Lord Shadow

Chapter 1407 Suppression Of The Island

'At least they are not alerted' Raymond thought to himself

Raymond is quiet sure if the world powers knows about the power of this trident, they would stop at nothing to get this trident.

Lotus Order also have many talents and they could still call upon all the warlords in Asia.

Even though they rarely listen to the central order of the Lotus Order, if there is tangible benefit, they would not mind listening ad pooling their power to get this trident.

The power to control the Ten Seas, which one of the world powers that will not be tempted. Even Death Monarch would also be tempted.

But his worries were always the Three Divine Comprehension leveler.

If those three people enter this battle for the trident, Raymond no longer had any chance of getting the trident.

These three people is none other the three Divine Comprehension leveler in the world. Death Monarch Azief, the Illusionist Archmage Hikigaya and Time Monarch Jean.

It is the same reason why the Crime Alliance and pirate association cover the secret about this trident, why they do all kinds of weird things simply to distract the world from their true objective

Like him, they also fear that three people.

Raymond sighed and smiles a bit. But even a smile makes him feel pain on his face muscle.

'Hirate, I guess you don't know about the effect of this wind barrier. If we both know, I would bring Megatron Blaster with me and simply blast al off these people'

He takes a deep breath and look at the hills in the distance. He could see that the hills were split into two.

And it is breaking piece by piece as tremors could be felt all over the island. The tremor is simply because the force of their battle did not yet subside

It is like a wave of energy that is getting weaker as time passes by.

There were hills that is split into two, rivers and lakes that burst out into the sky. And there were bodies all around.

They were twenty-four people before he and Sofia enter this island. Now, there is only four people excluding him and Sofia

The others are dead. Some still had their bodies. Some were turned into ash or return to nothingness.

Raymond eyes are cold.

'I didn't even see the trident yet but I am already injured' he thought to himself. Out of the four people, two of them is chasing Sofia.

And two of them is facing him. This is why he could not fall down yet.

This island is magical, that is Raymond conclusion after fighting inside it.

His realm is already at the peak of Disk Formation level. The ability for him to inflict destruction is unparalleled in this world

Yet, even with all the power he had unleash out, it could not pierce that wind barrier.

And as for the hills, the rivers and the nature on this island, even after being tore down in such a powerful way, Raymond could see that it is healing ant an unprecedented rate.

The only thing that could explain this is great energy that promotes life is present here

'Hirate did not give me the wrong information. A simple replica might have great power. But it would not be this exaggerated. The true Trident of Poseidon is here;' he thought to himself

He knew at least that the news is true. This kind of power that have the trace of primordial force could not be faked. Raymond suddenly look toward the north but he only glances at it

'Sofia is adapting to the energy of this island. She is getting faster and getting the hang of it' Sofia methods is different from Raymond. Raymond in simple terms is the perfect tank

High durability, powerful stamina, the ability to take damage. Sofia is more of a precise type, a support type character.

But, if anyone dares to underestimate the bow and arrow that she wielded, they would find themselves being shot by that bow and having that arrow pierce their defense.

And she has an important task. When they first entered, they do not see the trident. It is clear whoever win will have the opportunity to find the trident.

Right now, Sofia is running around the entire island trying to find the trident. The trident is here, they are quite sure of that

What they are not sure is where it is.

But, they have guessed where it is. On the center of the island, there is a powerful cyclone of wind that seems to be the source of the wind barrier.

But for now, he needs to defeat these two first

He then looks at his hand.

'Haish. That blast really put a number on me' he said to himself, sighing a bit.

Raymond hand is bleeding golden blood. Usually, when he is fighting at land, the Earth itself would heal him.

It was like he is Antaeus, the figure in the myth of Heracles

As long as his feet touches the ground, he could mobilize the terra Force. Of course his Terra Force does not really depend on him having contact with the ground.

That is not how it works.

Terra Force is the ability to govern the force that is inside a planet.

Of course, if Raymond had really mastered the Terra Force, he would not really be as helpless he is right now.

It is precisely because he did not yet master it that he is at his current situation. He could easily move mountain and diverts the river with his control over the Earth

His method is not as destructive as Death Monarch or as complicated as Jean.

Death Monarch is more of a type that defied nature and the rules of the Universe itself. Jean manipulated things that could bring great catastrophe.

But Raymond…. Raymond is in harmony with the world. If Death Monarch destroys, and Jean perverts the harmony of the forces of reality, then Raymond is a nurturing force.

It does not mean that the path of Death Monarch and Jean is wrong, it is just a different path. Raymond was about to summon more power but then his face turns dark

'Uhu, uhuk!' he coughed up more blood and his chest suddenly caved in. He nearly kneels down but he steadies himself up

'That fist seems to have poisonous properties' he mutters to himself. There is one member of the Crime Alliance that he killed just a few second ago that have the ability to control poison

Wherever he steps the grass wilted, and the insects falls down to the ground. His physical abilities itself is not that powerful when compare to him.

However, it was this person that manage to break down his golden armor. His fist touches his chest before that person head is smashed into pieces of meat by his mace.

He looks at the area around his chest and he could see dark things wriggling around underneath his skin.

Raymond gritted his teeth and wanted to curse but he restrains the urge. He did not try to estimate the energy of the Terra force to try to push out this poisons.

Poison Art has improved after the Fall. It is no longer like before where you could simply push it out with your energy if you are higher level than them.

In the world right now, the only people that could fight surpassing their own realms is people who have sturdy foundation, using powerful artifacts or using pills and poisons.

Raymond had heard that there is some poisoning method where if you use your energy to try to push the poison out from the body, it actually stimulated the poison even more

So, right now, even if he feels itchy around his chest and feeling the burning that is rising up, he did not try to push the poison away.

Raymond look at the wind barrier not far away from him and he could not help but think that as long as he goes out, he could access the Terra Force.

Terra Force that he could use would be able to neutralize this poison.

'Finish the fight as fast as possible and get the trident. Then I can go out' he talks to himself.

His left hand is bleeding but his right hand is trembling.

His right hand is still holding his mace but it is clear that it is a burden now.

Sharur, the mace of the Earthshaker is very heavy.

But, usually, this weight is nonexistent for Raymond because the mace acknowledged him.

He looks at his mace helplessly. Sharur did not respond the moment he enters this island. And it is not like it went to sleep mode.

It was more like it deactivated. And so, suddenly the weight reduction seems nonexistent and Raymond is holding a very heavy mace.

The kind of weight that could level an entire mountain.

If Raymond is at full power, it is not that hard for him to withstand the weight but injured, losing energy, drained of hiss stamina, the weight is a bit much.

But he still did not let go.

'It is like an interference. The island…' he could not help but saying but then he added

'Or is it the trident?'

The moment he steps his foot inside this island, the island cut of his connection with Sharur. This is his speculation.

Sharur is but one of the many replicas of a real Divine Artifact.

But, that does not mean it is not real itself. If Raymond cultivate this weapon, one day, it could really be a real divine weapon.

Still, right now the mace is still a replica and did not yet become a true divine artifact.

Raymond could only think of one reason why his mace did not respond the moment he enters this island. It is suppressed by the Trident power.

Even though he could see the wind barrier, the barrier is not the only thing he could see. He senses something very different about this island.

There is a restraining power on this island.

That is the reason why he felt his body is heavier, his energy is more easily disturbed and much more discomfort all over his body and his circulation of energy.


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