Lord Shadow

Chapter 1458 The Lineup

Now, Death Monarch Azief identity is a very sensitive information.

In the past, they could still boast that they know Azief.

But, as the position of Azief in the world rises more and more, knowing Death Monarch past is not something to boast about.

It is something that could be very dangerous.

Even if they know him only as an acquaintance, it is still very dangerous to admit knowing Death Monarch

The new generations all worshipped and at awe with the power of Death Monarch. But, there is also those who wanted to usurp his place.

And there are his enemies that wanted to kill him.

And Hamad and Hatta also knows that even the world powers always try to craft plan on how to suppress Death Monarch or kill him.

Nobody likes someone like Death Monarch to exist. Other than his friend., most people in the world either worshipped him, in awe at him or wanted to kill him.

Some people believe that knowing the past of Death Monarch would help them understand Death Monarch and understanding your enemy is like the number one requirement to defeat your enemy.

Hence, when Azief reach such a high level, they no longer boast about knowing Azief. Who knows if some people would target them for knowing Death Monarch?

Hamad and Hatta could handle themselves pretty well, but there is many powerful and terrifying figures in the world that even both of them are afraid off and could not offend

If these people are interested in them because of their connection with Death Monarch, how could they explain?

So, it is better to be low profile and it is better for people not to know too much about them

Their leader Narleod know about their connection with Death Monarch but he also knows that their connection with Death Monarch is very thin.

Just people that passed him by.

But, at times, they would reminisce with each other about the past.

It is good story after all, in a way, it is like they know a celebrity before they become famous.

Hamad and Hatta then walk out of the beach, and goes back to city.

Along the way, they see more and more people from other world powers. There are warriors, archers but most of them did not show their class so obviously.

Many people sometimes wear different clothes that did not at all reflect their own class. They saw soldiers on many checkpoints. These soldiers did not care about the people of the city

Whether they make trouble or not, they seem to be blind to it. Everyone knows that the soldiers here are waiting for the attack

Everywhere that Hamad and Hatta looks there is the presence of soldiers.

There is a unit on the wall, there is units in the city and so on and so forth.

All they could see are bits and pieces of the arrangements of the world powers. From what Hamad had heard from some of the other officers of the army, tens of thousands of soldiers are dispatched.

This is a lot. After the Multiversal Convergence and the other disaster that had befallen onto Earth, soldiers are not exactly in abundance. Not many people wanted to become soldiers

And the world powers also feel soldiers are unnecessary. After all, Death Monarch guarded the four corners of Pandemonium simply by using his reputation.

So, when they do create an army, they focused more on quality then quantity. And with the discovered ability of using army formation, the military of the world has slowly begun to be expanded.

And for the world powers to bring tens of thousands of their elite soldiers to this war shows how cub importance they view this showdown.

Sometime, they meet people they know and greeted them. They all have their own orders. Some people are sent to the front lines near the edges of this island continent, stationed near the beach

The beach itself is full of weapons from anti-ship machinery to air craft weapons

some soldiers are stationed near the execution ground

And Hamad and Hatta also finally see the people of the White Owl.

'Have you ever seen them before, Hatta?'

Hatta shook his head. Most people probably have the same curiosity like Hatta and Hamad

Most of the time, the White Owl get news in mysterious manner and sometimes people think that there is no people at all in the White Owl that capture the news.

But, today, they see the people of White Owl setting recording devices all over the execution stage.

Death Monarch wanted to publicize the execution to the rest of the world. It is a warning and a signal to the criminal underworld that he would no longer just close one yes.

Or that is what the world thinks. Hamad on the other hand simply thinks that Death Monarch always has a flair for the dramatic.

But, if there is one thing he has to admit is that, his dramatic flair always works. There is a reason why people fears him and deterred by his name

It is inseparable from the way he crafted his image. But even if the whole world knows it, they still could not help but be influenced because Death Monarch had the ability to walk the talk.

They finally arrived near the square.

'What a large grand platform!' Hamad exclaimed and Hatta nodded

In the square there is a platform. This platform is wide and large and occupied more than the square itself. Any shops, stalls or residence around this square was demolished to make way for the creation of this platform

There is the execution stands, the guillotine blade sometimes would reflect the light of the sun, shining on the bottom of the platform

Sharp and murderous.

Just seeing it make people heart feels cold.

Since the Fall, there has never been such an execution like this.

There has been execution, after all during the warring periods and among the conflict before the world power was established, people killed each other every day.

They also have to fight monsters and beast. So, there was always execution, whether it is a political opponent or criminals that has been caught.

The world after the Fall is dangerous but it is also very simple.

A world of great chaos. It is the best of times and it is the worst of times.

However, there has never been this much fanfare. A public execution for the whole world to see.

It is on the upper part of the platform, the highest part of the platform where it could even see the city from the top

There are ten guillotines and trapped under that guillotine is none other than the ten people that Death Monarch had captured

The platform itself have four level

There is the bottom part. The bottom part has soldiers guarding it, encircling the entire platform.

The second part, a little bit higher than the bottom part are powerful officers from the world powers.

These are Disk Formation levelers, each one of them could stomp their feet and create ripples in the world

Great heroes and heroines of the world, great generals and great figures!

Sitting alone on the other end of the right is Sofia the Divine Archer, her bow floats behind her, emanating a sharp aura.

If anyone below Seed Forming comes near the bow, the sharp aura alone is enough to hurt people.

Since she is no longer affiliated with Pandemonium, she has been wandering the world.

Some people said that she is now the lover of Raymond but nobody dares to say it out loud. Above your head, the Heaven is listening.

Of course, Hamad and Hatta knows that this is just the gossip of normal people who do not know the truth

Though, she did accompany Raymond in many of his adventure and even participated in the battle for the Trident, they know that these two are not lovers.

But everyone knows that Raymond has once shows his feeling toward Sofia. So, whether these two would become a couple later on is something that is still debated

Beside her, sometimes whispering to the Divine Archer ears is the Queen of Alchemy Sina. She has a smile on her face, her hair is tied in a beautiful bun with a diadem over the top her head

Sina rarely shows her face to people, preferring the tranquility and silence of her herb gardens. But, her faction is the strongest among the many factions in Pandemonium

Her Acolytes is all over the world.

She has seventy-two disciples, and these seventy-two disciples is spread all over the world, instructing alchemy, pill makers and other jobs that is related to alchemy and pill making.

If you are blacklisted by her, then unless you are an invincible existence in the world like Death Monarch, the Illusionist Archmage or the Time Manipulator, you would be better off also learning a bit of alchemy.

They are not good in fighting but for potions, poisons, and medicine, the faction that is affiliated with the Queen of Alchemy has created a powerful faction of their own.

Even the world powers have to tread carefully not to offend the Queen of Alchemy and the prominent seventy-two disciples of hers


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