Lord Shadow

Chapter 1489 Battle III

There are now clouds on top of the heads of these two figures

The clouds gather almost in an instant and the sky was covered with it



Thunder erupted again. And lightning strikes the heavens and the earth.

The sky that was cloudless just now is now full of lightning. The entire sky quake because of the roar of the thunder.

Streak of colorful lightning bolt continued to shuttle and cruise in the thick clouds.

In just a few second large clouds had gathered and fill the sky and shrouded the entire Turbulent Sea

The rain falls down, thunder and lightning appeared again.

The thunder roars like never before, the lightning flashes with great heat, searing space like a hot sword cutting through butter.

Azief sword called upon the elements of the world, clouds gather and the sky had to give way.

People that watched this battle could not help but be stunned

Those that watched the Kaiju and Death Monarch battle all have their own confidence.

They watched this battle to find a way forward, to ascertain the level of the people at the top of the world, to see the difference between them and the one person standing on the peak.

But now that they watched the confrontation between these two people, it just made them frowned and sighed.

It made everyone feel that the mountains are too high to be reached

They already thought that Death Monarch had showed all of his means. It turns out all of those world ending moves are only the top of the iceberg of Death Monarch true power.

'He really knows how to make people feel despair'

These are the thought of some people in the world.

Seeing such an unscalable mountain, how could one not fill with despair?

Kaiju then punch forward. This time the punch seems different.

And it is not in the direction of Death Monarch. Instead, he punches toward the surface of the sea.


A huge jet of water rise sup, a titanic dragon the size of a small mountain rises from the sea, formed by the sea water

And it is rushing toward Azief, like a titanic being going berserk

Azief look at this and then he swings his sword. Nine concepts and laws seem to be stimulated and merge into one sword light.

And this sword light rushes toward the water dragon, the thunder above shot down toward the sword light, the sword intent and thunder merge together, creating mystical ad beautiful scene

One could see a straight streak of line, swirling with an arc of electricity.

Straight and shiny, sharp and cold.

One had to squint their eyes to see this small straight line because compared to the size of the water dragon conjured up by Kaiju fist, it looks like a dust flying in a straight line.

Several thunderbolts follow that one straight line heading toward that water dragon


The sword light and the mountain-size water dragon collided and the resulting impact created a shockwave that exploded the Heaven and Earth.

The clouds that had just gathered was blown apart, the sea water below all exploded into the air

And the people of the world gasped.

And the water dragon that was formed by the condensation of the seawater instantly turned into mist and gas and spread out all over the sky.

The only safe zone that was not affected by the aftershock, and the shockwave of their attack was the middle between these two people, the space where they hurl attack against each other.

Both of them was pushed away again from each other. Kaiju has a wound on his shoulders, but Azief had no injuries at all but only retreated ten steps on the sky

Each step he retreated, crack the space beneath his feet.

As for Kaiju he is soaked wet and the water that falls from his hair falls into his wound but the water instead of making the wound become even more painful heals him. The trident dimmed even more.

'What a sharp sword intent!' this is Kaiju thought.

He looks at the sky above and see that the clouds gather back at almost insane speed. It was just blown apart because of the shockwave but almost a second later the clouds gather back, thunder and lightning once again could be seen and heard all over the skies of the Turbulent Sea

Even Kaiju secretly marveled at Death Monarch methods. These clouds are not the clouds of this world and it is not the clouds of the Heavenly Will.

Instead, if one look closely at the clouds, they could see the difference. Most clouds are white.

But the clouds that Death Monarch conjured up has all kinds of colors and have that extraterrestrial aura on it.

These clouds are more like cosmic clouds.

It is a cloud formed by celestial energy and cosmic energy. Since it is an energy that belongs to Death Monarch, Kaiju could not manipulate it.

Kaiju is a type of dragon race that control the clouds, the element of thunder and water.

So, even without the trident, he could control any clouds and any body of water if he wanted to. The trident only enhances that ability a thousand-fold.

If not, how could he fight equally with someone who is just one step away from Essence Creation level and someone who walk the Perfection Path

It must be remembered that Death Monarch even at his current strength could fight against an Essence Creation leveler and survive such encounter.

Leapfrogging fight is basically the specialty of anyone who walk the Perfection path.

If the trident did not boost Kaiju strength to the current level, how could Kaiju accept the challenge.

It is because he saw that there is a possibility of winning, no matter how slim, that he accepted the invitation of the Crime Alliance, the Pirates and the other criminal forces to duke it out with Death Monarch and subverts the current world order

They look at each other and for a second, they stare at each other eyes and Kaiju smiles

'Impressive but not enough!' he shouted. Kaiju charisma is off the roof right now.

He seems to be the one who is defeated by his fighting intent did not falter one bit.

Was it because he is arrogant?

Is it because he is confident of his own victory? Or is this the kind of person he is?

All kinds of people all over the world try to understand the mindset of Kaiju.

Any other people faced with Death Monarch ability, constant improvement, giving you hope and then killing that hope, a seemingly unlimited war machine that could not be stopped, would have lost any hope by now.

Even if such person did not lose hope, they would at least feel despondent and each moment that passes would increase the despair.

But Kaiju is still there.

Even with all the shocks that Death Monarch power sems to bring to the world, refreshing their cognition again and again, Kaiju is still the same Kaiju.

pαпdα-ňᴏνê|·сóМ Eager to fight, unafraid and fearless of anything.

One moment of glance, distance of a hundred feet, traversed in an instant. This time it is Kaiju that initiated the attack.

It only took three second since that lats attack for Kaiju to attack again. All over his body is new wounds as he traverses the distorted space and time between them.

Right now, because of their attack, the time and space around them was distorted so heavily that travelling through space, whether traveling forward or backward, there is restriction of space, uneven gravity and all kinds of rift that could hurt one body.

If Seed Forming levelers is at this area right now, there is a high chance for them to be severely injured by the spiraling rift of space all over.

But kaiju ignored all of that and kicks the air, and almost in an instant, he appeared only three feet away from Death Monarch.

Azief widened his eyes

'Hoh! I didn't think you attack' he thought but then Kaiju shouted again, this time his voice is more like a roar, covering the sound of the thunder

'It is not enough! Show me more! Azief, the strongest person in the world! Show your power!!' he shouted




Kaiju attacked and he strike without hesitation.

A continual attack, series of huge fist energy forms in the sky.

Each one is the size of a mountain, bombarding the small figure of Death Monarch

Sea water all over the Turbulent Sea was affected because of the two people dueling with each other.

Because each place they fight, a lot of water is vaporized and the absence of water around this area has to be filled with the nearest water.

If people could measure the sea water level in the Turbulent Sea, they would notice that a few inches of the sea water level had decreased.

This alone is something that is shocking.

Because the Turbulent Sea is a vast ocean surpassing all of the oceans in the world before the expansion of the world.

But Death Monarch and Kaiju did not care about all of these in this moment. Their minds do not even have the time to think of the effect of their battle

They focused on each other and everything around them semes top fade away expect the enemy in front of them

Kaiju is exhausting all of the energy in the trident. Other people might not be able to sense this but how could Azief not see this.

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