Lord Shadow

Chapter 1419 Seeing An Old Friend

Instead, he is more interested in this new world that has been born since the Multiversal Convergence. There is a refreshing feeing to it.

Because this time, they were so many new things that are happening. It fills Loki heart with hope yet also with anxiety

This new world he is referring to does not mean the physical changes that has happened to this world.

When Loki spoke of a new world, he spoke of new possibilities, new things happenings that did not happen before.

To him, that is a new world.

And there are many new things. This trend has started from the moment he first met Azief all those years ago.

A butterfly flaps its wings then. But the tornado just hit. When Azief went to the future, even though the scenario is the same, the time was different.

And because of that, it made all the difference. Now, there is other beings paying attention, and betting against the house.

Loki notice Poseidon Trident since the moment it was thrown into the Earth during the Multiversal Convergence.

Loki however sometimes confused whether he knew it because of his intel or because Number Seven put the memory into his mind.

The best guess he has right now is that during the Multiversal Convergence, Poseidon opens up a tear between this universe and this planet to his universe.

And then he throws out his trident.

This is new and new things requires his utmost concentration.

This also means a lot more than anyone knows. These people of this time, of this timeline does not understand how big this is.

To Loki, there is nothing bigger.

Even his quest for searching Fir Her Waz or seeking the Magician of Aleppo or trying to set up defenses against Odin pales into comparison to the trident of Poseidon.

This Trident has his powers and his laws.

This is not some kind of replica that did not even possess one third of the true weapons power.

Anyone holding it could theoretically, if they have enough power, controls all the water particles in this Universe.

Theoretically, they could bring about a mass of water particles to slam onto Earth or any other planet in this part of the Universe.

Considering that the few other galaxies around Earth Milky Ways has no supreme beings, then theoretically, this trident could command all the water around the Milky Way galaxy and all its surrounding universe

There is a distinction of domains between Supreme Beings. Olympus and Qarthan for example.

There is someone in Qarthan who is called Sa Anuk Barthalan.

He is the God of the Sea of Qarthan.

If Poseidon uses his trident, then while he could control all the water in the Olympus star system, and any other uninhabited galaxy around it, once it reaches the border of power where the Qarthan resides, that power would be nullified as they control the same kind of law.

Only by a conflict of power and winning it, could Poseidon control the water of Qarthan star system and any other empty galaxy around that area until it spreads to a universe or galaxy where other being that have similar power could counter it.

This is the true horror of a true divine artifact. It is the same with Zeus Thunderbolt or Hades Scepter.

If an anyone could unlock this power on Earth, there will be no peers that could stop the influence of the laws of power contained in the trident.

In the timeline where Loki is from, this is under the authority of the Sovereigns.

During that time even though there are a few start civilizations that tries to attack Earth or using their true artifact against Earth, it could not work because the Sovereigns held them at bay or like Death God does it, he simply went toward their star system and beat those gods into submission

It was a glorious era of humanity.

But, even if that is true, Loki would not abandon all of his current objective just to simply come here and watch the battle for the trident

And yes, while the weapon itself is very powerful, unless the one holding it is the same level of power like Poseidon, there is only so much power of the trident they could mobilize.

It is not so much as the weapon that bring him here bit it is what the trident signify.

Instead he came here because of what this signifies.

First, there was Odin.

Odin is someone that Loki knows would do something since he decided to interfere.

This is because if there is someone with a motivation of not wanting to repeat another Ragnarok, it would be Odin.

Loki still remember his journey with his teacher. Though, it is blurry now and he remembers only a few parts.

Maybe, Odin is tired.

Repeating the same thing over and over again. Others might not have thought of it like that but those who does not know thinks that they are in paradise.

Those who knows the truth knows that they are in a cage of their own making.

They wanted to stop doing the same thing yet they could not help but keep doing it.

All of this has happened before and all of this will happen again

In a Universe where there is infinite Multiverse, things will undoubtedly repeat.

This is why some things looks the same and happens the same. Things that had happened before will happen again and it will happen infinitely.

Loki expected Odin. He did not expect Poseidon. The trident is not what is important. It is what it means.

Those Supreme Beings are moved.

And now they are making their calculations. Loki thinks about this the moment the trident appears on Earth

He thought of how this would change his plans.

Before his plan while quite convoluted in some parts, it is still bearable and the forces and the faction, the variables were all something he is familiar with

Everything is under his control.

Even when Yewa Hafar appears, that is still under his calculations.

When Erika finds her memories, or when Morgana appears, all of it has countermeasures.

Erika is someone he does not need to worry about because he knows Erika would also approve of some of his methods because she could see the future that would happen and even though she is not his old friend, she has the memories of her old friend.

It is like that Theseus Ship analogy.

When Morgana appears, the countermeasures he had think of is Giselle.

He buried Morgana alive inside the top peak of Mount Everest. Louise was also wiped out of his memories.

From what Loki could tell he is living quite a life in the northern coldness of Siberia.

Even when certain things did not align with his expectation or his predictions, he still has countermeasures.

But now he is thinking that he needs to plans a different countermeasure.

He expected some of those beings inside the Source Wall would notice and some of them might be tempted of trying to meddle.

Help and aid.

But it is a big gamble.

Because once they do this, there is no certainty that they could ride it out.

And when Loki speaks about riding it out…. he means the End.

The End of Everything. Odin is making a gamble. Maybe that is because he had found out that Loki the Cosmic trickster, his sworn brother is the Gardener.

Maybe that is what fuels his confidence.

But Olympus?

Loki never detected any moves from Olympus.

And if one should move from Olympus, Loki thought it would be Zeus.

He sighed.

His coat is being whipped by the wind and his cane is twirling under his hand.

Poseidon sending his trident here, who is his intended target? It is clearly not Azief. What plans does Poseidon have?

All of this fills Loki with a feeling of...anxiety. Because this is something new. And something he doesn't know, doesn't expect and doesn't have countermeasures against

And each time something new happens, Loki has contradictory feeling.

On one part he is happy that things are changing. It gives him hope that the end would be different.

Because expecting a different result from the same action is madness.

And yet at the same time, he also feels anxious for fearing that it would lead the future to become something darker or accelerated the progression of the End.

He still need more time.

This is why Loki is here.

A purpose he could not tell anyone. He did not try to enter the island. It is not because h doesn't have confidence.

It is simply because he could tell that if he tries to grab that trident, he would not doubt that Poseidon sets a curse in that

Since Poseidon sends his trident here, he must have known something. He might even have memories about the Reset by Jean.

So, if this is true, then Poseidon could guess that he is a product of Jean plans. And he would not let Loki disciple to get the trident.

From what Loki knows, his teacher Loki the Cosmic Trickster has quite the feud with the Olympians

So, he never had any intention of vying for the trident. He wanted to see who got the trident and also seeing an old friend.

His eyes looking at the distance, the waves of the sea have been calmed, the tsunami wall that was about to swallow them before had also no effect at all.

The wind still is harsh but it is dispelled as it approaches his ship of bones.

'Any minute now' he mutters to himself.

And a few second later, everyone around the island could feel a vibration. The waves suddenly move in a weird way.

The Pirates did not make any moves.

The Crime Alliance also did not make any moves. Golden Face was about to order people to investigate things but Loki words halted them

'Let it be. An old friend is coming'


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