Lord Shadow

Chapter 1392: Guilt

Chapter 1392: Guilt

Azief like seeing construction sites.          


It is like he is looking at a game, the city building type of game.      

In the past, building a large structure would take years if not decades.      

However, after the Fall, with the improvement of people body and their ability to lift large and heavy things, a three story house could be built in just half an hour.      

This is one of the reason why humans were quickly rebuilding and creating forces and factions after the initial Fall.      

Azief shakes the thought out of his mind and then said     

'Did you find out what those Crime Alliance people are doing?' Will frowns and shook his head     

'No. They are very secretive about what they are searching for' Azief frowned.      

Will is also perplexed with the sudden gathering of these outlaws.      

If not for the fact that he and Azief is busy in preparing for the World Council, they would have already gone out to clean up this mess     

That is the only things he knows about the Crime Alliance perplexing action. He knows that they seem to be searching for something on the Turbulent Sea.     

What he didn't know was, what was it that they are searching for?     

Weill then said      

'I also got news that Raymond is here. And he is with an unexpected person' Will said. But Azief only shakes his head and Will did not push it and did not say anything.      

It seems Azief already knows the news. There is another silence between them as they look at the horizon     

Will finally could not hold back and said     

'Raymond also seems to be searching for something. If you want, I could ask him. Probably they are looking for the same thing. And a thing that could attract Raymond and even the Crime Alliance to come despite the dangers…...it must be a very precious thing'     

Azief thought about it for a second and he clench his fist but he shakes his head.     

Will sighed.     

'There is an easy way but you still have to choose the hard way. Is it so hard sometimes to just swallow your pride once in a while' Azief did not say anything to Will criticism of him     

'I know. But I could not change overnight. It is not his fault. I just don't want to…...remember some painful memory' Will could guess that this is less about Raymond and more about the woman that accompany Raymond     

Will pats Azief shoulder and said     

'At least I am not like Sina. I'm on your side on this'     

Azief hearing this only chuckles.      

Then, he thought of something     

'Hirate is here' he said suddenly. Will thought for a second and laugh         


'You mean he knows?'     

'Raymond has not been seen since my absence. And now, he is suddenly here?'     

There is a smile on his face like he had found out something      

'I have a talk with Hirate a few days ago'     

'I guess you also talk about Raymond?' Azief nodded     

'Raymond is trying to find his own way. The road is already there. But how far he could walk that road, he must find that answer by himself' Will agree with this.      

Like Raymond, Will also had the road paved for him. The path he is walking on is a path that many beings had walked before.     

But how far could he go and how fast could he reach there depends on his effort and his ability.      

'He would not have shown himself or being this public if not for something really precious. From what I have known he has been roaming the world, searching for inspiration. Someone must have told him.'     

'If this is the case, then the one giving him the information is none other than the World Government'     

He paused for a second and then said with a triumphant smile     

'Hirate knows'     

Will chuckles and ask     

'You think he would tell you'     

'He would'     

Will shakes his head and said     

'Sometimes, I really want someone to wipe that confidence from your face'     

'I guess…. like before…. you would be disappointed' Will look at Azief and he could not stand Azief looking that triumphant     

He chuckles and said     

'I guess you would do anything other than talk about her' Azief smile was wiped out almost instantly     

He pretends he did not hear it.     

Azief Death Monarch, the ruler of Pandemonium…...if the whole world knows that there is this childish side of him…. would probably be very shocked.     

It is like an ostrich covering its heads under the sand, believing no one could see it. Once again silence filled the space between them      

Will look at Azief and he shakes his head. They resume looking at the building. Today, they would meet and discuss about the matter of the world.     

There are many things to discuss and many things to be done.          


Will look at Azief face and he remembers the plan that Azief told him. But the more he thinks about it, the more worried he is.     

Azief choose the right place to do this. Turbulent Sea is not easy for the weak one and it is one of the most secluded sea with low level of population     

If his plan did not work, then at least, with the expert on his side, Azief could escape from any assassination attempt.      

That is how dangerous the plan that Azief was thinking.      

He suddenly said     

'How sure are you?' Azief look at Will and he rolls his eyes     

'You ask the same question yesterday'     

Will sighed and said     

'I am just worried that you are not up to the task. What you are proposing, is not that easy' then after a pause he added     

'I wanted to really, really make sure you are sure of this. The eyes of the world are on here. It might be secluded but when this plan of yours hits the meeting, they all would know that what you are proposing to do will drain your power. If any…...if any of them have some dark thoughts against you…. then it would not be easy to save you.      

Azief was about to say something but Will beat him to it by saying     

'As for Hikigaya and Jean…. I know you said that we could trust them but I am not convinced.' Azief raised his eyebrows      

'Jean has been mellow these past couple of years so I think I understand why you think he is harmless. Hikigaya rarely cares about the world other than his own interest and his own people. In a way, he is like you a bit'     

'But Jean, when he was laying siege all over Europe, he is very decisive and very much determined. Hikigaya would not be called a warlord if he is a soft man. Nobody would know how their thoughts would change if they see you weakened'      

He paused for a second and sighed.     

'There is so many reason for trying to kill you if you fail' Azief listen to all of this but his face as always expressionless.     

'Maybe they thought that if they kill you they could be number one. Or making their faction the number one world power. Do not underestimate the darkness of the human heart and how much it could drive them'     

Azief went silent for a while and chuckles     

'I guess…you were really worried for me aren't you?'     

The wind blows and Will hair sways a bit. He is standing there beside Azief, looking like some kind of divine guardian.      

Will then said     

'I owe you a lot. There is the debt of life. And then, there is Lily. I just want you to understand the danger you are inviting by trying to do your plan, the way you wanted it. There is no need at all to do it like that. We could just…. you know let things flow naturally. It would be a bit chaotic yes, but there is no need to risk your life doing it.      

He sighed for a moment and then Will said     

'In the past, you care little about the world. But now, it seems you really have taken the spot as the world guardian. Does the chanting of people calling you hero make you do this? is it the prestige?     

Azief smiles and then said         


'I'm just giving back. Because the Karma has formed, so I must reap it now.' Will look at him. Azief could talk about Karma, and all of these but Will thinks he knows why Azief is doing this     

Multiversal Convergence was his doing. It is his mess. Many people die. It's different than the other calamity that had happened on Earth before.      

In the past, there is the Fake World event, the Weronian Invasion, the Sithulran attack. But none of it is the consequences borne from his action     

Even if there is, it was not intentional.      

But that day, when they race to the ends of the world, transcending the speed of sound, going beyond that, creating a powerful force of energy, powerful enough to rip the barriers between worlds, to confuse time and space     

To use Time Particle to travel to the future...at that time, even before they take that first step…they both knew there is a chance that a catastrophe would happen.      

Will knows it even more clearly. He is a Speedster. One of the most unadvisable thing to do for a Speedster is to mess with Time and Space.     

One wrong move, one wrong step, you could change the whole Universe.      

While Will did not yet reach such level of mess of universal proportion like that, he is only limited by his own power and ability     

The stronger and faster a Speedster is, the more damage they could do to the Universe.      

Both of them thought that at the most, there would be time dilation or some time storms around the world.      

They did not expect that it would devolve into a Multiversal Convergence, pulling in worlds from other dimension and parallel universes.      

No, they did know that there is such a possibility.      

But they didn't want to acknowledge that it could happen. Because if they accept that, they would not do what they did.      


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