Lord Shadow

Chapter 1381: The One Below the Ash Tree I

Chapter 1381: The One Below the Ash Tree I

In the vast universe, new worlds are born every day and old worlds died consequently. Stars were born, star dies.         


New galaxy formed, old galaxy dies.     

A pull and push between creation and destruction. Between life and death. Disorder and order.      

It is beautiful and terrifying at the same time.      

In this vast universe, in a secluded part of the Universe where not many dares tread, where the gravitational force alone is enough to shred universes, there is a titanic being chained to a chain that seems as long as the Universe could stretch     

This titanic being lean his back on a gigantic ash tree. This gigantic ash tree itself is not normal as it floated in space.     

But there is land beneath the titanic being but there is no sky and there are no other living creatures around him other than the tree.     

Around him, there is all kinds of space tear. Some are mild in nature while some are more dangerous.      

Time and space holds no meaning here     

Time dilation is at its extreme here. Sometime time here tries to move forward, sometimes it tries to go backward but there is a force that is forcing everything to be orderly     

If anyone who have magic knowledge come here, they will without doubt notices that there is a seal in this space and time and it is this seal forcing this titanic creature to not walk far from the ash tree     

It is not a simple one seal. But a sealing formation that seems to use the power of the Universe to seal this being.     

The cosmic wind blows the hair of this titanic giant. This giant look in the distance. Sometimes he would look at other Universes that is close to the area of his sealing     

Unfortunately, while life is not that rare in the Omniverse, when you look at the entire scale of the Universe, life truly seems scarce and at a terrifyingly small amount compared to the dead space of Universe.     

He sighed and he was about to Dreamwalk again when his eyes suddenly narrowed.      

He stands up and the chain that is around him tightened, the ash tree trembles and the ground beneath his feet seems to crack     

The ash tree glows with golden and blue colors.      

As it glows it emanates a force.      

This force keeps the land from splitting apart, the stars in the radius of one hundred light years away stretching from each direction dimmed      

A cosmic wind seems to be blowing all over the ash tree, the leaves of the trees, sway violently.      

  'Is that you?' there is a hint of anger in his voice. The giant sense the arrival of someone he very much does not like to see     

In the distance, the giant could see a small tiny humanoid creature coming toward this area. This figure steps on nothingness, floating over the vast emptiness of space.      

The cosmic wind, the stellar radiation, the accretion disk nears stars and the explosion of planets and stars around the Universe does not affect this person.     

He seems to be walking but each step he takes, he travels hundreds of billions of light years forward.      

Behind this man, there is two ravens flying following him. There are also two wolves flying in the space, gliding through the asteroid belts.     

'Huginn, Muninn. Geri. Freki'         


He muttered and then his eyes changed to red, a killing intent billowing to the surrounding, withering the stars and sucking the energy from the planets     

'Odin!' he shouted and from his shout come a powerful blast. This blast is like a supernova blast.      

A most brilliant of explosion shot toward that person. In space, humans believe that a supernovae are the largest explosion that takes place in space     

But one roar, one shout from this titanic being caused a powerful blast like to occur. One could only imagine this being power.      

But that person in the distance waves his hand and runes appeared all over Space. From the stars, from the lames, from the fuel that gives star life, to the dust under his fingernails, the stellar wind, to the particles     

Countless of runes appears.     

The blast smash through these runes like a rushing tsunamis swallowing a small town. But it slows down and by the time it reached in front of that person, the blast dissipated.     

Not a second late, not a second faster.,     

Perfect calculation, perfect prediction.      

The One Eyed Wanderer, Odin.      

The Universe is silent once again. Odin smiles and then takes another step. A few million light years is traversed and after a few more steps, Odin appears under the ash tree.     

His figure looks extremely small compared to the titanic being under the ash tree. But Odin even when his size is merely six feet four, the power that emanates from him overwhelmed that titanic creature     

'Alsurt, it has been a long time' The giant under the ash tree is none other than Alsurt. Alsurt is a Jotuns.      

And it is someone that Azief had met before and is considered by Azief as one of his teachers.      

'Odin!' he gritted his teeth.     

Odin seeing the way Alsurt looks at him could only sighed. At least this time Alsurt no longer attacked him.      

There is silence between them as the moment between them passes. After a while, Odin finally ask     

'How have you been all these years?'     

Alsurt takes a deep breath, his inhaling sucks the cosmic forces around him. Some of the cosmic dust resulted from the destruction just a moment ago is sucked into his body.      

Then Alsurt body morphed. He also turns his body to the same size of Odin. But the chain also evolves correspondingly.      

If it's a chain that could easily be shaken off like that, then it is not much of a trap. The sealing formation around the area also seems to glow and moves changing it to suit the current situation.      

Alsurt is now floating down toward the ground. He is six feet five and he looks extremely beautiful.     

His face is as bright as the dawning sun, beautiful and elegant. He is clothed is garbs of light and fire.      

His hair waves gallantly, a hair that was dark red and flames sparks every once in a while from the ends of his hair.     

His red eyes have now turned back to blue. His eyes are a blue flame that burns brightly. A Fire giant that uses live in Muspelheim, the arrogance from his eyes is obvious.         


The flames he holds had never been extinguished. Not the countless millenniums had even been able to extinguish his flame.      

Then he landed down on the ground. The distance that separate him and Odin is merely a seven feet distance. It is a distance where he could attack but he did not     

He looks behind Odin and see the raves had already arrived. The ravens flew to the lowest and smallest branches of the ash tree and just stay there     

The wolves laid down just a few feet behind Odin.      

'Why did you come here?' Alsurt is not polite and he is straight to the point. Rarely in the Universe, that people spoke to Odin with such rudeness.     

But Odin did not seem to care as he looks around and said     

'I am just here to see something and confirm something' his one eye looks around carefully like he is scanning it all with his only eye.      

Even though that is what Odin said, Alsurt would be an idiot to believe that.      

For millenniums, Odin had never come to see him. And it is not like Alsurt wanted Odin to come here.     

This is his prison and he knows better than most that Odin intends to imprison him here for eternity or as long Asgard existence this time     

After all,…...there is still Ragnarok.      

Alsurt sighed.      

Even if he wanted to stop Odin, it is not like he is capable of doing it.      

Even in his full power, he could not contain Odin. How could he do it when he is severely weakened and chained by cosmic forces?     

Alsurt however understand that there is something very unusual here.     

Odin is here. Then who is ruling Asgard? Even though he did not know many things, Asgard always had to worry about the Seven Realms discarding Midgard from the mix.      

Odin said he is coming here to see some things? Alsurt is not born yesterday. Odin is planning something.      

But one sentence does make him curious. Odin said he wanted to confirm some things. What things does he wanted to confirm?      

Alsurt knows that Odin had many knowledge, a knowledge that he got by hanging himself. That eye of his could see many things.     

Alsurt did not take long for his mind to finally think of something. There is only one thing that he could think of that would cause Odin to come here.     

He always felt that what happened that day was very…. weird.      

And he remembers when he saw that mortal fortune and luck. It was unusual and he was protected by fate and destiny.      

'You are here because of that mortal boy, aren't you?' Odin look at Alsurt. But he smiles with that mysterious smiles he always shows to people.     

Alsurt frown even more.      

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