magical bow and also because she had the help of Pandemonium. 

It also helps that she dated the strongest person in the world and must have learned many things while she was beside him. 

Thus, many people believe that she is one of the strongest women in the world if not the strongest because of all this factor. 

Then there is Katarina. But even though there is hearsay about what these two women had done, in the end it is only hearsay. 

And it is not like they saw it with their own eyes. 

But today, they finally have the chance to witness Katarina fighting in front of their eyes and see whether the hype for this woman was true 

However, now they are convinced. 


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