Lord Shadow

Chapter 1467 Waiting For A Dragon

The camera pans toward another place and there the world could see, sitting lone far away from the rest of the people is Hirate the Mind Manipulator.

He did not sit at the World Government part of the platform but sits far away from everyone else. But when the people of the world look around him, they could understand

'What is that chair?

'What is that on top of his head?'

This are the words coming from the mouth of everyone that is looking at the screen. He is sitting on a floating chair.

On top of his head, there is a stylish helmet connected with countless metallic wires. These metallic wires come from the back of the chair.

Powerful aura seems to enveloped him in a circle shield.

This is a psionic force, a force that Hirate wields freely.

​ Hirate ability is very powerful as the years passes. He is also had reached the pinnacle Disk Formation realm. However, he just breakthrough a few months ago and he is not as close as Raymond to break through to Divine Comprehension

Hirate is mostly known to use his psionic force to fight people. During the Weronian Occupation many people was saved by him using his mind tricks.

There was a story where he fools a few Weronian Warriors in thinking that he did not transport a few hundred people out of a prison.

However, many people also know that Hirate also had a weapon

A Spear called the Heavenly Jeweled Spear. This is a weapon of mass destruction. No one sees that weapon around him but everyone could tell that if he is ever in danger, he probably would bring that spear out.

The screen then shows other scenes all over the world from the chaos on the port cities, the arrivals of pirates and the ten seas.

Azief could see that the screen is now showing other scenes.

He stands on the third level of the platform. And on the third level, there is only three people and they sit not on a chair but on a floating throne, hovering a few inches above the platform.

Azief throne is black and reddish, Jean throne are light green with a hint of purple and Hikigaya throne is dark purple with a hint of white.

Sitting on the center of these three people is Azief. Sitting on his left is Hikigaya and sitting on his right is Jean

All three of them look at the far distance and they could see the wall. The wall is far away but distance seems to mean nothing for them.

'There is too much obstacle. You did want them to come right?' Hikigaya ask

Azief nodded

'Then why make so many obstacles for them to clear?'

Azief smiles and said

'That is how you build a story'

'A story?'

'Yes. Today, all of this from the world broadcast to this spectacle, I planned all of this. Just to show the world a story. A story works best when there are villains and there are heroes. But if the villain is too weak, the heroes might could not be properly displayed. So, we have to show the world that the villain is strong.'

Jean smiles and then said

'From the very beginning, that wall is easily destroyed right?'

Azief nodded.

'Maybe, if there are only the pirates and the Crime Alliance, they would find it hard to break that wall. But Kaiju? With that trident, he could easily break that wall. And that is what I wanted to show the world.

Hikigaya suddenly understood.

'the stronger he seems to the world, the stronger you would appear when you beat him'

Azief nodded.

Hikigaya understood a bit Azief methods. He is theatrical because it is the best way. Create an invincible image of him to the world so that even before meeting him, people would be intimidated.

And it is also to show the world how powerful Kaiju is and the more powerful he is, the more powerful Azief would be in people mind when he defeated Kaiju.

But all of this rest in the fact that Azief must defeat Kaiju. On the third level of the platform, there is only three people.

One of them is Jean the Time Monarch, Time Manipulator. He has many titles and many of them is related to his ability to control and manipulate time

In the past, such ability would be regarded as godlike. But anyone who reached his level has a bit of ability to control time and space around them

But the reason why it was him that is called Time Monarch is because among others, he is the most adept and masterful in using and manipulating time.

He sat there on his throne and even if he did not do anything, people would attribute things to him. This is the advantage of the strong.

He did not even have to show anything to make people afraid or in awe of him.

Usually he would wear his Chancellor robe.

But today, he is ready for battle.

He did not wear iron armor but he does wears a leather armor. Of course, this leather armor is also not ordinary

He usually would wear his purple armor but it seems he has created a new armor this time

He is tall and his hair is long, wavy, giving him the image of a free-spirited look. His eyes are bright blue and his face is pale white

He now sported a beard but it did not make him look funny. Instead, it made him look manly and fierce.

He would sometimes talk to Death Monarch.

But most of the true conversation would only be when they speak in secret, speaking with mental communication.

On the left side is Hikigaya.

He wears a red robe with a cloud motifs sewn onto it.

Around him mist and clouds seems to floats around him, making his face and his entire figure hard to see.

Who knows?

Maybe even everything that the people saw of him is merely his illusion and he is not here at all

This is the Archmage in using illusion magic, the Illusionist Archmage Hikigaya

Since he rarely fights in the stage of the world, not many people could see his ability.

But when the Weronian war started his power of illusion has saved many people and killed many enemies.,

And as the years passes by his ability in using illusions, in subverting reality and turning unreal to real has become even more pronounced and even more powerful

He is lean and thin but no one would think that such a person is weak. There is only three people in the world that is Divine Comprehension leveler and he is one of them

And then there is the strongest man in the world.

Death Monarch

There is nothing more to be said about this man.

The Heaven of the world.

The wall, tht mountain.

Death Monarch controls one third of the Heavenly Will, his eyes are everywhere, as long as you look at the sky above, there is him three feet above you.

To many, he is the wall that they need to break through.

Some regarded him as a mountain that they need to climb over.

Those who did not have such confidence to try to take him on would not reach the peak. Jean, Hikigaya these two people has always regarded Death Monarch as a target to surpass.

And even though they did not yet reach that point, they came closer than anyone else.

Death Monarch had also change. In the past, he would dress in black, his entire body would be swirling with dark and reddish aura that would exude out from his black robe

It was like he is the personification of darkness itself. But something must have changed.

He no longer wears a hood.

One could see his hair, a black with a hint of brown wavy style hair that is perfect enough, not too long but not too short either, the appropriate length.

But no one cares about Death Monarch hair. It is the name, the power that made him appear out of ordinary

The strongest person in the world!

Since he first dubbed that title, there was no one else that could challenge that throne of his.

With the power of one person, he could challenge the whole world to a fight! And he is the one who created the Seven World Powers, dictating the event of the world

This kind of person, is too big and hard to judge.

Just by him sitting there, it fills the heart of the people with a feeling of invincibility.

The screen of the world shows these three people and these three people alone could shut up the whole world.

Then the screen shows other scenes.

Azief smiles.

His objective is fulfilled.

He had hyped the battle and now he just waited.

At the same time, right now, the ship of the dark forces of the world had all gathered all over the thousand miles' area of the island continent

They did not sail forward and instead is waiting for an order. Before their eyes, the sight of thousands of island fill their vision.

If they were to moves across this islands, it would take days.

Not to mention all of these island somehow created squalls waves all around them making the water unpredictable and unsuitable for ships to go through

So, they waited.

If the world powers have Death Monarch now the pirates and the dark forces of the world also have their own Death Monarch

They are waiting for none other than Kaiju


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