Lord Shadow

Chapter 1471 One Lone Ship


He yelled, and his voice echoes all over like a declaration, like a promise.

The entire space around him seems to compress by itself. All because of that yell

It seems there is a trace of law in it that affects the world operation. Mystical and full of magic.

There is intent and there is desire of wanting to break the wall and this intent and desire turns into a power

the ball of water shoots toward the wall.

How small the ball of water looks and how large the wall compared to it.

But if anyone is close to that ball of water, only then they could see the horror of this ball of water.

It almost seems like it carried the entire weight of the sea


The sound of something breaking could be heard all over the Turbulent Sea and to the shock of the people of the world they see how the wall turns into ashes and fly away with the dust

The wall was broken just like that.

It disturbs only part of the sea and it did not even create a huge wave

Turning into ashes, how could it create such a big mess like when Kaiju destroys the island?

People seeing this scene could not help but feel shocked.

Such a tall wall, such a sturdy and almost seems like to be an impenetrable wall has easily been destroyed by a small ball of water


'Kaiju is really powerful'

'No, it I not him that is powerful. It is the trident'

All over the world, those who are looking at their screen all have their own thoughts and opinion about the things that they have just watched

The sail of the ships soars high and they sail the sea from all four corners, approaching Arturia with a speed akin to lightning

On the city of Arturia, on the four corners of the island, the soldiers are all looking at the sea with a frown, tightly wielding their weapons. Some are flying in the air, ready to clash with the foot soldiers of the dark forces.

The dark forces of the world did not have a professional army like the world powers, but they do have a lot of people they hired.

And these people have interest in making sure that the Crime Alliance, the pirate and all of these other evil forces to continue surviving.

While the ship is riding ahead toward the city, full speed, Kaiju is already flying fast like lightning.

And thunder accompany him, the waves split below him as his figure darted all over the turbulence of space.

Even all the countless camera set up all over the route toward the city could not capture his movement.

The speed become faster and faster until not even a blur could be seen but only the ripples in the air could be seen.

And before long even that disappeared.

Azief on his seat was closing his eyes.

He had been waiting and his Divine Sense envelope the entire island continent.

If his Divine Sense reach further it would become distorted. His face is still calm even after the island was destroyed.

Even after the wall turns into ashes, he is calm, like none of this is his problems.

The world is shocked and even those great figures on the second platform also was shocked. They did not think that is how long it takes for Kaiju to break the islands and the wall.

It is almost like an instant. Pointing the trident, the wall crumbles.

They see it and they understand the gap between them and Kaiju.

Most of them had also try to the defenses of these islands and the wall ad they could tell that a Disk Formation leveler would take time to break all of those islands.

If there are a few hundreds of them, it might be easier if they added military formations or using some kind of magical artifacts

But even then, it would not be as fast as Kaiju method. Pointing the trident, mobilizing the power of the sea, the islands was swallowed down to the sea bed and the walls turns into ashes.

They could not understand how Kaiju mobilize the power and the more they don't understand, the more they fear.

If even these Disk Formation levelers is feeling like this, there is no need to mention the feeling and fear of the people watching this all over the world

But Death Monarch is still sitting there. As for Jean and Hikigaya, they are also not surprised. After all, Azief has already explained it to them before.

So, they were not shocked.

And if Kaiju did not even have this kind of ability, how could the world powers create such spectacle?

If he is weak and easily suppressed, why would a war be provoked? Because he has the ability, the world powers pay attention to this matter

The atmosphere in the square become solemn.

From afar, tens of thousands of ships are approaching the island. A distance of hundreds of kilometers is easily traversed in a few minutes

All over the island, the soldiers began preparing.

In just a few minutes, the ships could already be seen a stone throws away.

Even as the ship is approaching the shore, they did not slow down. Some of the ship even began to float.

All of the protection formation layout around the island vicinity is easily broken. The sound of it breaking is like the sound of a falling glass.

Kaiju is in the lead and tens of thousands of people behind him.

Fifteen minutes. That is how long it takes for the dark forces of the world to traverse thousands of kilometers from the wall to the island.

The speed of the ship is like lightning, if this was before the Fall, those people in the ship would all probably vaporized for moving that fast but this is no longer the initial year of the Fall

Those who come her, all have some abilities to survive.

Be ready!

They are going to attack as soon as they land.

North side report

The South has detected the ships.

The ship is going to land in a few minutes in the West

All kinds of reports could be heard through their communication device. The soldiers that are waiting at the area around the shore of the four corners of the island continent all are in tense mood.

Kaiju on the other hand flew so fast and then just before anyone could react, he is already floating on top of the south side port

And then he stopped. He looks toward the Central Square. He could see with his eyes Death Monarch, Jean and Hikigaya

He did not enter the land. He just floats there.

He is waiting. The whole world sees this. And some soldiers on the port wanted to make a move but an order quickly came.

Leave him to Death Monarch!


There are dark eyes watching all of this.

There is a lone ship. It hides behind the waves and the chaos.

Yewa Hafar is now looking at the battle that is about to commence and he frowned.

The more he watched, the more thing progressed like this, the more he frowned and the more he feels frustrated.

Things that he thought is tightly in his hand is no longer in his grasp. And his mind is also thinking of something else

'Should he change the character?'

There would be other candidates. He thought but then he shook his head.

Things have gone this far.

If he had been more decisive, or he could have seen this happening, he probably would make that choice. But he could not have expected this

Fate and Destiny changes. This kind of thing just couldn't happen. Maybe, in some small-scale worldly destiny. Or maybe, destiny bestowed by those beings that think of themselves as gods.

False gods and false faith.

But this is the fate and destiny bestowed by Him.

And it changes

'Too many hands in the darkness. And too many hands that are now reaching out'

The waves fall around him but it did not attack or affect his ship. It is like his ship is protected. He might not have the power of Death Monarch and he surely could not fight against people like Kaiju or the big figures in the world but his magic and his knowledge of such things are very high

Even though he is limited by the vessel that he had taken, it is not like his knowledge and his experience simply goes away

There is magic that he uses to easily dispel such dangers.

He is now standing on the deck of his ship, hesitating.

He come here expecting things to come back to its course but clearly now, he could feel it. Feel the changing course of destiny and fate

It is rerouting and Yewa Hafar doesn't think it is rerouting to the most ideal route that he had planned.

Just as he thinks of this, there is a raven that appears. And this causes him to narrow his eyes. He was used to seeing the white owls flying on the sky above because he knows it is the owls of the White Owl organization.

But ravens? This far from land. And appearing suddenly?

He shook his head

'It's you' the words he said is barely a whisper but the crow shouted and the cawing sound is grating to the ear as it swopped down from the air and just right before it is about to hit the deck, the raven transformed into a man in a three-piece suit, a hat on top of his head, a middle-aged face but elegant and charismatic.

Loki the Trickster.

There is only one person in the world that knows who he is and knows why he is here. Yewa Hafar is not famous. He did not do anything troublesome and he mostly a man with a low profile

Hence, he could blend with the world and the world powers is none the wiser.

Thus, there is no reason for such forces to contact him. So, the only logical conclusion is that the person in front of him is Loki

Of course, even if all of these facts are not considered, one could still tell that it is Loki. Because of the ravens

Loki look at Yewa Hafar. His face is different from the last time, understandable since he does change his face a lot

And he is smiling.

'Ah, Yewa Hafar, smile a little' he is in a very good mood.

'You come here to mock me?'

He shook his head. Usually, they would banter a bit. But now is clearly not the moment. In the distance, the battle is about get intense.

Loki simply said

'I am here because you are here.' He smiles and he did not elaborate. But they both understand each other.

Loki come here fearing that Yewa Hafar would do something.

Yewa Hafar has many darks magic and dark knowledge in his disposal

And if Loki compare his knowledge with Yewa Hafar, he knows he is lacking. Yewa Hafar age is probably so old that even some galaxy is not as old as him.

Of course, he sometime forgets this but the magic and ability he had accumulated over all of those years must not be underestimated.

But…. Loki is stronger.

The vessel that Yewa Hafar had entered is not as talented as him and with Yew Hafar wanting to be low profile, means he could not show off like Death Monarch or accumulate resentment a

so, even though it has been years, even though the world is full of energy, he just entered Disk Formation and stagnated there.

So, that kind off level any differences between them.

The wind blows and the waves thrashes wildly, a lone ship that only has one person now have two people, looking from afar, watching the changes of the world


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