Lord Shadow

Chapter 1387: Battle of Brothers

Chapter 1387: Battle of Brothers

This monster went into outer space.         


It followed the song, the ripples.      

This monster is a monster of the sea, yet now he is in outer space.      

But to this monster, the outer space is also a sea.      

A sea of stars but a sea nonetheless. So, it moves again, its body is so huge that it is hard to see its true shape.      

It did not have complex intelligence but it moves according to its instinct, and it is heading toward Atlantis.     

It opens its mouth, swallowing the dead star along the way, the cosmic dust and cosmic energy is sucked into its huge mouth.      

The speed of its movement warp the space and time and with each second, hundreds of light years' distance is traveled.     

Poseidon anger summons this sea monsters.      

In Olympus, there is a Goddess, her gaze looks upon the stars and the planets. The moment that Poseidon summoned his sea monster, this Goddess stood up from her throne.      

This Goddess wears a fully armed divine armor. And on her left waist is a sword inside a sheathe.     

She wears a divine helmet that seems to emanate an aura that could affect emotions.      

Leaning on the back of her throne, is a shield. On the center of the shield is the aegis with the head of the gorgon and snakes around the edge.     

On the left side of her throne, standing upright like a pedestal item is a spear. This Goddess is none other than Athena.     

She did not go to the world of Poseidon. If she did go, it would mean war.      

Poseidon could accept a few embarrassments here and there, but be careful of trying to test the temperamental nature of the sea.      

It is the same reason why Zeus did not send her. Things have been quite chaotic since Hera latest rebellion.      

But Hera could not be punished severely.      

Her powers and her dominion might seem inferior but the bonds of marriage, of fidelity, of trust and faith and love is not something that should be underestimated.     

Aphrodite might be the Goddess of Love but her kind of love and Hera kind of love is very different.      

Aphrodite kind of love is like fire, it burns and it consumes. A most passionate kind of love but also the kind of love that could ruins a person.      

Hera love is not as exciting nor as passionate.      

It is like the calm lake in the woods.      

But time strengthen this bond.      

The longer this kind of love is maintained and cultivated, the stronger it became and Hera kind of love is the kind of love that creates civilization and it is that kind of love that maintains a civilization.     

Trust, faith, fidelity…. this virtue that might be spurned by Aphrodite is the very same kind of virtue that made me fight wars for fear that the war might spread to their loved ones, to their child, to their beloved wife.         


It is the same kind of love that made a woman would not hesitate to sacrifice her life for her children.     

And imagine that kind of love is stripped away from mortals.      

Chaos would descend, and civilization would crumble, hedonistic pleasure fills the world entirely and it would not be long before mortals become extinct.     

It is the truth of nay civilization, that for them to create an enduring civilization, there is many sacrifices that had to be made.     

But if everyone all become selfish, all trusted no one, all only wanted the passionate love without cultivating any fidelity, sons know no father, women abandoned children's and men have no one to love, women have no connections, the next generation would grow sick in the heart      

and if no one wanted to sacrifice for another, for no one could trust the others, the bonds of two people, of uniting people heart and soul is stripped away, all the mortals in the parts of the Universe ruled by Olympus would slowly deteriorate and die.      

So, when Hera rebelled, Zeus could only imprison her in her abode.      

A house arrest…. of the divine variety     

And Athena has been dealing with the aftermath of that rebellion.      

She looks at the seas monster coming nearer toward Atlantis and she could see Apollo and Artemis.      

Poseidon alone is very powerful. If this sea monster joins him in his attack, what chance does Apollo and Artemis have.      

She opens her palms; her spear flew towards her hand.      

The shield flew from the back of her throne to floats beside her. Athena took a step and she appears tens of millions of light years away.     

The area around her warps and suddenly she is now in front of the titanic monster. Athena enlarges her size that her size is like the Sun, titanic and large.     

The monsters have tentacles, which have drill-like saw on the edges of its tentacles. The tentacles shoot toward Athena, Athena thrusted her spear.     

The stars dimmed and planets exploded, the cosmic energy turns into chaos, an accretion disk forms around these two beings of great power.     

The spear shines bright and hot, a few hundred new planets were melted and collapsed into itself feeling this heat.     

These world experienced heat death even before it could have bloomed and contain life. The tentacles were cut; Athena slams her body to the sea monsters.     


A great shockwave spreads to all direction, sweeping asteroid belts, vaporizing cosmic dust, warping space and time around these two beings.      

The sea monster was thrown for millions of light years away crashing into a star, causing the star to explode.      

In the dark space the sea monster lost its consciousness, Athena kicks the cosmic dust around her feet and returns back to her throne.      

She stands upright, look at the situation of the Universe shakes her hand, the spear flew back to its original position, the shield flew to the back of the throne and Athena armors turns into a white robe, her eyes shining with wisdom.     

She sat back down on her throne, her gaze looks toward Atlantis.      

In the planet of Atlantis, there is a calamity that is shrouding the entire planet         


Tornado surges from the sea, its power swallows the clouds. Thunderstorm wreaks havocs into the world, burning villages and cities     

These thunderstorms are created by divine power and the moment it appears, it attacks Apollo and Artemis.     

The wind gales are like knives and swords. It cut the clouds and the space and time. The thunder creates sonic attack.      

Apollo slaps these gales of winds and the noise did not affect him. Artemis kicks and punches these attack from the thunderstorm     

Poseidon sees all of this and he began to feel impatient.      

'This brat did not know to appreciate my good intentions' Poseidon even though he was angry, he still restrains it.     

He sends all of these natural phenomenon to simply gave these two Olympians a chance to withdraw.      

Yet, either they don't understand what Poseidon is implying or they simply ignore his kind intention.      

So, he became angrier and his aura rises even more. And he was about to take a step forward but he halted. He looks up and his anger even more     

'Athena!' He had summoned one of his most powerful monsters from another planet. But it seems that Athena had intercepted it.      

'In the end, I still have to do it personally. Little brother. Don't blame me. You have forced my hand'      

Poseidon takes another step forward and the entire world fell his Will. His Will covers the whole world and his anger seems to crack the world     

A powerful emanation of energy surges out from every inch of the sea on this world. The clouds and the Heavens above shakes.     

The mountain nearby the seas where Atlantis is situated collapsed because of the pressure.     

The entire sea seems to rise up      

In the Palace of Atlantis, the servants quickly came to Poseidon.      

This servant is a merman and when this servant saw the anger that is manifested directly to the world coming from his lord, he shivered in his heart.     

He come forward, kneeling a few dozen feet away from Poseidon throne.  Poseidon had called this servant using his telepathic powers. Poseidon looks at this servant and then said     

  'Guard the Palace for me. I have to teach some lesson to some brat!' he said, his anger apparent.      

It is clear that this merman is someone that Poseidon trusted. Or maybe it is because there is no other people right now in Atlantis.      

The servant nodded as Poseidon words resounded over all of the realms.      

The sea monsters that usually would wreak havoc swims back to their caves.      

Today, the Sea God is angry.      

On normal days, they could still wreak havoc but if they raise their heads right now, there is a great possibility that they would be settled by Poseidon after he finishes beating those two Olympians.     

So, the sea creatures are very obedient right now. Nobody wanted to be made example of later.          


Meanwhile on the sky, finally finished deflecting and parrying the attack by the thunderstorm is Apollo and Artemis     

They look down on the sea and they frowned.      

They could feel a bad premonition in their heart.      

It was then a shout resounded all over Heaven and Earth, shaking the very pillars of this world.      

'Zeus! You dare!' Poseidon shouted from below the sea and his voice piece through Olympus itself, shaking the throne of Zeus.      

Normal mortal could not hear this shout but to those divine creatures, they all could hear the anger in Poseidon words and they know it is best to steer clear the conflict of these two Elder Gods.      

Meanwhile, on the bottom of the sea, of all the realms in Olympus star system, trillions of sea creatures stirred.      

The small, the big, and even some that could be called gigantic seem to make a move. The other gods also notice this.      

And they frowned. They gaze upon Olympus and they know this is the battle of Zeus and Poseidon.      

It is a battle between brothers     

No one wanted to stand out right now and picking a side.     


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