Lord Shadow

Chapter 1361 The Sea Is Turbulent

Chapter 1361 The Sea Is Turbulent

  But even at night, the entire port is full of people who is fleeing the city

  Even though Death Monarch did not do anything today, who could guarantee that tomorrow that scourge would not wake up and feel like today is the day he destroys this city?

  Today, he might be happy and satisfied. Tomorrow, he might change his mind and decided that all of the people in this city is sinful and need to be eradicated from the world.

  Living under such a temperamental person is not good for the heart. The fear that the world has of Death Monarch is palpable. 

  The only reason why Azief had never noticed it that much is because he is in Pandemonium most of the time.

  In Pandemonium, Azief was also feared. But the fear is mixed with reverence and gratefulness. He was their divine protector and the symbol of Pandemonium invincibility. 

  As long as he is there, the people of Pandemonium is at ease. But the same could not be said for any other places in the world.

  To the other places in the world, Death Monarch existence in their city or their country is like the existence of a moving nuclear weapon that have no restraint

  What if he was angered? Would he swing his sword or summon lightning and thunder? What fi one of his enemies come to find him and they fought in their city?

  A Grim Reaper sitting on their city. That is how they felt. And everyone right now is running because nobody wanted to be close to Death

  The ten great faction that used to fight for the ownership of the city had all gone, some left no traces at all. 

  The district where they use to inhabits is all empty. On the port, the scenes of thousands of ships sailing away from the city

  The journey out of the Turbulent Sea is a hard one. It is full of space rips, time abnormality, space distortion just to name a few weird phenomena that is out there. 

  Most of these ships would have to make a stop in many island all over the Turbulent Sea before they could really get out of the domain of the Turbulent Sea.

  And everyone knows there is danger in sailing the Turbulent Sea right now. 

  Sixth months the world had the time to adapt to their new condition

  and the world had known that the Ten Seas had their own patterns of wind and these patterns shows when it is safest to cross theses seas and when it is most dangerous. 

  Of course, it is not even a year yet so there are still many things that needs to be observed and researched on but they are quite clear that right now, the activity of the Turbulent Sea is not exactly peaceful

  There are space rips that would appears out of nowhere, sometimes there is also a pocket dimension that appears out of nowhere. 

  Sometimes there are sea monster jumping out from the bottom of the sea

  Other times, it is a powerful storm that could wipes out an entire city. These winds is like blade, grinding everything on its path

  Arturia is full of people leaving but for the rest of the world, they are eyeing to go to the Turbulent Sea.

  The whole world was waiting for the response of the Great Powers and they did not disappoint. The Republic held an emergency assembly

  There was a great debate in the Senate and the whole day was full of debating. But after all is said, finally they agree to mobilize the Navy

  The Great Powers had no time to establish a true proper navy. 

  This is because before the Multiversal Convergence, travel by sea is not that important since everyone could either fly, teleport or simply run to the destination.

  The sea at that time was dangerous but it was not as dangerous as it is today. At most at that time, the danger is encountering a sea monsters. 

  This time however, you make a wrong move and you could end up being sucked into some other dimension or being thrown away so far that you lost all sense of direction

  Then how does the Republic intend to send a fleet? They hired a pirate now turned into an Admiral of the Republic. 

  There is no one else that knows the sea than the pirates. Leading the fleet of the Republic is an Irish Pirate known as Bloody John.  The mission is to fetch the High Chancellor to return to the Republic Senate

  However, what the world focused about was not the retrieval mission. After all, everyone knows that since she is with Death Monarch, she is basically safe.

  What people were curious about was what Jean would do. 

  Jean the Left Chancellor did not say anything neither did he objected.

  That was the news that came out from the Republic. 

  In the aftermath of the Multiversal Convergence, Jean has become the most influential people in the Republic and his faction is the strongest in the Senate and controls many seats

  Everyone in the Senate look to him for any indication of attitude that they should take but there is no sign that Jean was about to interfere.

  In the sixth month where Jean had full control of the Senate, there was a reform of the entire system of the Republic.

  So, some people believe that Jean might disapprove of bringing back Katarina and creating a schism in the current Republic

  But, it is clear that Jean do pay attention to the matter

  The fact that he deigns to come down to the Senate means even he himself look at this matter seriously. 

  Because before this matter, Jean had been absent in the Assembly. 

  It is not surprising then that he would make an appearance considering the gravity of the news. Death Monarch had returned. And if he had returned, then in all likelihood the Ice Queen had also returned. 

  There are some that said that maybe Death Monarch had failed and the Ice queen is dead in that other world.

  But some pirates that had contact in the edges of the Turbulent Sea reported that they got credible news that the Ice Queen is spotted in Arturia. 

  The news itself is hard to verify because it is hard getting news from the Turbulent Sea. 

  Communication with the Turbulent Sea is not easy. 

  The Turbulent Sea people could easily communicate with people inside the sea domain but for anyone outside it, to try to establish communication using electronica means or magical means, it would usually be obstructed by the weird energy fluctuation of the Turbulent Sea

  So, even though it had been almost half a day since the shocking appearance of Death Monarch, there is not much that is known about Arthur Foster other than he is a city lord of a city called Arturia. 

  The Ten Seas are the territory of the outcast and the Seven Great Powers did not yet set their sights toward the sea.

  In the past six months it is hard enough to maintain the current rule of their regime, they have no time to go play in the sea

  However, the movement of the Republic and Arturia did not escape the eyes of the other world powers. 

  The pirates that was active in the Turbulent Sea had begun clearing out of hiding in some hidden secluded coves all over the Turbulent Sea. 

  The Navy of the Seven Great Powers is not some normal navy. 

  Some of them looked like a large ship from the medieval era made from wooden planks. 

  But if you underestimate it, then you would regret it when your ship is the one sinking to the bottom of the ocean

  Because each and every one of the ships of the Seven Great Power is usually crafted with magic. 

  Of course there are some that uses mechanical technology in their ships like the Order of Thinkers

  The Sea is now suddenly chance with the entry of these great powers to the Turbulent Sea.

  The Turbulent Sea is one of the sea formed after the Multiversal Convergence.

  It is so called the Turbulent Sea because the waves are turbulent and the same for its energies. 

  Any electronic device entering the sea would fritz or malfunctioned. In some cases, it even exploded by itself 

  If that is all, it would be nothing. 

  But at times there would be spatial crack appearing out of nowhere. Sometimes a wind would blow by and energy would be drained from that area.

  Other times a place where someone is flying around suddenly become an area void of energy and cause anyone who flies around that area to lose control and falls down to the sea.

  It is one of the seas that not many people would dare to sail. 

  Some of the sea that had appeared after the Multiversal Convergence have more commercial value.

  Of course the Seven Great Powers all knows that there is many rare things and minerals in the Turbulent Sea but the cost and benefit analysis that they have done shows it is not worth it to invest too much in this sea

  Most of the Great Powers simply trades with the merchants that dares sail this sea. 

  With the news of the Republic sending its fleet, it sent a shock in the global political arena. Hirate makes a moves and send another shockwave around the world

  Unlike the Republic, since the beginning of the creation of the Ten Seas, Hirate pays quite the attention and have a very powerful navy surpassing that of Pandemonium and the other world powers

  They do not have to hire some pirates or change the roles of their officers to become Admiral of their sea fleet

  They have a readymade unit ready to sail the seas. 

  The World Government intention is different than the intention of the Republic. The Republic might be sending ships to receive their High Chancellor. 

  The World Government however send their ships to meet with Death Monarch. 

  On the helm of the ship that sails at dawn, Hirate was there, the Presidents of the World Government


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