Lord Shadow

Chapter 1436 The Shocking Ending

The night came, and the day has finally ended. The Sun set and the whole world finally knows what happens.

The seismic wave of the event has just begun to be felt. A great battle happens in the Turbulent Sea; the World Council Meeting was interrupted.

Such news brings uncertainty and instability to the world.

Six months ago, the world change. Since then, the forces of the world had made moves to stabilize the situation.

Six month later, the world for most part is stable.

Here is no great war between faction and even battle against rival world powers had decreased.

Though, one could wonder whether it is because they play nice or because they are too far from each other now and have more internal problem to solve that they did not attack each other

Today events however break that fragile stability and the whole world once again wonders whether a new war will start

From East to West, from South to North, anyone that is not living under a rock knows something big had happened today

There is an attempt of assassination, a terrorist attack on the Dome of Arturia. This is the first news that came out

The attack itself failed but it shows that the resistance against the world power is still there.

But, it also shows the power of the three Divine Comprehension realm. And like always Death Monarch still shows his invincibility to the world.

Since he sat on that throne, it almost seems like no one could shake his seat. The tall mountain that everybody wanted to climb.

But never before has anyone climbed it.

All they could do is look at it and marvel at it.

Death Monarch, Jean the Time Monarch Hikigaya the Illusionist Archmage all shows their ability, saving the entire city.

The meeting was halted halfway but the decision for many polices has been announced. And there is also a matter that still left in the air.

The plan has been relayed to the people of the world.

Death Monarch Azief, Time Monarch Jean, the Illusion Archmage Hikigaya, the only three Divine Comprehension leveler in the world decided that they wanted to create Ten regions

Each regions seems to be a realm unto itself and so there are people calling it the Plan of the Ten Realms.

This shocked the people but they also know that this depends on the great powers.

As for the factions or force that is not recognized by the world power, their voce is merely noise that they could easily ignore.

Out of the Seven Great Powers, the Three Great Powers have already given their go ahead. Leaving only the four powers to make their decision.

Unlike most of the other proposal that was presented that day, this proposition of the Ten Realms requires the acceptance of every single power from the Seven World powers

This one requires a unanimous vote. Even if one disagrees with this, he plans would be scrapped.

The people of the world react to the plan of the Ten Realms with great enthusiasm.

Most of them very much like the idea of the Untainted Land.

A land where they could train themselves and not get involved when the great men and women in the world duking it out like some kind of titanic gods.

Even though the limit of the people living inside this land is only Seed Forming they did not mind it.

Not everyone is fighting or hegemony in this world, and not everyone wanted to go out of Earth and travel the vast nothingness of space in search of new worlds or abilities

Nor do they want to blaze a new path.

Some people simply just wanted to live with the people they love in a safe environment.

And of course, some people become the detractor, knowing that this Untainted Land is a land created by Death Monarch, Jean the Time Manipulator and Illusionist Archmage Hikigaya

Since these three is the one that create this land, the rules of this land is entirely up to these three people.

These news has made the whole world talking. But that is not the only big news that came out of the Turbulent Sea that day.

At the same time, the meeting of the world leader commenced in the city of Arturia, there was another big thing happening in the area of that sea

The Pirate Lords, the Crime Alliance actually fought each other in an unnamed, unknown island.

But if that is the only thing that happens, it would not be such a big news.

What happened afterward, according to the news form the black market and the White Owls newspaper, was that the battle is then joined by Raymond the Earthshaker, and Sofia the Divine Archer

The news told of an island surrounded by a barrier of wind that protected the island and the things inside it.

And what is the thing that is inside the island?

This is the question people ask and they quickly get the answer

A trident.

And not just any normal trident.

It is said that the trident belong to Poseidon, the true Poseidon, a titanic god that lives in the Olympians star system.

Some people already knows that the myths in the world sometimes are not just myths.

It is not just a story people told to make sense of things.

That some of these myths are very real.

That there were gods that come from the Heaven's in the past, riding their chariots of the gods, fighting on Earth.

To the eyes of humans at that times these powerful beings that rides in the air, command lightning, thunder, the elements of the world according to their whims, is truly like gods.

This trident is said to be able to control the sea of the world. That it escapes the rules and laws of the Heavenly Will

News was scarce in the beginning but then as the stories is relayed more and more, and new facts is disseminated, people knows that Raymond and Sofia had the upper hand.

Raymond seems to seek the trident to break through to the divine Comprehension leveler, to once again level the playing fields between the great powers.

Sofia the Divine Archer is known to be one of Raymond friends and these two has been cooperating a lot in the past six months.

It is without a doubt that Raymond had invited Sofia to help him in retrieving the trident.

this alone is interesting enough as a story.

Speculating a story of a love triangle between Death Monarch, the Divine Archer and the Earthshaker is something that is enough to become a story

Yes, a juicy story.

If not the romance part of the story, it would be the action part of the story that would attract people

Seeking an artifact, fighting against the forces of the pirates and the Crime Alliance this story is also good.

But then, the story become even more interesting and it is no longer just a story about battle between forces or a great fight story to be told around the taverns or around restaurant

No…. this battle relates to the world situation. And this battle is very important to decide who controls the sea.

Raymond and Sofia seems to be winning so one of the pirate lord, Mary also knowns as Bloody Mary made a deal with the Crime Alliance.

There is many versions of this story.

And each version is very believable.

Some speculated that the Crime Alliance rep saw that Raymond and Sofia who broke through the ships and enter the island winning the battle.

The rep fears that Raymond would get his hand on the divine artifact, so he proposed a deal with Pirate Lord Mary.

This matter is not exactly confirmed but there is news that the representative of the Crime Alliance went to her ship

Some said, it was the pirate lords that summon the representative of the Crime Alliance so that they could discuss countermeasure and they decide on uniting with each other

The news is still scrambled and the truth is always somewhere in between

They could not know the full truth because the only one that knows the full truth is the one in that place.

After the meeting between the representative of the Crime Alliance and the Pirate Lord Mary, Mary would then go and invited Kaiju, the new captain of the Soaring Sun Pirate and also another pirate lord.

Kaiju is not someone that the world knows of. Some people knows that he is one of the Ten Pirate Lords

But, not many people actually know that much about all of the Ten Pirate Lords.

If you do not travel the seas and do not travel through the Ten Seas, you would not know these figure that much

There is Ten Pirate Lords and those who live under the umbrella of the world powers usually only read their names in news or heard in a broadcast but, they were not a threat to the world powers.

Anything that is not a threat to the world powers could not be that strong…this is the thinking of the people in the world.

These are new rising stars only they stand on different sides.

Plundering and robbing and pillaging is kind of their stuff.

They smuggle stuff, people.

They bring the product of the sea, and all kinds of weird stuff they find from the sea to the people living on lands.

There are many types of pirates.

Some engaged in dirty and evil stuff.

Some smuggles things. Some smuggles people.

And some just acted like a courier of sorts, gaining money by trading the product of the sea with the people on land.

They go to the sea because they could not live in the land. There is many reason for these people go to the sea

Some goes to the sea because The world has become the world of the Seven Great Powers and they have no place for him in that world

Some wanted freedom and in a world dominated by the Seven Great Powers, the only free place in the world is the sea

Some simply wanted to set sail, live a life of adventure on the high seas, fighting sea monsters, exploring magical ruins and experience a different kind of life.

And then the Multiversal Convergence happened and a new kind of sea emerges.

There are new kinds of sea monsters, some who came from another world, hiding in the deep dark sea.

Ancient ruins from different worlds also appeared. The sea is now full of energy and all kinds of magical things could be found in the sea that could not be found on land.

The mist of the sea disrupts Divine Sense; the vast space makes it hard to scan every part of the sea.

Space and Time was also disturbed and there are many forbidden places in the sea. It is a place full of danger yet it also holds many opportunities

Now, the sea is not only bigger, but it holds many mystery and is even more powerful than before.

And it is because of the Multiversal Convergence, that the ten pirate lords emerge

Even before the Multiversal Convergence started, the sea was divided between pirate forces.

But, most of these forces range of activity overlapped with each other. This also could not be helped.

Because most of the sea belongs to the great powers. For example, Pandemonium Sea that belongs to Death Monarch.

Unless, you want to kill yourself, you would not provoke Death Monarch so there were no pirate's idiot enough to set shop near Pandemonium sphere of control.

Some tolerated them like the World government and some cooperated with them like the League of Freedom and some other weaker world power.

So, the sea even though it looks vast, there is only so much places where they could operate. Pirate lords back then is various and changes every month.

They also have to learn to cooperate with each other because they could not really fight each other all the time, each time their range of activities overlapped with each other.

However, like the rest of the world, when Multiversal Convergence ended, the world changed and it changed for the better for the pirates

The sea become vast and the pirates no longer have to compete with each other. With the vast sea, they could create their own base.

The formation of the Pirate Lords that truly have power started with the existence of the ten seas.

And so, in the ten seas rivalling pirates crew fight each other to decide who is the top dog.

And those who rise to the top become the Ten Pirate Lords.

They laid their claims to the seas and each one of them possess great power and influence in the sea and the islands in that sea.

But their reputation is only loud in the ocean.

Because they are new.

The world powers have been established for years, approaching a decade.

The pirate however is still a new faction in the world.

It does not yet have enough power or influence to be compared to the world powers or the resounding names of the great figures in the world

To the world powers, these pirate when compared to the Crime Alliance is weaker.

It is something that any world power could wipe out anytime they want if they put their mind in it.

However, from today, no one would be able to forget the name Kaiju.

this Kaiju enters the battle.

Now, the battle is no longer just a simple battle.

It is a battle of interest, a clash of forces.

Raymond who is from the World Government, if he gets the trident, the weakened voice of the World Government will once again strengthened

Then there is Sofia who is basically a wanderer who is not affiliated with any forces, yet, she is still the ex of Death Monarch, she has many friends like Sina and people in the World Government is also an ally of her.

This is also a great figure in the world. And this one is helping Raymond so one does wonder does the Divine Archer wanted to join the World Government?

This also brought about another discussion among the forces in the world.

And then there is Kaiju, a pirate lord of mysterious origin and of domineering power, if the rumors about him is to be believed.

A star studded battle. Everyone could imagine that if these three people clashed with each other the battle would surely be one of a kind battle

However, this star studded cast of people is not yet completed. The people who read the news and who got the news was already shocked that these three people has fought each other

But, that was just the beginning

After Kaiju enters the battle, Loki the Trickster appears.

Loki has been elusive in the past six month with many people hunting and searching for him all over the globe.

He is rarely seen in one place but today, Loki who usually only appears in great and important moment of the world appears in that battle.

It is clear to everyone hearing the story and reading the news, that this matter is not simple at all.

Loki only shows himself when there is a great benefit for him. There are not many things that could move such a man who have almost everything in the world.

His arrival shows that the battle for the trident is not as simple as one imagine, that the weapon is not some kind of low level weapon and that it might affect the world

The trident might be a powerful artifact but it is just that. It is not the first time that the world has seen a powerful artifact.

But if Loki is there, and all of these pirate lords also scramble for this trident, then this trident might be the real deal.

It is the arrival of these bigshot in that battle that convinced the world that the trident truly possesses great power

It might truly e bale to do the things it was advertised to do.

Control the seas of the world.

In the past, this would not matter that much. But after the Multiversal Convergence, it is very important.

Because the sea in the world right now, is not normal seas. All the designated ten seas are all magical seas with its own ecosystem and uniqueness.

Even Death Monarch says that even if he were able to change the course of the sea and change the direction of the sea, he could nots strip away what made it special.

Loki appearance in that battle is already shocking but then The One Eyed Oracle Erika arrived in Narwhal. Narwhal is known to be one of the properties of the Seven Warlords of Greece

It seems that the connection between the One Eyed Oracle and the Seven warlords of Greece is still going strong

A more shocking things happens afterward

coming out of that magical submarine is none other than the infamous Void, the former leader of the Crime Alliance.

Even those who did not know much about politics could see that there is a great conspiracy here.

The battle was fought, Raymond and Sofia was defeated, Kaiju origin as an Otherworlders, someone from the Dragon race is also exposed.

And the trident falls into the hand of the Pirates.

If the story is true and the ability of the trident is true, then right now, those world leaders is probably going to have a headache right now.

All of this happens in one day. Things has already happened. Now, the entire world is waiting for what the world power would do


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