Lord Shadow

Chapter 1379: The Monkey and The Emperor I

Chapter 1379: The Monkey and The Emperor I

While this was happening on Earth, on a fairy-like expanse of clouds and mountains and immortal air, there is a titanic Palace          


All of it seems to indicate a palace of heavenly beauty     

The towers are tall, the castles around the palace is titanic and seems to be able to fit worlds inside it.     

Golden light and purple winds sometimes could be seen shimmering and flowing. There is a holy air in every building inside this Palace     

Along the courtyard, there are powerful being that walked around in every corner.      

There is a tall wall which is guarded by beings that possess power that is equivalent to Seed Forming and Disk Formation.     

But the difference from Earth is that there are tens of thousands of them. They are also many peaks which is surrounded by clouds and forbidding energy     

This is the Palace of the Jade Emperor, the top ruling factions in the Three Thousand Worlds     

And this is the Heavenly Palace of the Jade Empire     

The Jade Emperor hears the advice of his officials in the morning and he rested today before the evening session in his private room     

And right now, inside his private room, there is a monkey.      

This monkey wears clothes and on his hand, he is holding a small stick the size of a tooth pick.     

But even so, there is power radiating from that stick. A very dangerous stick that seems to be able to crack the entire Heavenly Palace     

The monkey is standing just a few feet away from his table, a tense atmosphere inside the room.      

The Jade Emperor look at that monkey with his eyes narrowed     

'Why are you here?' he asks. The tone is not exactly friendly.     

The Monkey look around the room and he smiles     

'It seems you are preparing'     

The Jade Emperor could understand what the Monkey is talking about and nodded.     

'Yes. It would not be long now.'     

The Monkey smiles and he chuckles     

This monkey has many names. In some culture he is known as Sun Wukong. In some others, he is known by other names.     

Some called him the Demon Monkey. Some called him an Enlightened Monkey and some called him a Victorious Fighting Enlightened     

Like a dream that is stamped into the consciousness of people, as long as there are stories about the Jade Emperor, there would be stories about him.      

He has many other names in many other cultures and in many other planets. It is the same for the Jade Emperor.      

Sometimes, they even take the name that other people gave him. Names are very powerful. Hence, it is better to have many so it would confuse the enemies.          


Odin has as many names as the stars. It is the same for Zeus and for the other seven great intergalactic power.     

Then the Monkey come closer to the table that separates them both     

'I will not appear this time' he suddenly said and the Jade Emperor hearing this could not help but widen his eyes     

At first he was shocked but then his face turns serious.      

'Without you, the Havoc in Heaven could not proceed'     

The Monkey sneered and said     

'Find another way'     

The Monkey is about to strode out from the room but the Jade Emperor slam his hand on his table      

Like a thunder breaking the sky, a powerful pressure erupted from the room. But this power did not go out from this room and did not alert anyone outside the room     

As for the room itself, a great change is occurring. The space and time is separated, void of chaos seems to birth itself out of nothingness, cause and effect reversed     

The Monkey was not shocked as he simply looks at the changes of space and time with apparent disinterest.      

It was like they were transported into another dimension and place.      

Suddenly the Monkey and the Jade Emperor is on a vast grassy plain. There is only green grass as far as the eyes could see.      

There is hills but the hills are small and there are more flat plains than there is hill.     

One could not see mountain but only see a vast expanse laid out in front of them.      

A sea of grass.     

The Monkey was not flustered nor was he surprised. There is nothing in front of him. But he could feel that there is someone behind him     

He is calm and then turns his body and he look at the Jade Emperor     

'Release the seal and let me out. I don't want to break it and waste my energy' If anyone was to be brought to this place, they would surely not see anything other than this magnificent sight     

But the Monkey have a very special eye.      

And he could see through falsehood. So, he could see that there is seals all over the sky of this place. Everything here is fake to a degree.      

The Jade Emperor did not reply to this question instead he said     

'You'll die.' The monkey was not angry because he understood what the Jade Emperor is referring to     

Then he added     

'The Havoc of Heaven is not only a chance for survival for the Three Thousand Wolds but also a chance of survival to you and to me and to others'         


The Monkey was not swayed and instead he said     

'You have other plans don't you? Other methods? Does it have to be me?'     

Jade Emperor nodded     

'There are other plans. And there are other methods. But then, you'll die'     

The Monkey shakes his head and said     

'Then, I'll die' there is now silence between these two.      

The Jade Emperor is trying to understand why the Monkey suddenly change.     

It is not the first time that the Monkey had staged the Havoc of Heaven.      

Like it is not the first time for Asgard to commence the Ragnarok and not the first time that the Olympians fought with the giants and the Titans     

'What changed?' the Jade Emperor ask     

The Monkey smiles and then said     

'I think I am going to make a bet'     

'A bet?' the Jade Emperor was puzzled.     

he did not understand so he contemplated for a moment, closing his eyes, trying to see if his mind could point him to a place where he could understand what the Monkey is talking about     

And it did not take him long as he opens back his eyes, look at the monkey with a complicated expression and then said     

'You're betting on that mortal?'     

The Monkey smiles and said     

'there is now Karma between him and me. He had sown the seed and someday he has to reap it'     

There is another silence.      

The Monkey also look at the Jade Emperor. It seems he is also thinking of something when he looks at the Jade Emperor     

Then the Jade Emperor ask     

'Are you certain?'     


Another silence ensued between them     

'Then why?'         


'Because I think it is worth it' the Monkey said. He pauses for a second     

There is silence between them and the Jade Emperor could hear the defiant tone in the monkey voice. It is the tone that he had not heard for a very long time     

The Enlightened One had tempered him, tamed him and smoothest the edges. The Monkey was calculated even before he was born.     

After being tempered like that, all of that viciousness, all of that defiant nature was purge out of him. Five hundred years under the palm had broken him.     

But now, he once again hears that defiant tone and for some reason the Jade Emperor smiles. He did not hate it     

He could understand what the Monkey is trying to convey to him. He is uncertain and he could lose. But it didn't matter. Because to him it is worth it, even if he loses.      

Then the Monkey added, sighing while looking at the grassy plains     

  'And because I see hope in him. Fate and Destiny is being thrown around right now. I am curious to know whether the mortal could truly break the game'     

He chuckles bitterly and said      

'In a way...maybe it is because the mortal reminds me of myself. Toyed by fate and destiny, a pawn, a chess piece in many of these powerful being's chess boards.'     

  'I failed to break the chessboard of my life. Maybe, I am hoping he could do what I could not do'     

There was another silence between them. The Monkey look at the Jade Emperor and his eyes is full of life.      

There seems to be a vitality to him that is rising, a long lost fighting spirit that is being awakened.      

The Jade Emperor if not for the fact he is very rational would probably be swept away by the emotions that the Monkey is feeling and would offer to help him.      

The Jade Emperor sighed     

It seems he also have many thoughts about this.     

Then the Monkey said.      

'You might not be optimistic about him. But don't lie and tell me you did not have any hope? After all, you gave him the Immortal character' And the Monkey smiles     

The Jade Emperor did not say anything but his silence is his confirmation. When Azief was in the tribulation as the Purifying Fire fell down on him, he did insert something in it.     

It is for that reason that Azief could form a Celestial Aura and then go on to supplement his Disk and even his Energy with Celestial powers.     

'This and that is different'      

He then added     

'That was insurance. An investment. You remember what he did to the Heavenly Palace in the other timeline when I was in my slumber. He brought his ghost army, his wraiths, summoning monsters form all kinds of universes to fight against my dominion. The heavenly Palace had to be sealed tightly because of him and many immortals falls down'     

'Someone gave me the idea that instead of trying to stop what should happen, I should take advantage of it. That's it'     

Jade Empire said, his face is almost flushed but the Monkey smiles         


'You seem to be explaining thing. Who do you want to explain to? To me? Or to yourself?'     

The Monkey only smiles.      

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