Lord Shadow

Chapter 1389: Spare the Rod

Chapter 1389: Spare the Rod

Ignoring space and time, Apollo was pushed from Atlantis to Olympus.          


It was almost an instant but Apollo had crashed with dead stars, passes through supernova explosion and had his energy get sucked into a black hole before crashing on Olympus.      

BANG! BOOOM! `     

The sturdy gate of Olympus cracked before breaking entirely as Apollo body dragged into the tile marble road of Olympus.      

Divine tiles that is strengthened by runes crushed into dust because of the pressure of Poseidon heavy hand.      

The entire Olympus shakes.      

The tall building that reach the sky, the floating lands in Olympus all shakes as the force on Apollo body scattered all over Olympus.     

Divine mountains, sacred hills, magical rivers all of them shakes.      

The divine mountains collapsed, the sacred hills exploded, the magical rivers surge backwards, killing all the creatures inside it.     

And this is only the leftover force that latch onto Apollo body that scattered into Olympus and not Poseidon full-fledged attack.      

Apollo coughed up golden blood from his mouth and his eyes are dim. His divinity is badly affected.     

The blood of an Olympian fall in Olympus and life withers.      

Music and joy seems to be robbed all over the Olympus Galaxy.      

The seers become blind for Apollo is the god of truth and prophecy. Diseases went rampant the Sun went dim, darkness covers the worlds.     

All aspect of Apollo seems to affect the Olympus Galaxy. One day in Heaven, a thousand years down below.      

So, from the moment Apollo was hurt, a thousand years of misery descended upon the people under Apollo dominion.     

The time difference between the lower realms and the higher realms in Olympus is different.      

Apollo look toward the high and most divine palace in Olympus and he shouted     

'Father, give justice to me!' he said this and then he falls down unconscious, golden blood dripping from his wound.     

Athena arrives and brought Apollo to Olympus.      

Thunder roars in Olympus and Mount Olympus shakes with anger.      

Zeus stood up from his throne, he raises his hand, a lightning bolt shot down from the sky.     

He made a grasping motion and a lightning bolt is wielded by him, the crackling of the electricity around his hand fills the entire Mount Olympus with great pressure.      

Zeus is angry!     

Even though he did not use his eyes to see what happens, he knows everything that happens in Atlantis.      

For humans they have spies to inform them of other people movements. The Gods also have spies.         


The winds, skies and clouds report to Zeus.     

Every living thing that lives in the land reports to Demeter and sometimes to Hephaestus.     

The fish, water, rivers and every sea creature reports to Poseidon. So, he could see now that Artemis is being choked by his brother right now.      

On Poseidon planet, his hand tightened around Artemis neck.      

'You brat! It seems your head had swelled a bit. Now, you even dare to show disrespect in front of me! It seems you think that just because Zeus is your father, I would give you some respect! You are but a baby in front of me' his hand tightens even more      

Artemis could feel her divine power are constricted.      

Her chariots and her pets were all blown away by the storms.      

On the four corners of direction around them, there is a tornado that surges from the sea.      

And this tornado has some magical properties to it, repelling anything that tries to come near.     

Basically, right now, Artemis is imprisoned in this area and no one could enter. Poseidon eyes right now is very dangerous     

But at the same time, a dark clouds gathers.      

Poseidon was about to choke the life out of Artemis when the sound of thunder breaks the sky. And from the dark clouds, a dangerous thunderbolt splits the entire sky     

It contained the essence of primordial destruction. The stars split apart into atoms in the trails it had to pass as this thunder bolt is sent from Olympus to Atlantis.      

This thunderbolt is like a killing spear from the sky heading toward Poseidon.      

The tornadoes around Artemis four direction immediately crumbles under the mighty coercion of that thunderbolt     

Poseidon of course notices it.     

But his hand is still holding onto Artemis, his other hand twitch.     

'No, I must not do it' he thought in that split second. In that split second Poseidon wanted to call on his weapon     

Poseidon nearly summon back his trident but he knows that if he summons his trident right now, when his trident clashed with Zeus thunder bolt, it would be revealed that his trident is not in Atlantis right now     

Because his trident is powerful enough and equal enough to Zeus thunderbolts so how could it not withstand Zeus thunderbolt?     

If the trident clashes with Zeus thunder bolt and break, then the ruse is up.     

Then Zeus would surely ask where the trident was and if Zeus found out that the thunderbolt is on Earth, he would ask why     

And then Zeus might remember. And Poseidon does want Zeus to remember.      

But just not now. Not yet     

The chess board that he had crafted is not yet completed. There are still no chess pieces on his chess board.         


He doesn't want Zeus to know now and then flip the chess board that he had just built.      

The Cyclops were the one that forges their weapons. And such they have certain qualities hardly found in any other divine weapons as the Cyclopes are great in creating weapons and divine items.      

Thinking of this, he could not help but think that Hades probably had already seen this scenario happening and reminded him when he destroys that Trident before     

So, instead he pointed Artemis body toward the thunderbolt and the thunder bolt stops before dissipating almost entirely.      

For a moment, everything seems to have stopped     

Poseidon look toward the sky.      

His eyes are not looking at the clouds but at Zeus, millions of light years away on his throne in Olympus, holding another thunderbolt, his eyes are full of anger     

Their stares seem to ignore all the distances between them.      

It was like they folded the space between them and are staring at each other just a few feet away and not millions of light years away.      

In Poseidon world, storms are gathering and the entire world is quaking and trembling. But this wrath of Poseidon is not limited only on his planet     

Any planet in the Olympus galaxy is now shaking. Some stars are also shaking and radiated dangerous level of energy.      

It is a warning and a reminder to Zeus. That if he seeks a fight, then it is a fight that he would lose. He probably would win the war, but he would win it at a great cost.     

Not to mention, even that is not guaranteed. Zeus had to think of the consequences. Hera had just rebelled against him.     

If he fought Poseidon now, Poseidon would also ignore brotherly affection and he would ask the other Gods and Goddesses to unseat Zeus.     

There is Hades in the Underworld. While he takes his duty very seriously, and would never release the monsters in the Underworld, Hades himself is a very powerful Olympian.      

There is still Hera that could be persuaded and a few others like Ares who always love a good war.      

This is not like five thousand years ago. Poseidon had grown since that time and even if Zeus control the Heaven, it still need the Earth below for the Heavens to have function     

And he is the Earthshaker.      

Poseidon does not want a war with Zeus but that does not mean he would be timid if Zeus tries to interfere in his world.     

'Release Artemis' the words are spoken in Olympus but heard by Poseidon millions of light years away.     

Poseidon simply said     

'Hmph. She comes and goes where she pleases. Does she think she could do that to me too?'     

There is silence before Zeus said     

'She would apologize' Poseidon hearing this could not help but scoffed.     

'It is good enough that I did not kill her and send her straight to the Underworld but now you want me to pardon her with a simple apology? How does thing become so simple in your words?' there is a hint of disdain from his word         


Then Poseidon simply said     

'Little brother, you must learn to respect boundaries.'      

Then he throws Artemis toward the sea, the force of his throw forces Artemis to go deeper and deeper into the sea depths.     

Even as she tries to resist this force, trying to flew up, this pushing force breaks all of her attempts.     

She finally crashed into the front gate of the Divine Palace of Atlantis.      

Before she could get up, chains seem to emerge from the depths of the sea. It was like this chain appears from out of nowhere.      

This chain swirls around Artemis hand and feet and then as Artemis tries to resist, this chain dragged her toward the Abyss.      

Zeus on his throne is frowning. He did not even have the tie to stop it. Poseidon who are still in the sky then simply said     

'She would be my prisoner for a while. Show your sincerity and I will release her' Saying this, Poseidon went back into the sea, his chariot pompously dives into the sea.     

The sea of all the realms calms down. But the sky is angered. Eventually, even the sky calms down and there is silence between Heaven and Earth.      

For the mortals living in this world, they might not know why today, mountain collapsed, the sea went crazy and the sky suddenly turns dark.     

They did not know that there are gods living among them as their senses could not perceive them     

They did not know that these Gods fight each other. All they think was that today was a day of calamity.     

But to the factions in Olympus, those gods and divine beings they were even more confused then the mortals who do not know anything.     

Why does Zeus and Poseidon suddenly go to bat with each other?      

Why does Zeus send a spy to Atlantis? Why the overreaction by Poseidon?     

There is many question but no answer     

Before, Hera had rebelled and Zeus was nearly ousted.      

  And now suddenly there is tension between Atlantis and Olympus. Is another rebellion about to occur? This time if its Poseidon, this kind of war would shake all the worlds.      

Hera is different from Poseidon.      

If Poseidon went to war with Zeus, then it is a war of the Gods.      

Some of the Goddesses went to Belthana, asking the Three Fates to mediate the matter for they fear that the two Eldest Gods would break into a conflict that would shatter half the galaxy.      

Some look at Hades, fearing that gloomy God would also enter the battle. All the while the tension between Olympus and Atlantis grew.     

Artemis is being held hostage in Atlantis. This alone is a provocation and a humiliation.      

Such things had never happened before. Not in this way. Weirdly enough, this time even though Zeus is angry, he was not manic and did not went down to Atlantis and seem to be keeping the silence.          


Of course, to others outside of Olympus, they simply got the news that Poseidon and Zeus seems to be butting heads with each other.      

They did not know the real story.     

Poseidon is in his underwater palace, his gaze on Earth looking at someone with a blond hair.     

  He also looks toward a sea, a sea filled with turbulent energy and he saw ships by the thousands, coming to an island.     

An island which is close to his trident.     

He hopes that the blond hair men would get his trident.      

His first chess piece.      

'not yet' he mutters to himself but there is a smile on his face, showing his confidence     

Eterna chess games had no limit of using chess pieces. And sometimes other people chess pieces could also be used     

Because the chess pieces in Etherna chessboard all have different purpose.      

Sometimes one uses the same chess pieces, but the objective and target of that chess pieces is different from another player reason to use that chess piece     

Poseidon did not covet the most important chess piece in the game because he knows, it is too late for him to influence that chess piece      

And too many eyes are on that chess piece. Wargod, Azul, Odin to just name a few. An eye catching chess piece but also the most dangerous to have and the hardest to move     

So, he would choose the one who have potential.     

The one that did not have that many eyes on it, and considerably easier to move. Poseidon has his own plans     

In the Underworld, Hades also has his plan. He sits on his onyx black throne; his gaze is looking at a mortal who have the same temperament as him     

There is a smile on the corner edge of his mouth and his eyes shines with brilliance. It is happiness an emotion that rarely could be seen from the Lord of the Underworld.      

High above the clouds, above the stars, there is Olympus and sitting on the highest of throne is Zeus.      

He has been sitting there for three days, sorting his thoughts and trying to see and divine something about the plans of his brothers      

The more he divinate, the more he finds himself confused. But, as he sat there, thinking about things…. once in a while, a memory seems to come into surface     

And each time he saw a glimpse, Zeus face turns solemn     

'There is a lock in my memories; he mutters to himself      

Hades did not know what is happening to Zeus right now     

But maybe, just maybe, a very old memory could resurface. And then, a new player might appear…to play in this high stake games that would determine the End of the Entire Universe.      



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