Lord Shadow

Chapter 1385: The Tangled Thoughts

Chapter 1385: The Tangled Thoughts

Poseidon sighed.          


Poseidon has a handsome face like the Greek Gods of old which mean he has a rugged manly face.      

You can feel energy emanating from him and one could smell of the sea from him. His body is muscular with scars all over it and he wears it like a badge of honor.     

He wore a blue scale armor made from hydra skins that emanated an aura of power and dominance.      

He has a pair of blue eyes that pierces through you; his voice is authoritative befitting as the God of the Sea.      

And he rarely smiles. But he always radiated this confidence. Even among the Gods, he is not afraid of Zeus.     

But, he is concerned after remembering what happen in the other timeline.      

Poseidon then waves his hand and another trident appears. It looks identical to his real trident but gods like hades and Zeus would notice.     

That is why he wrecked the spy ship. That spy probably a champion that Zeus had appointed, giving him a Divine Quest to come to his realm and spy on him.     

Mortals are protected by Divine Law. The Gods must not interfere too much in the life of mortals.      

Once again, he has his trident by his side, radiating with blue aura that could control the movements of the waves, brings rains and storms and commanded the wind.     

The symbol of Poseidon power was the trident, a spear with three points, which he used to shatter gigantic rocks, to call forth or subdue storms, to shake the earth, and the likes.     

His hair was white just like Hades and Zeus signifying their age and sovereignty over three realms that are the most powerful as three of the Oldest Gods.     

When he sits in his realm there is nothing that can harm him.     

The water heals him. The water is his weapon. And all water is a part of him.      

But the Trident is his symbol of power. And that trident is not here in Atlantis built on Earth, a small planet that look like a dust in the vast Universe     

Poseidon know why Hades is here. It is not to talk about what happened millenniums ago. It is not to catch up with each other     

It is to ask him why he sent that Trident to Earth.     

Hades could see that his little brother is thinking so he simply said     

'You interfere. You sent your Trident to Earth. Before, you were simply admonishing my moves of trying to break from this cycle. But it seems…...it seems that you have found a little hope. Am I right?'     

Poseidon heard this and chuckles.      

'Things have changed'     

At this Hades nodded     

'It really has. So, what?' Hades ask. He is sitting on his onyx black throne, seemingly smiling, waiting for Poseidon answer.     

There is no pressure from Hades for him to answer. Hades is here to see his stance. And depending on his stance, Hades could become a friend or an enemy     

And Poseidon does not like making an enemy of Hades.          


Posieodn sighed and it was like he had aged.     

'I have investigated things since you unsealed my memories.'     


'At first, I simply wanted to see what Asgard would do. I wanted to see what Jade Empire would do. And my expectation was not wrong. Odin went to his slumber; Jade Emperor prepare against the boy'     

Hades nodded     

He also did the same thing.      

Poseidon then continues by saying     

'But…. a wind of change is blowing. Things developed differently from the last time. I know Loki is back. I know that one single time traveler would not change much. Fate and Destiny is not that easy to beat or deceive. There are many variables to it. Fighting fate and destiny is always a hard task'     

'Even if you think you are making a change, in the end, it turns out even though you choose different roads, turns out, the destination is still the same'     

At this Hades nodded.      

'But, slowly there is a change in the fabric of reality. Each decision that the boy made seems to have ripples in the fabrics of reality itself slowly changing and now even altering the course of destiny and fate. I could feel it. Destiny and Fate is now scrambling to try to get the story back on track. But, it just wouldn't go back into place. Thing have been messed up so badly that Destiny and Fate might have just to alter the script altogether.'     

Hades smiles and Poseidon continues     

'if the script had to change, then minor details also needs to be changed. And everything minor could actually be a major thing'     

'Still, that would not be enough for you to be convinced?'     

Poseidon nodded and said     

'true. But then Odin broke his slumber. And the boy forms many more connections, his thread of fate and destiny now connects him with many people. There is Azul. There is that Jotuns Alsurt. There is the Demon Monkey of the Jade Empire…. you get what I am saying'     

He paused for a second before saying     

'Tangled connection. Fate, Karma, destiny all intertwined. In many cases, having such tangled relationship does not help. But it's different for him. Because he should not have that many connections. And by having so...he is changing the predetermined game'     

'You still did not answer the most important question?' Hades said     

'And what is the question?'     

'Why the Trident?'     

Poseidon smiles for a second before he leaned back on his throne and takes a deep breath.      

'I see hope in him. But he is not the one I'm betting on'     

Hades eyebrows furrowed.     

He did not say anything but Poseidon could tell that his older brother wanted him to explain to him         


'I know that mortal would be the focus point. There is already many eyes on him. And probably there is as many schemes that is cantered around him. He is protected by Azul. Wargod also is keeping his eyes on him. Then there is also Odin' And then he looks at Hades     

'And your gaze is also focused on him.'     

He paused for a moment and the said     

'I don't want to simply win the battle. It is pointless just winning the battle. I want to win the war. And he alone is not enough'     

Hades eyes narrowed     

'It seems you have a different plan'     

Poseidon nodded     

'Who is it?'     

Smiling, Poseidon said     

'I have seen Earth. I might not go down there, but I could see some things. I heard that there is someone there that have the same title as I have.'     

Hades immediately understand what he is thinking     

'You think of supporting that mortal? Instead of "him"' Hades did not specifically say who. Because name have power.     

They understand this better than most. Some names when spoken, leave a trace. And for a being like them, a trace is enough to investigate it to the root source.     

Poseidon smiles widely and said     

'Like I said, the protagonist alone is not enough'      

Hades heaved a sigh of relief. He got what he wanted. Of course, Posieodn could never tell what Hades is planning     

Since he is always in the Underworld, it is hard to investigate about Hades and they have not seen each other for millennium.      

Even though beings like them rarely changed their character in such a short time, it is not unheard of     

Poseidon was about to say something but a dark force seems to envelop Hades entire throne.     

Poseidon eyebrows furrowed.     

'Brother, this is...a bit rude' But Hades simply smiles.     

'If you want to meet me, go to the Underworld' hades then tossed a coin toward Poseidon     

'Charon would guide you and the door to the Underworld would be open for you'      

The moment he finished saying that, this dark force materialized into a thick dark fog. This thick dark fog in just a moment enveloped the entire throne and then Hades simply disappeared from Atlantis.     

Poseidon just get a hold of the coin and when he looks in front of him, Hades had disappeared.          


His face is not exactly shows an expression of happiness.     

Then a smile form on his face but this smile is very sinister and has a hint of madness. Like the sea, Poseidon is capricious sometimes.      

'Brother, oh, brother. You ask all you want from me, but you do not even have the courtesy to answer a few question of mine? This is very rude' There is anger in his voice. Even though they are brothers, this is simply lip service.     

They have lived for thousands of years. Any shred of brotherly feeling has long eroded. It is not the fault of anyone.     

They have differing personality and they are also very competitive. Hades might not seem so as he guarded the Underworld but he has always been gloomy and hard to approach.      

Zeus on the other hand is very arrogant. And Poseidon himself is temperamental. They have butted heads a few time and because of that, any brotherly feeling is no longer there.     

But blood, like a name, has power. There is a bond between family, especially a divine family like them that could not be erased simply by just removing one blood.      

But Poseidon did not dare to strike toward the Underworld. It is not that he is not capable of it. It is just not worth it to attack the Underworld     

That would basically mean war. And Poseidon knows that while Hades rarely make a shot, once he did, it would be very impactful.     

It was like that five thousand years ago or was it seven thousand years ago     

It is hard to keep track      

And one could only wonder to what heights he had reached now. Poseidon look at the coin that he is holding and he frowned.     

It is clear that Hades invites him to the Underworld. But, just because Hades invited him to go there, does not mean that he dares to go.     

The Underworld is Hades domain. It is a land of ghost and the dead. But that is not all it contains.      

It had the giants in there, the Titans and even some Eldritch monsters that Olympus had captured and fought in the past     

Not to mention, there is also monsters from different realms and dimension and who knows what else in there.      

Hades is not simply the God of Death; he is also the warden of a very dangerous prison. A prison which houses all kinds of terrifying being with all kinds of terrifying ability.      

Poseidon sometime worried that once he goes there, he would be trapped there. Who knows what Hades is thinking now?      

There might be a shocking scheme     

After all, the End is near.      


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