Lord Shadow

Chapter 1422 The Russian

Dome of Arturia

Arturia is a port, a pirate port to be more accurate.

Even though the island itself is very large, spanning the size of Europe before the Fall, most of the part of the island is underdeveloped and uninhabited.

In the world right now, there is a problem of land.

Though it is not about the lack of it.

But an overabundance of land but small population when compared to the size of Earth right now.

Arturia was built around the sea, a city that is orderly and picturesque, with beautiful beaches, diverse flora and fauna, and all kinds of architecture that seems to bring colors and uniqueness to this city

However, while this city is widely known among the pirate that traverse this part of the sea, this city is but one of the many cities all over the world

When Earth expanded during the Multiversal Convergence, everyone could not have known how it would impact the people living in it.

But only when it has calmed down, that people see the advantages of having such a large world

The humans living in this planet is now like those people living during the time of the dinosaurs

Yes, there are threats.

But there is also an overabundance of resources.

With the population of the world around only a few billion people, estimated around three billion or four billion people, even if the world does not expand, there is still a lot of resources for everyone

From land to food, to water to every resource imaginable.

The world has entered a period where the resources are for everyone to use and no one would fight you for it.

But…. this is not entirely a paradise. There is still a lot of threats.  From monsters. From titanic beast. From the stars. And even invaders from different invasions

And from themselves.

Gods walked the Earth, possessing power that could destroy planets and stars. Arturia, a small city out of nowhere, in the most least visited sea out of the ten seas, who could have thought that today, would be its most glorious day.

From this today, this small city that had no other significances other than a pirate port has now turned into a city known all over the world.

There is a dome in the middle of the city, shining bright. Around that dome today, is all kinds of people waiting outside its gates.

Those who have more connection or connected to the event of today, could go inside and walk among its hallways, its garden paths or walk along it pavilions surrounded by an artificial lake.

All of them gather around this dome, all of them have different intentions.

Some are here to cover the story of the century, a story that would be etched in the history of humankind.

Some are here, to know and to listen and to act.

And some…...some come here with a devious intention, a heart of conspiracy. Plots and schemes swirls around this dome

The center of the world right now is in Arturia and in that dome

Why? Because today, the great powers of the world, the ruler and kings and monarchs are all here.

The big men and the powerful men, are all here. Who is here does not have the power to change the general course of the world development?

Each of the words of these people could direct the course of the world, when they stomp their feet, the entire world would shake.

A meeting of the rulers of the world discussing the trend of the world and deciding the matters of the world

How could such meeting not be important? Every time a World Council is held, it signifies a great change for Earth

Because when your word could change the matters of the world, it is very important to listen carefully and tread carefully.

In front of the dome, there is a gate. And not many people could pass this gate. But someone dressed in black passes through that gate, like a rat.

Nobody notices him. Was it because of his disguise? Or was it because nobody is paying attention to him?

There are too many people here today.

He walks among the gardens, see the maids and the servants, the gardeners and the chefs.

He went to all the places, even to the kitchen, to the hill that is inside the area of the gates of the Dome and he goes to the stream of water that flows from a river not far away

He walks alongside all of this place, see the pillars, the half completed Dome. A Dome that would come to represent the authority of the World Powers.

This is something everyone could see. This is the intention of Death Monarch

Death Monarch call upon the world leaders to this place, to this city. It is not hard to see his intention to make this city, a meeting place for the world council.

This person that enter this place could not help but sighed

'Even after missing for six months, his influence did not diminish one bit. This is truly a hard task' he thought to himself.

In a word of great change like Earth, there is heroes and villains that rises every day.

He still remembers the early days. At that time, it was not that clear who would rule the world. he fought many battles and he fought many wars.

But people only remembered the seven great powers and the people in it. They only remember their stories.

'History has always been written by the winners. So, it has been'

There were many more battles, and many more wars, those that falls and lose, their story is not worth retelling or repeated.

But, he remembers.

He remembers all of the fighting, the battles, the wars, the secret ones and the not so secret ones

At that time, he saw many people created a place, a village to only have the village destroyed by some monsters that are passing by or some monsters who are hungry and wanted to make humans their snack.

The desperation of these people is rarely remembered because to those who live under the limelight of great people, solve this matter beautifully.

Hikigaya and Oreki, those two in Japan even have time to fight each other instead of fighting monsters, both fighting for hegemony for the ultimate influence over Japan.

Raymond swept all over the United States, cleaning up monsters and any other forces that wanted to bring him down. Jean cleans up Paris first from monster before setting his sight to all of Europe.

And as for Death Monarch, he and his band of merry friends, went all over the world, causing problems, monsters is barely an inconvenience for them

But not all people are like them. Not all of them is as strong and many of them were desperate in those times.

He does not blame these people. They were strong, they were lucky, the trend of the era is around them

But, he…...he remembers those who were forgotten, who could not ride the tide of the new era.

He remembers that others also had some idea to create factions and forces to protect themselves from monsters, but then they were ganged up, and their forces were destroyed.

Not everyone is lucky or have enough fortune and the perfect circumstances to create a world leading force like the World Government or having ultimate power that one could create a world power like Pandemonium.

In the beginning of the Fall, there is many stories of people trying to thrive.

Some of them rises and some of them fall. Some rises high up and fall even harder. Some rises fast and as fast as it rises, it falls down even faster.

In the end the trend is settled, the seven great power was established and those who could speak in this new world is only from these seven world powers

The other could speak, but their words are merely a faint echo, how could it heard among those seven loud voices that rings in everyone ears?

This person does not envy or hate it.

He understood.

They won.

So, they arrange the world.

Still…...this man fears that person more than any other world powers, more than any other faction. Because the one who created the current trend is that person.

It seems after years of being cowed by submission by that person, the whole world trust in him is particularly high.

Even after six months of absence, people would believe him. Because he always does the impossible.

His influence is far reaching.

And today is the testament to that influence.

In the past, the World Government also held a few World Council. When they held it, some people could choose not to come. Some only send letters

But, when Death Monarch propose it, the whole world had to listen and they all had to obey.

Even those who did not come gives a detailed explanation of why they could not come. None dares gives an attitude.

This kind of power, this kind of influence over the world…. never in the history of Earth, that there is such a figure that could move the world like this

In the past, there is strong nations and weak nations but even weak nations have a way to protect themselves. But, such method does not exist in this new world

Before, if you wanted to punish or to attack a nation, the resources one had to consume and the worries of other nations taking advantage of the chaos would always plague the mind of the rulers.

In this new world however, Death Monarch could simply do it by himself.

A God that walks among mortals. As such, how could the laws of heaven and Earth are not disturbed?

'Death Monarch is the most dangerous man in the world. He was not wrong' this person seems to be talking to himself.

'The city of Arturia, the Dome of Arturia, a meeting place for the World Council' he thought to himself

But not everyone wanted to see that happen.

'They just don't dare to say it right now. Their fist is small. Death Monarch fist is big. And they all know that Death Monarch did not mind using his fist. So, they shut their mouth and nodded their heads. But if there is a chance...' and this person smile.

Of course, some people care. World Government doing all those meeting all those years ago, all to increase their influence in the world stage.

But even with all, they could not replace the position of Death Monarch. As long as Death Monarch held the title of the strongest person in the world, his influence would stay there at the top.

Since Death Monarch become the number one in the world, there is no one that have been able to even shake that throne of his

So they will wait.

And of course, if there is people who cares, there is also people who doesn't care

But this rat that has enter this place, did not come here out of his dissatisfaction out of Death Monarch trying to dictate the world powers or trying to make his place as the meeting place of the world leaders.

No, that is not why he came here.

He came here for a more dangerous purpose. For a great conspiracy

He walks alongside the hallways and see many reporters, many warriors, soldiers, police force and many more people

There is estimated thousands of people here outside the main room where the world leaders are now discussing the matters of the world

And as for the many halls all over the dome, there is even many more other people. Some are places where some people of the city is invited to eat

Some halls are filled with military personnel.

All of them are waiting for the conclusion of the World Council. There are already many things that have been announced to the world since the beginning of the World Council

Every time, a topic of discussion had been resolved, the Keeper of the Dome would come out and relay the matter and the decision of the world powers regarding that matters

But this rat, this rat is not interested at all. Instead, he keeps wandering. But, is he just wandering?

In the front gate of the Dome, someone was allowed to enter. He came with a carriage, pulled by a griffin like horse.

This man smiles at the guard, bow his head a little and his coachman rides the carriage inside the area of the Dome.

This person comes out from his carriage and smiles as he looks at the building in front of him

'Magnificent' he mutters to himself

This person had a bowler hat, wearing a tight fitted black suit. Lean and tall, with hair reaching the back of his neck, neatly tied

His face is handsome, having a pale complexion and a little bit of beard, neatly trimmed highlight a certain roguish charm

A Russian.

He walks and greet a few people in the crowd.

Many knows this man.

One of the member of the Senate, Alexei Koseff.


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