Lord Shadow

Chapter 1356 Foreshadowing of The Future

Chapter 1356 Foreshadowing of The Future

  Loki in the six month after the Multiversal Convergence is once again laying down his plans. He of course could not just stand doing nothing. 

  Events is going faster than before. The pace of destiny and fate seems to be accelerated.

  There is also Fir Her Waz an alien from a destroyed world roaming around Earth right now. he was also looking for that alien.

  He fears that Yewa Hafar had already got to the Last Son of Yrinia.  They were many things that Loki had been doing 

  And with his information network up and running all over the globe after months of protecting this network, he finally got some news.

  But it was not a happy news. He did not get any news about Fir Her Waz. But instead, his network picked up a chatter about a Magician. 

  This got him to abandon some of his other project to focus solely on this. It was a bit of a stroke of luck.

  It is not easy to get news about the Magician since he is very adept at concealing himself. If Loki had the Helm of Invisibility of Hades, then the Magician had his famous cape. Loki does not know much about the ape other than the fact that it could shield him from prying eyes.

  He had send many more probes and people to find out about the Magician and he sent a few beasts that could relay message all in the effort of finding any clue about the true whereabouts of the Magician.

  If he could capture the Magician or influence him, then another big catastrophe in the future could be averted.

  If it's the Magician right now, he still is not that deep in his hatred and neither he is that far gone. 

  And then a few weeks ago, he found out that Paul Koch met with the Magician.  Paul Koch is not someone that is a large figure in history.

  If anything, he might be a side note in one of the Magician entry in history book but Loki knows that in history, it is these side notes characters that sometimes really shaped the event in which they participated in. 

  In his timeline, Paul Koch did not even reach half Sovereign. 

  It is then understandable why such a person was relegated merely as a passing side note when one reads the story of the Magician of Aleppo

  And not many people know him. But, Loki knows him. And he knows what he done. Or what he is about to do

  He might already do it. 

  This is a man dedicated to his studies, to his research. Why then such a man that does not seem to want to fight for power, influence and wealth…. why is he important?

  Because he is one of the architect of one of the deadliest biological weapons that have ever been created

  During Loki's time, almost everyone had cultivation. 

  Of course, with the advent of the Sovereigns, it became harder for people to breakthrough to other realms. 

  At that time, Disk Formation leveler is still numerous but people in Divine Comprehension and Essence Creation is scarce and the people that could reach Half Sovereign was ether the early ones that have survive the Fall or someone who got a lot of luck.

  The order of the world was settled. The Sovereigns stay in their dimension and rarely meddle with mortal affairs like Greek Gods who sat on their throne in Mount Olympus

  The mortals create kingdoms and government and they rule the Earth

  With the death of the Heaven Will, and the wars and distrust between the Sovereigns Azief who was the strongest Sovereign at that time formulates a rule. 

  Earth is for the mortals and the Heavens is for the Sovereigns. Loki is the only one exempt from this rule since he different from the other Sovereigns 

  Azief created a ceiling of the powers that one is allowed to have on Earth. When one reached the ceiling of that power, their power would be restricted 

  Basically at that time, with the absence of Sovereigns Half Sovereign is the top ceiling power of the world. 

  They roamed the world but hey are also watched by the Sovereigns. 

  Some become the Champions of the Sovereigns as it is not easy to come down from their dimension as Azief basically created all kinds of magical figurative hoops so that each time a Sovereign comes down to Earth, they had to not only restrain their power they also need to contain their power so that it would not destroy Earth

  In such a world, one might have thought that the only things that could kill humans in this era of godlike creature is either the large and unknown beast that had evolved, monsters that comes after the Fall or other human

  This is where Paul Koch came in. His research led to the creation of a virus that could infect levelers. 

  Normal disease could not weaken a leveler body as they have an almost impenetrable immune system as it adapts and kills any disease before it could even have the chance to turn into something even worse.

  But Paul cooked up a poison that is part magic, part biological and part divine. It is a virus that kill these godlike creatures, as deadly as the Black Plague. 

  This virus that he had created only shows its effect after the battle between the Sovereigns and the magician ended. That is how long it takes for it to have an effect.

  And by that time, it is already too late. 

  By that time, the infection had already spread all over the world. The Sovereigns could save whoever that is close to them but those who were far from them usually dies. 

  Of course, even though at that time Azief could control life and death freely, he rarely brings people back to life since to him it violated the order of existence.

  Life and death sometimes could be ampere with and sometimes it had to be let go.

    The virus is fast acting. 

  It changes the DNA and even energies.

    So that even a half Sovereign is in front of you and tries to heal someone, changing the Laws itself is not enough. 

  Changing laws of the world do nothing to the person own energy. 

  Paul Koch is one of the figures behind the scene during the World War Three Events. 

  Of course, many things might have changed since then. At that time, the scenario was that Narleod and his organization after failing to defeat the forces of the World Government formed a new organization. 

  They consisted of the major enemies of the Sovereigns and the World Government and posed major threats to the world.

  At that time, there is no Seven World powers like it is today. At that time, the only two most powerful world powers were the Revolutionary Army and the World Government

  Narleod at that time recruited a few members. 

  The huntress Delia from Armenia. Akira the Mad Scientist. Poison King Takashi. In this timeline, eh had already recruited them.

  In his timeline, this group of people infiltrate the Island of Peace and with a Euronium explosive they destroyed the Island killing millions.

  All the while. a man on the inside, with black hat and white dress modified the footage of the incidents to put the blame on Revolutionary Army

  Revolutionary Army was then covertly attacked by the forces of the World Government. Retaliating Boris sent her Sovereign sister to wipe out the Special Forces of the World Government. 

  The matters escalated and the World Government attack becomes more intense. 

  The Revolutionary Army also steps up into the battlefield and its member also participated. Nations and kingdoms picks sides. 

  It was then revealed that the mastermind of this plot is not Narleod but the man with the black hat, The Magician Farhan from Aleppo. 

  He was half Sovereign and wanted the world to suffer like his parents. 

  Guided by the most venomous of emotions, vengeance, he plans to embroil the world in a great war.

  The bomb he detonated kill the people of the World Government. Because that was the most impactful, that is what Loki remember most about the Magician. 

  But…. there was something else he is infamous for. The creation of the God Killer virus. And this man in front of him. This frail looking middle age man is the perpetrator of that. 

    'Now, we can talk'

  Paul Koch seems to be hesitating to say but then after a few moment s of silence he finally said

  'A few weeks ago- '

  Outside, the skies and the clouds are golden. But whatever happens outside could not affect the dark atmosphere in Loki prison.

  Right now, as the world is shocked by the appearance of Death Monarch voice all over the world, it did not mean that people stopped doing whatever they were doing.

  Instead, some moves even faster, some created new plans and some hides in the dark, fearing the golden light from the golden sky would illuminate their dirty figure in front of the rest of the world. 

  Fearing the cloud disperse, fearing the clouds gather. 

  Some plotted and some cast out nets. Some are thinking of capturing a few chess pieces and some are thinking where to put the chess pieces

  On and on it goes. 


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