Lord Shadow

Chapter 1445 Making A Move

The emergence of the new weapon is not the only thing that has shaken the world and its stability

there is also the news of the trident that has been circulating all over the world.

In some places where it is hard to go into, the news of the matter did not yet reach such people.

But, right now, most of the people in the world knows what happened. And the abilities that the trident could command had also been known by the people of the world.

And even after a week later, the conversation did not die down instead it is even more intense

Everyone is waiting.

Waiting for the world power to make a move. However, a week had passed and it almost seems like nothing had happened.

There is no move at all and the whole seven great power is silent.

But the quieter it is, the more everyone could see that this is just the calm before the storm. Because the world powers would not just sit back and do nothing when they were practically being slapped on the face like this.

The bombing of the Dome of Arturia is a serious insult to the world powers.

It might not kill anyone but the fact that they were in such situation in the first place is unacceptable.

The only reason they do nothing for now is simply because the move is not yet made. And they were right. This time, they would plan meticulously before making a move.

Because right now Kaiju have the trident and the power of the Ten Seas must not be underestimated.

With that trident, if Kaiju wanted to he could create a super tsunami that could drown he world if he wanted to.

So, it is not easy to provoke such person so a battle plan should be ready before they face against such a person.

But this does not mean that the world power itself does not have any trump cards. If they didn't Kaiju would already declare his win and began to dominate the world.

That is precisely because the moment that Kaiju did such a thing, those powerful people would no longer have any scruples in their heart.

It is like if you detonate a nuclear bomb then all bets are off. Especially if the other side also have a nuclear bomb.

Just because you drowned the world does not mean everyone will die.

The heroes of these world powers, having nothing else to protect would only have one objective

And that is revenge. And once Kaiju uses such method then the world powers will also bring out their big guns.

The world powers in the eyes since the Fall and after the Weronian Occupation is very different.

After the Weronian war, their mindset changes and they were more united and great development occurs in their research on weapons and dangerous stuff that if released could bring about the destruction of planets

They develop all kinds of weapons and these weapons are not publicized because some of them is every dangerous and world ending weapon.

And Kaiju, no matter how powerful the trident is, he is not yet the master of that trident. Even he would not provoke the heroes in the world

And he is an outsider. People around him must also be vigilant against him using that trident to destroy the world

'Kaiju has truly become a headache' Azief said to himself as he watches the seagull's flies near his villa

But, the world powers are not the only one that is not making a move. The Pirate Lords had met each other and for some reason they did not do anything either.

At least, not a move that one could see. If they are doing something, they're doing very secretly.

Azief did not believe that these pirates would not do anything. Now, the power of the sea is in their hands. So, they surely are doing something.

But the things are, Kaiju is not someone that is easy to negotiate with.

He might have promised something, but now he has all the initiatives, there is no need to care so much about promises.

After all they are pirates. What is the need to care so much about promise?

'This is the first time I need a battle plan when I am on Earth'

Azief thought to himself as he goes to the kitchen.

He decided to make some omelet and fried rice. Even though he is not really hungry, for some reason he is craving for some food.

And it has been quite some time since he eats rice.

He opens the cupboard and all the ingredient is there. He stocks up before he takes residence here.

For some reason, he did not want to go back to Pandemonium for the moment.

Whether he is in Pandemonium or not doesn't matter anymore.

Because his name is what deters people.

Whether he is in Pandemonium or not is irrelevant. Of course, what he thinks and what other people thinks is different.

Azief treated it like this is his vacation.

Yes, there is a potential world ending weapon on the hands of the pirates, and yes, there is always the threat from beyond the stars and also that he is destined to somehow destroy the world…but…. he decided to follow Katarina advice

There is always a potentially world ending weapon, a threat from the stars and many other magical events that threaten to destroy life every day in Azief life.

Since, it would not decrease in frequency, sometimes, he should take a break.

And what he found surprising was that as he takes things a little bit casually, not thinking of it too seriously, his energy seems to respond to that thinking.

His aura seems to be more carefree and each move he makes seems to contain the trace of laws of the world, the heavenly power that he possess also seem more carefree

The thought affects the moves and when the thought and moves work in harmony, a new brand synergy effect appeared.

That is the best way for Azief to describe what is happening to him.

Azief cook fried rice with eggs.

He eats it slowly looking outside his window, looking at the open sea.

He takes it slow and then after a while he finished eating.

He waves his hand and all the plates clean itself up and then flew to the cupboard and the cabinet, arranging itself.

He smiles as he looks outside

'Just at the right moment' he could see a flashing light approaching his villa.

Azief waves his hand and the protection around the villa is dispelled and the mist and clouds that cover the villa dispersed.

The flash of lightning enters the villa and then Azief waves his hand again and the protection and the mist and clouds all gathered again around the villa

Azief stood up from his chair. In front of him is Will and his entire body clad with slithering arcs of electricity and swirling around his body is wind-like gust that did not spread out.

'You're coming here means you finished the job?'

Will shakes his head.

'I could not find Kaiju. But I find the others' Azief smiles

'One out of two. That is good enough. After all, this time I think we need to scheme a bit. To avoid the worse possible outcome.'

Will smiles and said

'We both know you wanted to solve this matter as fast as possible. I also like things to be swiftly resolved'

Will brought out a parchment. This parchment has symbols on the top right and the bottom left. Azief smiles. Then he stretches his shoulders'

Will then ask

'You're going to do it today?'

'It has been a week. The world has been waiting for me to make a move' he paused for a second before saying

'I don't want to disappoint them. They wanted to see what I will do. I intend to show them' he said with a smile. Azief then look at Will and said

'This villa is pretty large. You could sleep in the guest room. You've worked hard. You should rest a bit. Next, it is my turn'

'You don't need me to coordinate with the other world leaders?'

Azief smiles and said

'You want to take Sasha job? She would be mad at you if she knew'

'Ah' Will said nodding.

'Fine. I'll take your offer' And he disappears from Azief sight, flashing through the entire villa in a fraction of a second before appearing back in the kitchen, ingredients laid out on the table.

'I'm making breakfast. I think by the time I finished eating, you would have done doing that' Azief smiles and then he went out of the villa.

The moment he went out a golden light shot up into the sky, illuminating the Heaven and Earth.

Azief body is emanating holy golden light, and the clouds above him all dispersed replaced by golden clouds.

The sky of Arturia is dyed golden. And everyone in Arturia could see it.

Arthur who is at the northernmost part of Arturia look up at the sky and he frowned.

'Death Monarch has made a move' At the same time, some people who were stationed here could also see the golden sky and like Arthur, they too have the same thought

Death Monarch is making his move.

But what is he doing?


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