Lord Shadow

Chapter 1479 Old Enemies

Hikigaya understood this.

The world power understood this and the world understood this. Win or lose, the world power will not crumble in one day

Hence the way of winning for the dark forces of the world is numerous. But the way for the world power to win is only one way

And that is the way that Death Monarch had decided. The objective of this war has always been determined by Death Monarch

He provokes this war because he believes he could win. It is different from the world powers conflict and this conflict

The world powers struggle against each other is different.

To the people of the world, there might be a ranking of power between the world powers but there was never a person other than Death Monarch that could break the regulations set by the world powers.

A single person managed to suppress the world power is not exactly a common thing. And even then, Death Monarch is a part of the world powers

To the common people, it is a battle between world powers and no matter how bad things get, the world powers is still there to hold up the sky

What the world powers decided to do, especially jointly together, has never failed. If Kaiju and his bands of criminals manage to show that they can break this rule, then, they won.

It would win the criminal forces of the world time and one could guess that they could breathe a little

Some of them might even no longer respect some of the world powers that partners with them

And that is why he is here.

Hikigaya learns a lot of things when he was a warlord.

Some lesson he learned easily.

Some lessons, he learned it the hard way.

And one of the lessons that he had learned in a hard way was that no matter what you do, never underestimate your enemies

Even that overestimation could waste some resources it is better to overestimate them then to be caught unprepared.

And just like he expected, there is four people suddenly appearing in front of the platform. Hikigaya only smiles

There is a person with a bowler hat, wearing a tight fitted suit, a lean person with tall heigh, his hair reached the back of his neck.

His face is bandaged with black and red clothes.

The clothes on his face seems to be something that is alive as it sometimes wiggles and moves by itself.

Hikigaya never met this man in person but he once read the brief report on this man.

'Mister Moscow' he mutters

There is another person beside Mister Moscow. And this is a person that Hikigaya knows.

It is a person wearing an Oni mask over his face with horns on the top of each side of his mask

This person is tall and his hair is long enough to reach his waist. But his hair is tied very neatly and it is tied in a certain knot.

Like a knot that have some mystical properties. Hikigaya knows this kind of magic. Knotting magic

Weaving, tangling cause and effect. It tangles, unravels and tangle again. A mystery in each knot. This kind of magic is very rare because to practice it one might even get crazy.

'Amaterasu' he spoke and his voice echoes and Amaterasu smiling Oni face mask frowned.

'Hikigaya, it has been a long time' the voice that came out is a very deep manly voice. Hearing this Hikigaya only laugh.

Hikigaya knows Amaterasu because they have met each other in the past.

The reason is because in the beginning of his rise as a warlord in Japan, he also relies on the Yakuza members a bit

Some of his generals also came from such background.

At the time of the Fall men with gut are either trained professionals or people who always have a run in with the laws.

Of course, among the civilians there is also people like this.

However, the Yakuza is accustomed to a life of violence which is the reason why there is even a faction of Hikigaya generals who came from criminal background.

And Amaterasu at that time work in Yomi

A pity that Hikigaya had never plan for these elements to always stay in Japan.

It is a relationship of benefit and when that benefit could no longer be maintained, he and Oreki liquidate Yomi

So, he could guess that Amaterasu really hated him

It is also one of the reasons why the people of Japan truly think of both Oreki and Hikigaya as protector

Of course, not many know this hidden connection between them.

At that time, Japan is still under the World Government

Hikigaya did not look at the other three people instead, he looks at Amaterasu and then asked

'Why pretend to be a man, Amaterasu? Hiding that beautiful face behind an Oni mask…. are you ashamed to let people see your scar?' And Hikigaya laughed

The laugh is full of disdain and mockery.

At least it sounds like that in her ears

Mister Moscow look at Amaterasu and even though his face does not show that he is shocked one could guess from his body language that he is surprised by this

Amaterasu snorted

'You think that is the reason? You think I am afraid!' there is a challenging tone in her voice

She opens the mask and the moment her face is revealed the other three people with her was shocked.

'I didn't expect this' Mister Moscow said

'Who would have thought that Amaterasu one of the top members of Yomi is a woman?' one of them said

Most people always thought that Amaterasu is a man

Well, this could not be blamed on them.

After all, Amaterasu acted like man for most of the time. She speaks in a deep husky voice and even though everyone knows she uses voice changers no one doubts that is her voice.

After all, there is no need to pretend to be a man. It is not like the Crime Alliance cares either way.

However, these people did not know Amaterasu past so they would not understand why she always dresses like a man and acted like a man.

But Hikigaya knows.

They are enemies but they were also ally at some point in the past.

It is an ironic thing that sometimes the people that understand you the most is usually your enemy

'She is objectively beautiful' one of them said. Hikigaya only smiles looking at this face

when Amaterasu opens the mask, it revealed a beautiful face and add that with her long hair reaching her waist, she looks divine.

Her face is truly beautiful and she did not shame the name of Amaterasu.

But that is not the only reason why everyone is dazzled.

Her face is slowly shining with light

Like a Sun

Hikigaya smiles and spoke

'So, this is the advancement of someone who have Divine Class'

Hikigaya words is something that Mister Moscow and the people watching this does not understand

People knows that there is the Normal Class. Which is like warrior, mages and other basic class that one could choose.

And there is also unique class like Shadow Lord

But they never heard of something called Divine Class.

Hikigaya could only shakes his head. If this war did not happen who knows how long the world will remain oblivious to this.

There is another class which is Divine Class.

Amaterasu was not always called Amaterasu. She evolved her class to Divine Class. Japan is the first one that probably discovered the existence of Divine class.

This has something to do with the fact that Japan is the only country that is not badly affected by the initial Fall and manage to quickly create a government.

Everyone is still thinking of what is Divine class and Hikigaya did not explain it to anyone.

'Amaterasu Omikami' Hikigaya mutters

The Great Divinity Illuminating Heaven

Her face seems to be full of light and her eyes could dazzle any men. But if there is one imperfection on her face it is the long scar on her forehead. A straight line.

'It still hurst to this day' Amaterasu said as her entire body emanate heat that could burns everything around her including intangible thing.

It is clear to everyone that is present that Amaterasu had some drama with Hikigaya

This kind of hatred is not normal hatred. There is something personal between her and Hikigaya. Hikigaya only smiles.

'Did you really think that if I wanted to kill you back then, you could have survived?' he chuckles and then said

'I spare you.'

He then shakes his head and sighed saying

'I thought you would do something with your life. Something meaningful. But when I heard that you still insisted on living the same kind of life, I was very disappointed. With this kind of power, I could have given you the shrine of Ise and you could be consecrated there and be regarded as a protector.'

He sighed before saying

'Japan is only hold up by me and Oreki. If you abandon the dark and join the light, then I will forgive your past transgression.'

Amaterasu hearing this only smile but her smiles are creepy.

'Bowing down to you and Oreki? After all, the things you had done. What a great way of subverting right and wrong!'

Hikigaya only sighed. He knows it is almost impossible to persuade Amaterasu just by talking.


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