Lord Shadow

Chapter 1394: Mind Communication

Chapter 1394: Mind Communication

The morning of the seventh day has arrived. And he opens his eyes. A powerful force seems to instantly burst the moment this man opens his eyes.         


But as fast as the energy burst out, it also quickly disperses.      

It did not make a mess on his room     

He got up from the bed and he looks around the room. The room itself is large but it is very clear and obvious this is a newly built room.      

There are not many decorations, the interior is very lacking but it is enough for him. This man then looks at the closet     

The closet suddenly opens like it was pushed by an invisible force. A few clothes and suits flew out form the closet and arranges itself in front of this man.     

Floating there in the air, this man looks at this array of clothes.     

'Suits? Hmm…. too formal and it will not show my dignity' he thought as he waves his finger and the suits all flew back into the closet.      

Then he waves his left hand and the other clothes slowly turns around like it is in a rotating display case and he sighed.     

'I guess I will take the robe. It is my most defining features' he smiles. He waves his finger and the other clothes all flew back to the closet.      

He raises his hands up and the pajamas that he is wearing all flew out from his body. As for the pants, it slides out from underneath his feet as he floated a few inches above the marble tile floor     

Then the clothes he picked out all flew and he dresses himself that way. He walks to the mirror, and look at himself      

He is wearing a black robe lined with red colors on the sleeve. He has a long tied black hair. His eyes are sharp and there is a force around him.     

This force is swirling and it is very mystical, unseen by normal eyes.      

Then there is another force that oozes naturally from this man      

The kind of force one would feel around powerful and confident people.      

He is tall and there is a certain dignity to him     

This is a man accustomed to power and influence. And on the back of his robe, there is a mon [crest]      

It is a butterfly. There is only one man in the world who wears such crest and have such an influence. Hirate the Mind Monarch     

Hirate nodded, satisfied looking at himself. He is quite dashing, if he had to say it himself.      

'I have a lot of hope for this' he mutters to himself. Even as he is checking himself in the mirror, there is many things that are happening in the room right now.     

There is a pot floating in the air, waiting for a packet coffee to be made. Thing are flying on their own like some kind of schedule has been arranged for each object     

A magical scene      

One packet of coffee flies toward a cup. A force tears the top of the packet as the coffee is poured down. Then there is a tea spoon of sugar flying in followed by the warm water.      

Then the cup flew toward Hirate. It flew slowly as Hirate whose hair is now being combed by a floating comb took the handle of the cup with his finger.     

The comb flies back to the drawer. Hirate walks to the window, the window suddenly slowly opens by itself.         


This is the application of telekinesis. In this world, in matter such as this, there is no one else that is more proficient.     

Of course, people like Death Monarch, Raymond, Hikigaya, Oreki, Jean, these top characters in the world who have great control over their energies could also do this kind of thing     

But no one could do it so effortlessly like him.      

When one uses telekinesis to do different thing all at the same time, it also means that one had to concentrate one hundred percent to the task that they are doing while at the same time splitting their concentration     

It is easy to split their concentration but is it easy to split the concentration yet focus one hundred percent at all the task that is being done in the same time?     

It is not easy. One had to train the mind to focus and split the consciousness at the same time. And in this, Hirate had no rival     

While it is not hard to split one attention to five or six things and focus on it one hundred percent, no one could do it like Hirate who is doing with dozens and hundreds of things.      

Right now, even as he is looking at the sea view from his room, his files are being sorted, breakfast is being made, the pantry is being cleaned and all kinds of chores is being done by Hirate telekinesis.      

People like Raymond who focus on certain things could not do telekinesis as perfectly as him.     

  This subtle difference of the application of telekinesis is researched greatly by the people of the World government and the Order of thinkers.     

The reason for such research is different. Hirate research it so that he could improve his power. The Order of Thinkers might have researched it for many applications like warfare and therapy.     

But Hirate does not think too much about it because it came naturally to him. This probably has something to do with aptitude.      

There is many such example in the world. Death Monarch got the secret class of Shadow Lord. By now, everyone knows about that.     

But, he himself is not suitable for Shadow Lord class. Death Monarch class strongest abilities lies in stealth, in blending with the environment.     

But if anyone knows Death Monarch, and Hirate does know Death Monarch, there is nothing stealth about that person.      

This is the very same man who came guns blazing and cut his Island of Peace, not once but twice.      

Stealth is the one thing you would not think about when someone mentions Death Monarch to you.      

Instead, Death Monarch aptitude is very much aligned with destruction and death. Thus, the name Death Monarch is quite suitable.     

It is the same with Jean who is very compatible with the Laws of Time.      

And for Hirate, it is the matter of the mind. His concentration is very high and he have many abilities that he did not show to the world.      

Like any other powerful character in the world right now, they all just shows strength that is enough to intimidate the world but they never show everything.     

Because they understood the truth that if you show your trump card….it is no longer your trump card.      

It also deserter anyone from making any drastic decision for fear that the enemy might go out with all their had and damage their foundation     

As for what drastic decision that Hirate is thinking about, it is nothing more than war. It is this vagueness of each other powers that restrained each of the world power.     

As they would always hesitate to truly wage war against each other for fearing that if they miscalculate the enemy strength, then they might reach a point of no return the moment they wage a war.          


Hirate sighed.     

'I also wanted to think about happy things in the morning. Yet, I could not help but thinking about intrigue and plots' he sighed as he sipped the coffee from the cup.      

Outside, he could saw a few griffins in the sky, none of them dares to fly too low as they could feel the energy of the people below them.      

Hirate is now inside one of the new residence built by the city.      

Right now the city is slowly being filled by people. There is the people from the great powers and there is also people from some other faction.     

But all of them are not the native of this place. And all come here having their own intention and desire.      

The great powers are coming to attend the meeting and the other forces come to know the news and what is the matter being discussed in the meeting     

Hirate close his eyes for a second, his mind seems to be sorting something out but he is now actually is Mind Walking.     

Many levelers have the ability to use Divine Sense.      

But Divine Sense also has its limitation.      

Unless you have domineering power or such differences of Divine Sense strength, most Divine Sense could easily be blocked.      

But Mind Walking is very different. No barriers, no anti Divine Sense device could stop it. The only way to stop it if you have powerful mental energy than him     

Hirate could even use it to kill remotely.      

Because, it targeted individuals and not environment. Divine Sense could also be used to kill but it is different     

Hirate could go into someone else's mind and kills his heart and his mind.      

And Divine Sense that could kill could only be achieved when the Divine Sense of the attacker is very strong like Death Monarch who uses the suppression of his realm to simply hurt people using his Divine Sense     

In the beginning, his Psionic Force is not that terrifying but as he grows stronger, there is many ore things he could do and the more terrifying his power became     

However, right now, he is not trying to kill people. Instead, he wanted to communicate with someone.      

After a while, he met that person in his mind. He talks a few things and then Hirate opens his eyes.      

Only a second had passed but when he talks with that person, it has been fifteen minutes or more.     

Time is quite fluid in Mind Communication     


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