Lord Shadow

Chapter 1461 A Lone Ship

Death Monarch doesn't seem to care if the whole world knows his line up

This broadcast…is it to deter them? Or is he really that confident that the dark forces of the world will be suppressed today?

The Dark forces of the world also have their own trump card.

There is someone riding a lonely ship. This ship follows a titanic ship that brought along the forces of the Crime Alliance.

Standing on the deck, looking at the vast ocean while the projection screen floated in front of him, this man frowns

He is alone in this ship as this ship operates using energy crystal. And he has a lot of energy crystal to burn.

No one seems to realize it.

Because right now, there is tens of thousands of ships sailing the Turbulent Sea.

Most of them follow the ship in front of them because navigating the Turbulent Sea is not easy.

Even now, as they watched the broadcast there is delays and static interference but they could still watch it.

It is to be expected if you are sailing on the Turbulent Sea. But the pirates are very familiar with the properties of the Ten Seas. Some of them even wins the blessing of these seas and could travel around it unhindered.

Every once in a while, they would see some space rips out from the sky all of a sudden.

Most of the time nothing happens. But there are a few times when things were ejected from this space rips.

Other times it tries to suck you in.

That is still easy enough to escape. As long as you have powerful body and powerful skill such a happening would not delay you more than a few seconds. But, there is also the interruption of time

They could feel that the time around them seems to move in a different pace than the other area.

When you reached such places, it is better to find a way to quickly sync up the time or break the area as fast as possible or better yet, avoid it completely

But the person in this one small ship does not seem to care too much about the space rips around him or the sudden change in the sea water around him.

he did not rush to follow the big ship but not obvious enough that he would stand out among the many other ship

This person looks at the lineup of Pandemonium and he frowned.

Not because he worried that the dark forces of the world would fail in their attack or that the world powers would win. He didn't care about the outcome of this battle.

Whether the world power wins or loses, whether the dark forces of the world could operate normally like before, it is not the concern on his mind

Instead, it is seeing this events that has now spiraling out of control, out of order that made him concerned.

'This did not happen. There is no such trident. Poseidon did no interfere before. The secrets of fate and destiny is slowly being blurred'

The more he said this, the more he frowns and there is a lot of things in his heart right now.

There are many emotions but the most dominant of this emotion is none other than anger.

He is feeling angry.

Angry that things have deviated this much.

There are many people joining Death Monarch. It should not be like this at all.

These people should not join him and should not be in the same camp. A trickle of water has now turns into a rushing stream.

A butterfly flaps its wing and the world is covered in storm

Most of these people did not join him because in the past, Death Monarch never established Pandemonium. He has always been a lone power, a lone wolf in the world.

While he did stand equal with the world powers, this is after he became Sovereign and not before. Before that he basically like any other wanderer, doing task for the world powers and being one of the grassroots people.

In his time, it was different. His eyes looking at Death Monarch had also changed. Destiny…. could it really be changed?

Should it be changed?

Then what about the Divine Promise?

Before, he could stand the changes but now more and more variables appear. And the whole Universe is starting to notice.

He could feel Odin presence. He did not yet come, but there is signs.

When someone of that level of existence wanted to come down to lower plane of existence, there is always signs and omens.

He was preparing to block Odin. Odin must have his plan and whatever that plan is, it would greatly change the flow of the current events.

And Loki would probably also want to block Odin

And now, there is Poseidon trident on Earth. What is the plan of Poseidon? This is what he is thinking right now.

This person who thinks about a different past is none other than Yewa Hafar.

He could only sigh at the impermanence of mortal affairs

And because of this many changes to the events of the world, he is now also going to Arturia. Whether he would participate in the battle, is still something he is thinking about

'I will see how thing goes. This time, I don't think even Loki expected many of these things. He must be thinking of countermeasures too'

He sighed again, the sigh is long and hard. Yewa Hafar rarely have many emotions. But, as the body he inhabited is someone who has many emotions, he is also affected.

He would want a new body but this is the body he uses in the other reversed timeline. In according to his plan, he should maintain the least possible deviation from the future where His Lord won, he once again chooses this body.

'Loki…. I don't know if you are happy with the current trajectory of the future or are you also bothered by it like I am' he smirks a bit and mutter

'Knowing you, you would show a smile and laugh. You were always better when you are under pressure'

But Yewa Hafar knows that between him and Loki, Loki is more advantageous right now

Because while Loki also want certain thing to remain the same, there is without a doubt that in the end, the final objective of Loki is to change things.

He might be frustrated that certain things did not really go according to plan, but he has the easeness of accepting it because every change could change the ultimate ending

Yewa Hafar on the other hand did not have such freedom and he could not let things to deviate too much.

There is the ending that Loki wanted and there is an ending that Yewa Hafar wanted

And both of these endings are different.

Yewa Hafar thought all of this as he looks at the distant vast sea and his ship slowly slows down.

Inside his pupil is the reflection of an image of a wall.

The wall is far away but even from this far distance, everyone that is now around this part of the sea could see that tall wall, stretching almost infinitely from their perspective.

Its heights touch the clouds and that is a magnificent feat considering that the distance between the earth and the sky seems to have lengthened.

'What a tall wall!' he exclaimed to himself.

But before they could reach the wall, they have to go through tens of thousands of islands. Only then they could reach the wall.

And beyond that wall is an island continent. And many of the great warriors of the world power is gathering there right now, waiting for them

The moment they enter Arturia, the war will begin.

Yewa Hafar could not help but sighed when he uttered the word Arturia from his mouth.

'Another deviation' he muttered to himself.


This place also never existed before.

At least even if it existed, it probably has nothing to do with the world

Because if it's something important, history would remember it and he would remember it.

But in today world, Arturia is well known place even before Death Monarch take control over it. A pirate port, an island continent for pirates, criminal, misfits and wanderers.

He looks at the tall wall in the distance. All he could see is blurry images of the wall, like the wall itself is covered with clouds.

He sighed as he waited.

Just like the rest of the pirates.

They waited until everyone is in position.

The moment they are in position, a great war like never seen before would erupt.

The waves keep flowing and the wind keeps blowing.

Tens of thousands of ships encircle the route toward Arturia, the scene is magnificent and grand.

When the drone that records these tens of thousands of ships relayed the image to the world, the people seeing it from the screen could not help but gasped.

What a magnificent display of power. What a grand occasion!

A battle to determine the world status quo.

Either the world power would win and suppresses the dark forces in the world for a few decade or the dark forces in the world would win and break the suppression of the great powers

Today, a great war would be fought, and winners would be kings!


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