Lord Shadow

Chapter 1492 Omni

Kaiju wanted to stop this and he began pummeling the titanic form. Unlike before when it takes only a few second for Azief to become a titanic form of himself, this time it takes a lot of time.

But even though kaiju punches with a ferocity that could destroys worlds, it could not do anything to the spiral of energy that forms this titanic body

Instead, the more he punches, the quicker the transformation becomes.

Azief is using another Law Avatar. And it is his most powerful ones.

The Omni Law Avatar

And the world witness the birth of this Law Avatar and they were speechless, opening their mouth wide opens, their eyes could not believe what they are seeing

Even in the far distance, everyone could see this titanic figure standing proudly between Heaven and Earth.

And if not for Azief limiting the size, this avatar could expand without limit. The energies of the world, the energy of the Universe poured towards him

The stars in the nearby system dimmed and the stars around Earth all seem to have its energy being drained.

Some collapses almost immediately, and the energy that is invisible become visible because of the condensed form it takes.

Azief power covered not only the Turbulent Sea but the whole world. This is him pulling all the stops.

Hikigaya who is still fighting with Amaterasu, Mister Moscow and Martinez feels this energy, spreading all over the world

and he could not help but exclaimed

'What a Death Monarch!' Jean who is in Europe right now and sitting cross legged in the sky, directing his Time Avatar all over the world also feel this aura and he opens his eyes for a moment.

His eyes look toward one direction and his gaze pierces space and time and it was like he was at the Turbulent Sea, looking at that gigantic form of Death Monarch and he smiles

'That title of number one in the world is still his' he thought. Hikigaya and Jean both thought the same thing when they felt that aura

That mountain is still the highest mountain in the world. And he is still the Heaven above their heads

Still the tall wall everyone wanted to climb

The number one person in the world….is still him

Their power is powerful and their abilities has also expanded since they leveled up to Divine Comprehension realm.

But with the expansion of the world, with the variety of mystical energy that permeated all over the world, they could no longer uses their energy and coerce the entire world.

In a way, the expansion of the world upgraded the world level.

Before, just by being a Disk Formation leveler, your aura could cover the whole world and each Disk Formation levelers is like a nuclear bomb that could create untold massive damage all over the world

But after the expansion of the world, Disk Formation leveler while still possessing great power could not longer damage the world with a fight.

Even Divine Comprehension leveler find it hard to use their force to coerce the entire world.

Maybe, when they fight, they would destroy the region they are fighting at but for that power to spread out of that region, it is very hard and require the combatant to have great power.

Even Hikigaya could only spread his Time Avatar but not able to supervise the world all the time or uses his Divine Sense to get information like before

It is the same for Hikigaya.

He could not cover the whole world with one hand like he did before.

But Death Monarch as he constructed the Omni Law Avatar with himself as the center of this titanic form, his energy seems to skyrocket.

The skies above him open up a void.

The void allows the energy of the Universe to come down to Earth and strengthen him

Energies from other Multiverse breach all over the Milky Way galaxy also comes out from the leak and descended down.

The closed-up breaches are now slowly opening.

The power of the Omni Law Avatar is now challenging the limit of this world.

The rift began to opens and Multiverses breaches that was closed up before is slowly opening, like a wound that has been sewn being ripped open.

The sword that was in Azief hand before is now wielded by his avatar.

The avatar itself is translucent but it is hard to see Death Monarch who is in the center of this law avatar.

But Kaiju who is pummeling his hardest toward this Law Avatar could see Death Monarch in the center of that titanic law avatar.

Azief is floating in what seems to be the heart area of the Law Avatar.

Usually, the avatar would fly out from his body, like a separate soul but this time, Azief uses the Law Avatar and wrapped it around him, making him and the Law Avatar one and the same.

And not before long, Azief himself dissipated into motes of light as he merges with the Omni Law Avatar

No…it is not accurate to say it is the Omni Law Avatar. It is better to said it is Azief with the ability of the Omni Law Avatar.

The sword on his hand had also become bigger and then it dissipated.please visit

The sword seems to merge with his body.

The sharpness of the sword is now merging with Azief and he could feel the sword force, the sword will and his body emanated light and each light is a sword.

And Kaiju uses his punch to pummel this light and a rain of sharp aura falls into the world. Where it falls, it pierces the space.

Explosion erupted on the seabed of the ocean

Omni power encompasses everything and as such Sword Wills and Sword Force amount only little in the scope of things that the Omni Law Body could do.

The Omni law Body possess essence of Omnipotence.

It is an essence of Divinity.

The entire world is groaning, at least that is how it sounds like in the ears of everyone in the world.

Even those who are watching this battle from the screen in some remote corner of the world could hear the groaning.

There are people on top of some large animals a moving city and they could hear it. There are people who sails on other seas and they could also hear it

There are people and monsters and beast that is under the ground and under the sea, the felt the energy too.

There are some cities hiding behind the clouds, a city in the sky, hidden from the eyes and senses of everyone and they also felt it

Azief pulling all the stop and the moment he did, the whole world is shocked.

All over that large body, there is storms of energy. It swirls around his finger and his feet and his ankles.

The entire rules of the Turbulent Sea are disrupted.

The space that should collapses hold on and the space that should hold on collapsed.

Time that should go backward accelerates, and time that should accelerate goes backward.

Turbulent Seas has always been a place with contradiction since it first appeared on Earth. But the contradiction also has its limit.

And now as the laws stimulated by Azief Omni Law, it began changing the properties of this sea.

It fills the Turbulent Sea with Laws of nature that should not exist in this sea.

On the barren seabed, trees suddenly popped out, creation prospers and tall trees appears, that rises incredibly fast, aiming for the sky

The entire time and space in the Turbulent Sea is slowly unravelling.

Those people who watch in the distance, who is on the other side of the Turbulent Sea could also see the changes.

Mega tsunamis appear and began bringing the wave with it, ready to swallow everything in between.

But Azief did not notice this.

The moment he uses this type of power, he knows that the effect would be horrendous.

But he knew he could not longer dawdle.

Kaiju must not be allowed to win and must not be allowed to become even stronger.

Azief notices something when he is fighting Kaiju.

And that is as he continues to fight, while the trident become dim each time he uses the portion of its power, he could also tell that Kaiju grip of the trident become stronger as the moment passed. Azief could then tell that Kaiju is using the fight to quickly refines the trident.

His understanding of the power of the trident increases the more he uses it and there is no better target then to use it against him

Time and space are unraveling in real time and the effect is devastating.

It is good that most of the Turbulent Sea is unpopulated. If not, such battle would wipe out millions of lives.

Around him dimensional rips appear and if one looks through the dimensional rips one could see stars and planets of many other universes

All over the world, in the headquarters of the world powers, blaring sirens echoes in their research centers

All of these sirens blaring indicate that a breach to a Multiverse was opened.

However, the researches that usually would dispatch people to quickly seals the opening did not do it this time.

They only frowned and look at the screens in front of their eyes.

Because even if their high-tech computer did not tell them where the sources of this breach, they also know the answer.

But they could only listen to the siren and watch the portal to be open helplessly.

They did not ask each other what to do because they know there is nothing they could do.


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