Lord Shadow

Chapter 1343 A Bird

Chapter 1343 A Bird

  Robert and everyone who is in the Hanging Head district could hear it. It might be just a conversation between Death Monarch and Ice Queen

  But to the ears of the other people here, what they felt was that it was an order that Death Monarch seems to give to them. An order that needs to be interpreted. 

  And Robert quickly said

  'Your Excellency, we would be glad to answer any question and share our information to Death Monarch sir' he was basically babbling right now in anxiousness. 

  Azief smiles. This is what he wanted. It is a shame that he had to be exposed before these people finally decided to play ball.

  His plan of trying to be low profile had already been ruined so he at least had to get something for all of it to be worth it. 

  Azief was about to agree when suddenly he moves his head to the right. His eyes narrowed. Katarina also notices.

  'That is…weird'

  Azief smiles and then said

  'On the contrary. I think it is very interesting'

  'Not weird?'

  'We are surrounded by weirdness. This however is interesting' Katarina only chuckles. 

  There is a pigeon flying towards him. the destruction of the area seems to not affect this pigeon. 

  Even though the waves of energy have been calmed down by Azief power, there is still traces of these energies.

  But that bird simply flies into this area and it was a surprise that this bird did not fall unconscious or faint in midair.

  It did not seem like some magical beast but some people could not be sure. 

  There are so many new animals that have popped up since the Multiversal Convergence. 

  Sometimes, a normal small animal is actually a gigantic animal able to transform itself to small size. 

  But, it is pretty clear to everyone that is in the Hanging head district that this bird is not a normal bird at all 

  Even people in the distance could not help but feel weird seeing the sudden appearance of a bird in this place. 

  Azief raise his hand and the pigeon landed down on top of his palm. On its legs, there is something tied to it

  Right now, everyone who is in the area did not dare to move. Time did not stop but it appears like it did. 

  The moment Robert said that the old man is Death Monarch, nobody dares to move.

    To many people of this city, the great figures of the world like Death Monarch, the Earthshaker, the Time Monarch, the Illusionists Archmage, the leaders of the Seven Great Powers, all of this is name they only speak about in taverns or coffee houses, someone that they never expected to meet.

  They could scold and criticize and said all bad things bout these people yet when they are face to face with them, they froze up

  Death Monarch has always been said to be the strongest person in the world. His battle records of having never been defeated is the testament to this title.

  But, many of them have never even seen Death Monarch face to face. Now, that they did meet the only feeling they have in their hearts other than awe is fear.

  Many of the people in the city are pirates. 

  Many of them are outlaws. 

  Criminals and wicked man and woman

  And everyone knows how Death Monarch hated criminals especially people of the Crime Alliance. 

  And most of these people here, even if they are not some kind of hardened criminals, most of them have dealings with Criminal Alliance. 

  Everyone still remember how Death Monarch uses a sword strike to split apart an archipelago. 

  This city might be powerful and have all kinds of protection formation but they do not dare bet with their lives that Death Monarch attack would not work against this city

  That finger before, if it falls down…. people wonder, would it have destroyed the entire city? Or was it simply a bit of Death Monarch power brought out to the surface. 

  That finger did not want to attack the entire city. Instead it is clear from the area where it was about to fall that it would fall on the Hanging Head District.

  And that alone had dispersed man y of the city protection formation. If not for the fact that Death Monarch did not push down that finger, who knows what would have happened. 

  Nobody wanted to trigger Death Monarch and bring their doomsday so nobody makes any drastic move. 

  They did not dare to run away right at this moment. Running in front of Death Monarch?

  Isn't that basically an admission of guilt? And even if they run, can they really run under his gaze?

    because they knew if they caught Death Monarch attention and he found you doing something unpleasant in his eyes, no matter how fast they run, no matter what kind of teleportation skills they used, with Death Monarch controlling the way of heaven, could anyone escaped from his gaze?

  Azief brought out the small parchment. 

  He unfurled the small score of parchment that seem to be made by some force of energy. And the moment he touches it, light flew toward his head.

  Azief did not stop that light as he could tell that this is another way of transferring information. He also could not feel any negative energy so he let that light to fly into his forehead

  The moment that light enter his forehead, Azief head is humming with a voice. It is a message. It did not take long for Azief to digest the information that he had gotten

  The message was not long but it is quiet impactful and worthy of consideration

  He looks back at the scroll and the scroll is now empty

  'A rune' he mutters to himself 

  'This is interesting' Azief said as he turns to Katarina. 

  'Arthur…huh' he mutters to himself. He thought about it for a second, closing his eyes and breathing slowly. 

  All around the area, the people dare not look up and waited for Death Monarch to finish whatever he is doing. 

  Time seems to pass slowly for them. Azief then opens his eyes.

  He seems to have made a decision

  'I guess I would listen to him first' 

  Azief then waves his hand and the pressure of the Heavens was lifted from everybody. 

  The finger in the sky dissipated into colorful motes of light, so much so that it looks like a firework in the night 

  Then his face melted and the entire space around him distorted, revealing a young handsome cold face with white robe lined with red and black colors.

  Then the red and black colors seem to move and dye the white attire into dark red attire. 

  The attire tightly fit his body but at the same time very flexible. 

  Some people who are in the distance seeing the young face of Death Monarch could not help but gulp. Some normal people might not know how death Monarch looks like.

  But for pirates and those who are the enemies of Pandemonium, the one thing that they are always in a lookout for is Death Monarch.

  Every one of them had memorized how Death Monarch looks like. And that face is the face that they are looking right now

  Handsome but cold. His eyes are piercing like one glance is enough to reveal everything about you. The dark attire seems to block all light and spread darkness.

  That majesty and force coming out of him...there is no longer any doubt in the hearts of the people present.

  This is Death Monarch, the strongest person in the world. 

  Katarina seeing Azief reveals his face also shakes her head and the disguise is torn off, a snowflake drizzles erupted from her and instead of a young child a tall women dressed in white dress, untainted white dress and snow seems to fall from the dress

  Appearing in front of these people is the most beautiful woman in the world, the Ice Queen Katarina 

  Everyone could see that there is two young people, one is handsome and the other one is beautiful. 

  By now, everyone could guess the identity of the two. Death Monarch, Ice Queen…...both of them have returned back to Earth

  Some gulped in fear. Everyone knows that the past six months everyone has been waiting for Death Monarch and the Ice Queen to return.

  The battle that happened during the Multiversal Convergence made many people realized that the title of Death Monarch as the strongest person in the world is not easy to take

  That day, they saw thirteen titanic Avatars of Death Monarch. Even one of them could probably destroy any mid-sized and large factions in the world 

  Thirteen of them? One could only imagine the power and destruction that it could wrought. If not for the fact that the Republic also had Jean, the Three Great Powers could not stand equally with Pandemonium 

  The world also knows what happened next. A Demon King from another world had captured Katarina.


    Because it seems that Death Monarch had some treasures belonging to that world. Some people urged Death Monarch not to go. 

  All of these people feared that if another invasion form Otherworlds to happened and Death Monarch, their biggest gun is not there...then they would not be so lucky. 

  But to those who knew and had deal with Death Monarch before, they know he would surely go to the Seresian world to try to save Katarina and so six months ago, Death Monarch went into that portal. 

  In the first week, everyone was panicked. 

  From the outset, Jean had convinced many people that if certain measure is taken, Death Monarch would return in six days. 

  This is because Jean could manipulate the time and space channel between the two worlds.

  But suddenly, the time and space portals connecting the two worlds had exploded and they were possibilities that it was destroyed from the other side

  But, even so, nobody took this time to attack the power base that is Pandemonium. 

  Nobody believed that Death Monarch is dead. 

  They have been used to this routine. 

  Before, when they thought Death Monarch is dead, they attacked Death Monarch friends. 

  What happens afterwards was the beating that Death Monarch gave to the World Government

  The second time, the same thing happened.

    So people have started to see the pattern. 

  They know if Death Monarch disappears or absent, that is not proof that he is dead. You want to make people believe he is dead? 

  Bring his corpse to them

  Only if that happens people would really believe that Death Monarch is dead


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