Lord Shadow

Chapter 1383: [Bonus chapter] The Wrath of the Sea

Chapter 1383: [Bonus chapter] The Wrath of the Sea

Odin makes his move. Which one is his chess piece and what moves he makes? In the beginning, there seems to be only two players in the chess game         


But Etherna chess game is different from normal chess. It could accommodate many players and each player could make many moves.     

Some would strengthen other pieces; some would weaken it. It does not matter which pieces is used and which pieces are thrown off the board.      

As long as there is a player that sees a value in a certain chess piece, a thrown off chess piece could always be brought back to the chess games.     

Yewa Hafar and Loki never thought that they were the only one setting their pieces. Yewa Hafar wanted it to be contained. But Loki want more people to enter the chessboard and play the game     

Because the more there is, the more chaotic the game became.      

It is only when more people play the game, that Loki could use the element of chaos to help him     

But he surely never wanted a chess player whose moves that he would have a hard time dismantling and restraining.      

Both Loki and Yewa Hafar never expected Odin to sat at the chess game and wanted to play.      

Because the last time, none of these powerful deity-like beings interfere or make a move. Cleary, something is different this time     

Loki on Earth could not possibly know what Odin is doing right now. He knows Odin is coming. He knows many more beings out there would begin to cast their gaze to Earth     

But, that doesn't mean that he has a grasp of what these beings are doing or planning     

It is the same for Yewa Hafar. Even with Yewa Hafar many abilities, could he spy on the ruler of Asgard that easily?     

Of course, even before Odin enter, there is a fourth player that Loki and Yewa Hafar doesn't know.      

Erika is also one of the players and she is one that Loki wariest off.      

At least to the eyes of Loki and Yewa Hafar it is Erika that is playing the game, putting chess pieces on the board     

  But what Loki and Yewa Hafar doesn't know was that Azief himself is also one of the players     

And he is even more thorough as his moves had already been made in another timeline. Some people play 3D chess and he is playing 4D chess.     

Odin is picking his chess pieces now. When he is finished picking his chess pieces, the chess move would begin to open.      

And that is when Odin would enter the game     

Asgard is not the only one that is making moves. In the Three Thousand worlds of the Jade Empire, A Demon Monkey that sat on top of his peaks filled with clouds look upon Earth with his fiery eyes.      

This Monkey does not know how to pick chess pieces.      

Though, one has to wonder, whether this Monkey really does not know how to pick chess pieces or he doesn't want to     

Picking chess pieces, manipulating fate and destiny, it felt like those Six Saints scheming and this Monkey really hated such schemes.      

With the stick on his hand, he had shaken the Heavenly Palace. In this entire Omniverse, with that stick, he had beat down demons and devils, Enlightened Ones and Pure Beings.      

No chess pieces, no chess move, only the stick in his hand and the defiant heart in his chest.          


In the Heavenly Palace, an Emperor who supervises the Three Thousand World also is wavering in his choices.      

These beings that did not make a move, did not take a shot is beginning to move.      

In another star system, another move is being made.      

The Omniverse has many planets and powers and factions. Some do not overlap with each other; some did not even reach the stage where they could travel outside of their own clusters of galaxy.     

But to those who could reach such level, they would then be introduced to the powers in the Omniverse, that makes sure that the Omniverse does not collapse     

There is Seven Intergalactic power.      

These seven intergalactic power rose after the war five thousand years ago give or take. Time is a very confusing things in the Omniverse since some people could manipulate time and space.      

To powerful beings, time and space is merely a construct that could easily be changed.      

There is Asgard ruled by Lord Protector of the Eight Realms, High King Odin.      

That is his title in the Intergalactic Alliance.      

Then there is Jade Palace. It is ruled by Ten Thousand Heaven Enlightened August Ruler, Yu Wang that resided inside the Jade Palace.      

Then there is the Time Lords who reside in their home world Gailfrey     

Then there is the Qarthans, a civilization which rivals that of Olympus and have been warring with the Olympians for a long time     

This is a race of powerful beings who could kill Demonic Erthen. Erthen is a low level beast in the planet of Qarthan.     

  They have acid spits, parasites that could live under the skins and strength that surpasses most creatures in the Universe     

there is the Amenthes and Sekhet Hetepet, though there are oblivious to the great change that is happening in the Omniverse.      

And then there is Olympus. And like Asgard, like Jade Empire, it seems that Olympus is also making a move.      

Inside the Olympus star system, on one of the major twelve planets, the seas are rumbling and shaking. Dark clouds are gathering and thunderstorm descend.     

The sea went wild and it seems like the entire sea was moody     

There is one particular planet in the Olympus star system that resembles Earth. The area of that planet is larger than Earth but the composition of the sea is the same      

Seventy percent water, thirty percent land.      

But if there is a difference between it and Earth, it is the level of civilization. The people in this world is still very primitive. Some lives in tribes and some lives in city states.      

This is a young and new planet.      

Below the sea, deep under, in those dark unexplored region of the sea is a capital full of light and celestial power     

Those who are lucky enough to see this city would be surprised of its advanced technology. Even if it is put to Earth, it would shame all of their technology.         


This is the capital of one of the major gods of Olympus. And there is only one major Gods in Olympus who is strongly associated with water and the sea.      

This place has many names but the names was finally settled a few thousand years ago     

This place of great beauty and power is called…... Atlantis.      

In this planet, there is humanoid creatures like humans that lives in it. there are also monsters and fairies.      

There are nymphs in the lakes and the rivers. It is like Earth but unlike Earth.      

The people of this world does not necessarily knows that their planet is a planet where one of the gods of Olympus reside.     

But there are stories and people worship the gods of Olympus for there is also a Mount Olympus on this world.      

It is different from the Mount Olympus on Earth.      

This Mount Olympus in this world is full of magic, a place where the present of these gods could communicate with the Gods in Olympus.      

And unlike the Mount Olympus on Earth which is not that tall compared to the many great mountains, the Mount Olympus of this world is very tall, piercing the Heavens, separating the world.      

It is a place of magic and mysteries and there is fog and mist in the bottom of the mountain and clouds and monster in the middle of the mountain.     

And on the top is the entrance to Olympus.      

Today, there seems to be something wrong with the sea. In the morning, as the sun shows its face, the light driving away the dark, the sea water was calm, peaceful     

The wind blows gently, the birds flies freely     

sailors and adventurers sails the seas, merchant hoping to make some fortune, the fisherman who goes out to the sea with their boats and nets, wanting to capture fish and food.     

Some goes to the sea to swim and some goes to the sea to fight and to eat.     

All kinds of people, all kinds of desires.      

The sea is a place filled with life and everyday people benefit from it     

They offer prayer to Poseidon, hoping for a safe voyage. Then as time passes, the sea began experiencing great changes.      

The sea began to tremble and the fisherman who is the most sensitive to this kind of change rows their boast and went back to the shore. Some ignores the omens and signs     

And those who ignores such thing have to be ready to endure the consequences. Dark clouds gather and it covers the sky, blocking the sun.     

The entire world seems to be dark, like the Sun had been swallowed by something. Then came the quake.     

It began with small tremors. Those who lives near volcanoes all shouts out in fear. Then the mini tremor become larger and the ground quakes and shakes.      

Volcanoes spurted out their fires and lavas like it was forced to.      

In some parts of the sea, the sea thrashed wildly like it is angry and it is full of wrath.          


The vast sea seems to be crazy.      

The priest of Poseidon saw that the statue of Poseidon in the Temple seems to be shaking and powerful emanation of energy seems to burst out from the statue     

The priest could easily tell what this means.      

The Sea God is angry and the whole world quake and tremble under his wrath. The Priest burns offerings hoping to appease the Sea God.     

The entire sea seems to be affected, none could escape.      

No one knows why the Sea God is angry. However, no amounts of offerings would save even his most devoted today     

The seabed rumbles and shakes and the waves above went amuck as it's slammed upon the sea     

On some part of the sea, the waves create large wall of water, sinking ships and assaulting the beaches and shores.     

It was like the apocalypse is descending.      

Hundreds of sea monsters crawl out from their seabed nest, from dark holes and slimy nest, each one of these monsters is as large as a mountain and as long as five to eight story buildings.     

A being of great power looked up on the vast sea, and the sea trembles only by his gaze.      

'Hmph!' he snorted and in his hand materializes his famous trident     

Striking his trident onto the green tiles of his throne room, the seabed of this planet trembles and huge storms form and brings down a ship on some other part of the world      

That ship belongs to one of the spies of Zeus. The spy did not know that his action had angered the Sea God.     

The waves were about to sink down the ship but then Poseidon frowned.     

'Little brother!' he shouted.      


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