Lord Shadow

Chapter 1352 The Hand Behind the Scene

Chapter 1352 The Hand Behind the Scene

  There is a woman who is sitting on a ledge of a house made on a small patch of sand in the middle of an ocean.

  The wind breeze of the ocean blew the curtains of the wooden house. The house looks like a house of a sea nomad. 

  It looks so fragile that one harsh gust of wind probably would collapse the entire house. This woman is swinging her feet and then she stops 

  This woman is blind in one eye and she covers that eye of hers with a patch. She looks like a pirate one would see in some movie. 

  She looks at the golden skies above her head and heard the words and she laughed so hard that she cried.

  Was it something funny? Was it something sad? Probably the only one that knows the answer is this woman who is blind in one eye. 

  There is only two words that came out of her mouth, finally expressing what she is feeling

  And she is expressing joy

  'It changed!' she repeated these words so loudly like she wanted to shout to the world. 

  Even though she could only see with one eye it did not diminish her enthusiasm looking at that golden skies.

  Her other eyes seem to be looking at another thing. A possible new future.

  She might not see the aurora like energy but she does see something else. Something much more important

  Her eyes seem to be shining with blue colors and it was like she was in a trance. Her eyes turn cloudy white and then she closes her eyes.

  There is a smile on her face.

  Because she sees something that she had wished to see for a long time. Closing her eyes, she would see nightmares of another life, of another time.

  Opening her eyes, she is haunted by the path of the future. But today, as she closed her eyes what she sees make her smile 

  And it makes her so happy and so euphoric that she does not want to let the things she saw ends.

  What does she saw? 

    A change.

  The wind of the ocean blew the curtain, the curtain sways and the wind chimes plays its melody and the woman opens her eyes, a smile on her face and she laughed like a little child who got a gift

  But, this joy is not shared by everyone that sees the golden skies. In another part of the world, there is another person who looks at the sky but unlike the woman with the eye patch, he looks at it and his face turns hard.

  There is no smile and no joy only a hint of frustration on his face. A frustration that is slowly turning into anger

  'It changed' he spoke the same words but the feeling is different.

    His eyes look beyond the skies and beyond the Heavens as his eyes seems to be looking at His Lord sailing through the stars and the galaxies.

  He looks long at the sky. Even though his level is only in Disk Formation and he could not see the aurora, he could tell what is happening

  'It's different' This person could tell something is seriously wrong with the fabric of creation right now

  'Destiny and fate could be subverted. But for a fate like this, a destiny like this, a decreed fate, a chosen destiny...this kind of fate should not be changed' he muttered to the sky

  It was more like he was complaining

  But now, it is changed. This is no butterfly flapping its wing and created a storm in another part of the world

  This is a gentle, malleable wind that turns into a wildly rushing storm. 

  He clicked his tongue, his fur clothes flutters as the wind around him seems to gather.  He could see where the energy is going and for a second there he was tempted to follow it.

  The wind swirls around his feet and space and time around him begins distorting. It makes the space around him spirals and it was like the entire surrounding is distorted

  The space is on the verge of breaking but then he sighed. The distortion disappeared in almost an instant. 

  The wind dispersed 

  because he thought of the difficulty of the matter. 

  The world is vast now and even with his control over Time and Space, the Time and Space of Earth Prime right now is chaotic in nature. 

  He could end up being teleported into some random places. The effects of the Multiversal Convergence inconveniences him

  Even though he had done all of this before, this time, there is many new variables. There are also more chess pieces.

  And this time, the people up there is beginning to pay attention. This person wearing a wolf fur as clothing giving him a wild appearance is none other than Yewa Hafar. 

  Many months had passed since the Time Crisis. 

  To many of the people of this world, they called the event the Multiversal Convergence Catastrophe. 

  But for him and a few others, he thought of it as Time Crisis.

  The only reason the Multiversal Convergence happens was because Azief mess with Time and Space in a way that no other people had mess with it before.

  Earth problem was that it was forcibly lifted from a non-magic society to a high fantasy world in almost an instant

  This kind of change is usually gradual. It always has a point of origin that slowly transform a world or a galaxy. 

  Some worlds had comet falls into their world and this comet slowly fills the world with magical energy

  Sometimes, it requires the death of a powerful supreme being and the corpse fell or some of the essence of the supreme being fell into some planet or galaxy and transform that galaxy into a magical place filled with magical energy

  But, all of this is gradual. 

  The living beings on that planet will first slowly realize that they are stronger than usual. 

  Then they found out that certain laws of the world that they held to be true began changing.

  Then slowly they would realize the use of magic and with that a new civilization centered on magical energy would be born.

  Earth however skip all of this. 

  Odin throws the All Source to the world, bringing it calamity but also ushering a new era for the people of this world. 

  So, the people of this world does not know how dangerous it is to be messing with time. 

  Any other magical civilization that have the same power like the magical civilization that is growing in Earth would know not to touch that boundary of time and space too much.

  The people of Earth given the blessing of the All Source is like a kid having his hand on a remote of an intergalactic destroyer. 

  Time Crisis had ended and it ended in a way that Yewa Hafar did not anticipate. 

  Azief did not become the enemy of the world like last time

  Loki is the scapegoat and now Loki is entering the Crime Alliance and becoming the new Broker. 

  Yewa Hafar could tell that Loki is making a tradeoff, trying to somehow neutralize a bit of the Fate and Destiny Correction

  In the original timeline, it was Azief that became a Broker and hide and fights against the World Government with the use of the criminal underworld. 

  Yewa Hafar could feel that there is a new wind blowing. And he wondered, whether that being in the Garden is rewriting His book?

  But, if he did…. then what of His promise? It had been promised to His Lord, a Divine Decree that has been given to his Lord.

  He sighed and he did not know what to do. 

  Yewa Hafar look at that golden skies and look away in anger. 

  He paces around the area. 

  The area he is in is hot. As far as the eyes could see, there is hundreds and thousands of volcanoes.

  Some erupted and some only releases smokes. 

  This land is hot and there is lava everywhere. If such a terrain exists before, Earth would already be uninhabited.

  Because in this kind of heat, no life could survive. But the world after the Fall is a world of magic and the ceiling of power that a human could reach is beyond what they could reach in their past frail weak bodies. 

  But in this land of lava, magma, fire and heat there were many monsters that drinks the lava and suck in the smokes.

  There is order even in this chaos, for those who truly looked. And there is life even in this most uninhabited place

  Yewa Hafar after six months had changed a bit. He still has the youthful appearance and he still wears his wolf fur clothing

  His body is still muscular and his long silver hair is tied on the back of his hair and one part of his hair covered his left eye.

  But on his arms and on his feet, there is many tattoos, runes, hieroglyphic-like writing, cuneiform scripts and some types of writing and languages that do not seem to be from this world. 

  'Azief is strengthening the Heavenly Will. Haish' he mutters to himself. What other people do not know, he could easily know. 

  This is a bit different from the original timeline and he is also worried. The time for the Heaven Will to make an appearance is not this fast. 

  Yewa Hafar could not help but feel worried. 

  Even though he is powerful in his original form, for him to descend on Earth, he had to take a vessel. 

  Earth is a promised land for His Lord, the Destroyer. 

  But because of that there is restriction on it for beings that have surpassed the limit. 

  And Yewa Hafar is a being that surpassed the limit so he had no other choice than to descend and take over a vessel

  A human vessel. 

  So, his level is still in Disk Formation. 

  He could not walk the conventional path of leveling up his power like the rest of the people of this world

  since doing that would make it easy for him to be discovered the moment Azief become Sovereign

  But just because he did not walk the conventional path did not mean he is completely hidden. The best way is o never let Azief even know of his existence. 

  If he did not know of his existence, he would not care. And he would not use his eyes to look at him. 

  But right now, the strengthening of the Heavenly Will brought problems to Yewa Hafar. 

  He looks at the sky, sighed and said to himself

  'It seems I have to find a way to hide myself better now' He sighed and then he walks down from the mountain 

  Behind him was a lava filled pit and his footsteps on the pit of that lava that began hardening. 

  In the distance, the scenery of tens of thousands of volcanoes and tens of thousands of monsters are all over the place from the one that slithers on the ground, that walk on the land, that flies in the sky. 

  If Yewa Hafar noticed this, then that rival of his would also notices it. 


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