Lord Shadow

Chapter 1481 And Now….

Hikigaya could see the way those two look at him and he smiles.

'Yang Xuan the Butcher of Henan' Hikigaya said.

He did read the briefing about members of the Red Table and members of the Crime Alliance.

Yang Xuan is a butcher who killed tens of thousands of people he flayed his victims and torture them.

What he did to people shows that he is more beast than he is a human. His bloodlust and the resentment around him are even higher than Martinez.

There is no shred of remorse in him. Hikigaya found this out when their eyes locked with each other

In that moment Hikigaya trapped him into a prison. This prison of the mind is generated by one remorse.

But the prison is empty and it was at this moment that Hikigaya knows that he had no remorse.

So, the prison is changed into a torture room.

All the torture, all the pain he inflicted upon his victims is inflicted back on him. It is an illusion. But the mind believes it is true.

You would be surprised to know how the mind controls parts of your body.

Yang Xuan has minimal defense against the mental magic.

He is not like Death Monarch whose divine sense is so powerful that trying to pry into his mind is like trying to throw an egg into a titanium door.

Yang Xuan mind is easily invaded and the torture of the mind affect his body and thus happened the scene of him blowing himself up

This kind of monsters should not live in the world even a second longer.

Hikigaya was never the kind of righteous person like Raymond or someone who hated criminals like Katarina and Death Monarch

But that does not mean he is all generous and benevolent

He is a world and he sees some terrible shit in the world, trying to survive

He knows there is darkness in people and there is also light.

And because of the baptism of hardship and cruelty of the world, even though he also changed, he did not change too much.

But, when he sees such a monster standing in front of him and he has the power to kill such monsters, how could he not do it.

All he did was put him under an illusion, making him think his energy reverses and the moment that Yang Xuan believes this, he is dead.

Thus, he exploded into pieces of meat.

He kills a person without even moving. He then looks at the three people in front of him, smiles and then he laughed

'And now…. there is three'


The sound of the thunder seems dimmer and the sea waves seems to have calmed down. Right now, the area of the city of Arturia is mostly empty.

The common people have been evacuated a long time ago and the soldiers are fighting near the shore.

Death Monarch and Kaiju on the other hand has gone too far that it did not affect the island anymore

It is only around the platform there is some action.

The people on the execution platform shouted for their leader but the three people did not have time to acknowledge them.

Instead, they are looking at Hikigaya.

One of them has died.

Just like that

They could not help but think of how easy it was for Hikigaya to kill Yang Xuan and shudder a bit.

Even though the blame is on Yang Xuan for forgetting the warning that Amaterasu had given him, this is the first time a Disk Formation leveler could see the true power of a Divine Comprehension leveler.

One gaze is all it takes.

Hikigaya smiles looking at the cautious expression of these three people.

He could not explain to them that there are many factors on why he is able to do such a thig

He could see that Yang Xuan has deep hidden injury that is patched up all over his body.

This hidden injury is not like wounds of internal damage but energy of people seeping deep into his core of energy.

With the right stimulation it is like he detonates a bomb inside Yang Xuan body

He could also see that he has suicidal thoughts in his mind.

Hikigaya saw this in that brief moment when he looks at him.

Of course, for someone who lacks any empathy and remorse like Yang Xuan, how is it that he would have such suicidal thought?

It is nothing more than the accumulated resentment trying to confuse him. And Hikigaya could tell that the people who tried to kill Yang Xuan in the past tries to use hexes and cruses and these hexes and curses, even though it failed it leaves a mark.

Negative thoughts are the lingering of these curses. Given enough time, or meeting a powerful priest class or healer this kind of lingering danger could easily be solved.

But Yang Xuan probably did not even notice these lingering traces of the curses and hexes and that is another backdoor that Hikigaya had uses.

He uses all of these factors to confuse his mind and made him blows himself up. To the world, it looks like one gaze is all it takes for him to blow up a Disk Formation leveler.

only the one involved know show hard it is to replicate what he did.

Disk Formation levelers are not cabbage on the street

Even in the Universe, they are a big figure of power and cold be a lord of any planet.

Look at Death Monarch.

Even when he is in Disk Formation, he could fight against Divine Comprehension leveler.

Even Hikigaya even though he does not think he would be able to kill a Divine Comprehension leveler, he would still have the ability to at least survive.

Maybe, he would be battered and beaten, but he could still run away. Disk Formation levelers means of surviving is many.

If Yang Xuan is even a tad bit careful…he would not have such a pathetic end.

Right now, the whole world misunderstood and thought that Hikigaya kills Yang Xuan with a single gaze.

However, how could Hikigaya smash down his own prestige. HE would not explain the twist and turns of him killing Yang Xuan.

That would be an idiotic move

The more they think that Hikigaya kills such a person that easily would only make him stronger in this confrontation

The wind blows and the dust around the platform rises up

they all stare at each other and the moment passes and Hikigaya laughed

'Will none of you make the move?'

They did not move forward but they did not retreat either. It seems they know that Hikigaya could not move from the area right now

And they also seme to know that unless they let their guard down like Yang Xuan, they would not end the same way

Martinez and Amaterasu look at him with a cautious expression. But it was Mister Moscow that Hikigaya look at.

Because this person ears a mask, it is hard to know what he is thinking.

Even his eyes could not see through that mask.

And that is something. It shielded his mind from him.

Hikigaya might not be Hirate but he does also have the ability to peer through one mind. Or it might be more accurate to say he peers through the emotions of people.

And then create an illusion in the mind using what he sees

Hikigaya face is very calm but only he knows how stormy his emotions are night now

'They must have known something' he thought to himself.

Hikigaya is the protector of this platform and the energy he is pouring out for his body to maintain this formation is very taxing.

But it is not something impossible for him.

But once he does it, he connects himself with the ground, with the island and if he got up from his chair or moves away from this platform, the defense would slowly be destroyed.

He designated himself as the focal point of the formation.

Because any other formation will always have the weak spot.

No matter how perfect a formation is, there is always that key spot where you could break it

Death Monarch wanted to win a perfect victory.

So, Arturia needs to stand. When the battle end, this island continent must still be there

The battle between Divine Comprehension leveler could even wipes out an entire planet

It is unreasonable to think that Arturia would remain unscathed in a battle this large.

Even during the Multiversal Convergence, the fighting was everywhere and is not concentrated in one place.

Now, Arturia is a fighting place for many people.

Even right now, as these three people are facing Hikigaya, all over the island Disk Formation levelers are using their powers and abilities wantonly, creating all kinds of mystical phenomenon all over Heaven and Earth.

Unless, there is a powerful protection formation on it.

And so, this task falls onto Hikigaya.

He is now not only protecting the platform, he is also dividing his concentration to make sure that this island did not crumble because of so many people fighting on it, in it and above it.

If not for his invisible protection this island continent would have crumbled the moment the dark forces of the world and the world powers army clashed with each other.

These three people knows this.

But how did they know this? Death Monarch and Jean also knows this but they have no reason to sabotage him but then suddenly he chuckles

Because he remembers someone who also knows him and knows a lot about other people secrets

'I thought he would not participate. But judging from the fact you know I could not move from my throne...is it the Trickster?'


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