Lord Shadow

Chapter 1456 The Ten Seas II

Then there is the Whirling Sea.

The Whirling Sea is a sea that also have characteristic of the Turbulent Sea and the Illusory Sea.

It is said that the Whirling Sea is calm most of the time.

But when the Whirling began, thunders and lightning clouds would gather over the entire sea. There would be whirling tornado on some parts of the sea.

It would suck anything into its whirl.

Sometimes these people would find themselves in different dimension. Sometime they would suddenly found themselves in other parts of the world.

Then there is the Sea of Light

Out of the many seas of all the ten seas, this Sea of Light is the most peaceful and safe out of all the Ten Seas.

When it is night, the entire sea seems to glow with light. The light itself is not as overbearing like the light of a Sun.

It did not blind people.

It is more like the luminescence of the moon

When it first appeared, everyone simply thought that this sea has no function at all.

But it only took around one month for people to know that this Sea of Light is not simple.

Those who are inside the Sea of Light would find that their strength, durability all is enhanced.

In other words, it buffs every ability you have making you strong and healthy

It is because of this some people also lives around the Sea of Light. Inside it, they are not only healthy and safe, they also seem to quickly improve.

However, the reason why not many people is there is because the route to going there is dangerous and there is also restriction inside the area of that sea.

The moment you enter that area of the Sea you would not fly.

But you could still practice and you could use all of your other abilities.

There might be other properties of that sea that is unknown to the world. Because of how hard it is to go there, and the people there does not really send news outside.

It is also one of the largest sea area in the world.

Then there is the Cloud Sea.

The sea is basically clouds like sea. Sometimes, those who sail there does not know whether they are sailing on top of water or on top of fluffy clouds.

This sea is one of the pirate stronghold. And because of that not many people know its secret.

The world power itself did not want to provoke war during the last six months and since the world is vast, nobody is eagerly wanting that piece of the sea when there is so much sea area that they could focus on.

Most world powers simply did not care that much about the Cloud Sea.

Other than the fact it is Pirates headquarters, and that the clouds that replaced these water could be molded into construction material, not much is known about that part of the sea

Then there is the Sea of Lightning.

Just like its name, this sea of lightning is covered with thunder, 24/7 never stopping. It is like that place before the Fall that have thunder falling every day.

This place is like that. Only the thunder that falls from this sea, is magical and mystical, possessing the same kind of destructive power like those of the Heavenly Tribulation thunder.

Weirdly enough, the islands in this sea is fine. Even if they were hit by the thunder tens of thousands of times each day, they seem to be alright.

And instead seems to be more powerful.

Not many people go to this sea.

Not only it is gloomy it is also very dangerous

At least the sea of fire could still be traversed with a powerful enough sip or you could fly over it if your body could withstand the heat.,

But, the Sea of Thunders is a place where thunder fell from the sky.

It did not matter whether you sail the sea with ships or you fly above the sea water.

It comes from above.

Some people tries to disperse the clouds. It only made thing worse as the thunder become more powerful and the clouds did not disperse

It was like it is connected by a glue so strong that unless it moves naturally, these clouds would not disperse.

It is the same even if you fly high enough. Lightning bolts would follow you. Of course, if you fly out to space, then the thunder and lightning would not follow you.

But, then there is no point of going to the Sea of Lightning

There is only a few people in the world that seems to go to this Sea of Lightning and even then these kind of people only come to this sea every once in a while.

And that is Will the Speedster and Oreki the Thunder Controller. Will told Azief that sometimes he would run across the edges to attract lightning bolts to him

It seems to have the power to recharge him when he uses to much speed. Oreki could be seen there many times.

Azief believe that Oreki is training there. With Hikigaya being a Divine Comprehension leveler, Oreki status seems to have fallen down a bit.

But the two of them are still the pillars of Japan. Azief did not talk much with Oreki but each time he met with him, there is always a change from him.

From someone who could not even be bothered to do anything, to becoming one of the strongest warlord in Japan, a person without motivation could not do such a thing.

Then there is the Sea of Darkness

As the name implies, this sea is full of Darkness

Those who come around its vicinity could see this dark void. It is like the image of a black hole void.

But unlike a black hole, it did not suck people in. Nor does it have any destruction properties. There is a definite size of this sea.

The sunlight could not penetrate it and it is a sea that is shrouded with darkness. It was like there is a dome that seems to make it perpetually in darkness.

Some people enter this sea and fly out of from this sea to the top. They found out that there is no dome or barrier that would prevent them from flying upwards.

But for some reason there seems to be a limit where the darkness seems to stretch.

It stretches upwards and downward.

The darkness height is around a few inches below the stratosphere which makes it very high considering the ceiling between Earth and the sky now.

Below, it reaches to the sea bed. This is also a place where some deep sea monsters would go as they like the darkness.

Some pirates make this place their hide out spot. Even though it is full of darkness, some people find a way to live inside it.

The sea itself is said to be calm and the islands seem to sprout all kinds of weird flowers and fruits which all seems to have great medicinal value.

It is said that the Queen of Alchemy Sina once did go to this sea once accompanied with her Acolyte.

She went there and found an island fills with herbs she never seen before outside that sea area.

She found that many of the herbs, plant fruits and even leaves of the trees inside the Sea of Darkness, all have life strengthening properties and longevity.

It is like a lost continent untouched and unsoiled by human hands.

However, this is not enough to make people go crazy about it.

It is not until Sina created something from the ingredients she took from the Sea of Darkness that the place become famous all over the world

With the ingredient she gets form the island, she created a kind of pill that attract heavenly punishment.

No one knows what kind of pill she managed to refine but everyone could tell that a pill that could even induce the heavenly punishment to descend must not be some kind of ordinary pill.

Since then, this sea is also famous.

These are the ten seas and these are its properties. Each time, Azief remembered this, he could not help but sigh.

Preferably he did not want to give Kaiju time. But, for now, he have no other choice to give time if he wanted to quickly dispatch Kaiju.

Even when he sent Will and even when he uses the power of the Heavenly Will, he could not find Kaiju.

So, the only way is to provoke an earth shaking war.

To draw him out relying on the pressure of the world.

Either he waited until Azief clean up all the criminals and pirates in the dark forces, or bet against him and unite all the dark forces and fight a decisive battle with the world powers.

Whatever he chooses, Azief already had countermeasures.

But after seeing the recording of Raymond battle with Kaiju, Azief could guess which one Kaiju would choose.

Someone like him would choose to fight.

There are only a few days until the execution.

And Azief could already sense there is many spies in the city.

He did not mind them and did not care that they are in the city.

In the end, they all came here to see the conclusion of this war.

There is also spies from the world powers. Everyone wanted to know if the world powers and the criminal underworld fight who would win? There are tens of thousands of ships sailing the sea right now, all heading to Arturia.

This is unlike the world powers suppression of the Crime Alliance or the laissez-faire attitude that the world powers usually adopts when they deal with pirates.

This time, since Death Monarch lead the way, the other world powers also knows that they must not be left behind.

And whether Death Monarch action destroyed some of the plans of the world power, they also know to weigh the matters.

Kaiju is now the trump card of the criminal underworld.

Before, they were like loose sands. Even if they have a leader, none of their leaders have strength to challenge the world power so the world power simply looks down on them.

The world powers have a thousand problems to solve every day, and the criminal underworld is the least of their problem

They were not united and they fight against each other. How could they enter the eyes of the world power? How could the world power think of them as threat?

Just look at what happen with Void. He became the leader of the Crime Alliance, in just almost a year, he was ousted.

Void was only the impetus to unite the crime families.

When these crime families finally could cooperate with each other, how could they let a crazy outsider like Void to stay on top of their heads.

From this the world powers could tell that the criminal underworld is not a threat to them.

It is the same for the pirate.

Even though they have powerful Disk Formation leveler, do they have the strongest man in the world in their corner?

They don't.

It is precisely because these forces did not have someone who could support them if the heaven falls, that the world powers has always neglected them and even work with them to gain some benefit in the world

But that stance clearly had to change when someone like Kaiju appears.

With a weapon that could control the tense seas, this is a threat that could overturned the current governance of the world

The Seven World powers is enough. There is no need for another faction to be a world power. So, even if they lose a bit, they did not hesitate to support Death Monarch.

Azief sighed as he thinks of all of this.

He muttered to himself

'As long as I solve this matter, I would go into seclusion and not participate in the world affair. I hope by doing this I could buy a few decades of stability for the world' he mutters to himself.

The night deepens as the days to the war is approaching


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