Lord Shadow

Chapter 1339 Time Stop

Chapter 1339 Time Stop

  This person has six arms and three heads and each hands wielded different weapons. 

  He swings with one of his hand and fire gust appears heading toward Azief. This fire is so blazing hot that it melted the nearby bronze statue.

  But the heat did not affect the ice statues that Katarina encased those people

  He waves another and ice spear charges toward him, freezing everything in its trail

  He has six weapons that he wielded. 

  A sword blazing with fire. A spear swirling with floating icicles. A Vajra spewing lightning. A metal fan that seems to changes the course of the wind.

  A small dagger that is swirling with spiraling water. And there is a blade that seems to distort the space around it. 

  That person swings all six of his weapons toward Azief and each of the Laws that is embedded in each of the six weapons flew toward Azief. 

  Even before the attack had arrived, the entire district area is now levelled down. As for the normal people, they were already sucked to the sky by the net that has been formed by the soldiers of the city

  Someone turns into a gigantic monster, resembling a bear and rushes toward Azief. On the sky, the battle is also very fierce. Seventy-two monsters fight against Katarina. 

  It was like one army facing a lone soldier. 

  Katarina slew those monsters easily. One slice and it sweeps the sky, rolls the clouds and split the Heavens above.

  The entire night sky was cut and one could see the space above, seeing the stars and the night sky that one could only see if they flew out of the Earth atmosphere.

  But the monster did not stop coming. Fires, lightning, water, the Earth, the elements of the world bombarded Katarina.

  The sword cuts these elements, and the people that is far away could only see the colorful fireworks that started in the sky. 

  The shockwave dissipates the clouds and pressure the Earth. Sound of booming echoes in the entire city that it shakes the air and created blast sound all over, knocking down buildings

  The battle that started in the Hanging head district created shakes all over the entire city. Large building sways and some cracks under the pressure before crumbling down.

  Even those building with protection runes embedded into it could not withstand such constant bombardment of energy

  People are running away from the site of the battle, some are flying away from the city and some rushed toward the teleportation ports to quickly leave the island. 

  Screams fills the area. 

  But, all of the people here in this cities are all hardened people. They might scream and panic for a while but they quickly take a hold of themselves and quickly find a way to survive

  Everything is chaotic from the ground to the skies

  The Heavens opened up and one could see that snows falls everywhere. On the sky, one could see a horde of monsters and animals is fighting against a little girl.

  These monsters and beast that came out from the void seems endless.

  But one does not feel for the little girl instead they feel for the Summoner. 

  There were seventy-two monsters. In two seconds, the girl had killed around a few dozens already with one swipe of her sword.

  The sword is made from ice. When she swings it horizontally, a powerful freezing force burst out and freeze his monsters and his monster would then be cut off from him. 

  But if the Summoner is that weak, how could Katarina would be entangled by him? The Seventy-Two monsters were killed but then appeared again. 

  And more and more beast appeared that is seems to cover the skies. Some were attacked by the thunderbolts that strayed down.

  But, more would take its place. The battle between Katarina and the Summoner continues

  On the ground, Azief had six arms men with three heads and a demonic person attacking him. 

  There are also others that are waiting for an opportunity blasted some energy blast toward him. 

  There is dust flying everywhere. People screaming. Robert who was in the distance is screaming to stop. 

  He even tries to see telepathic communication but in such a chaotic situation with the energy all roils up. 

  The magic field disturbed and all kinds of interference from the battle, his telepathic communication was cut off

  'Stop. Stop! He's Death Monarch! Stop!!!' he yelled amidst the explosion, the flames, and the shockwave that blasted off every second. 

  Only a few second had passes since the battle began but in that few second, the impact of the battle had already enveloped the entire city. 

  Some of the initial blast was not contained and leaked to the outside affecting the nearby district. 

  Some changes into a gigantic beast trying to intimidate and increasing the width of attack. Magical weapon is brought out. 

  Beast and monsters came out, and Azief look at all of this with indifference. 

  'So, this is the level. It is not quite enough' And he looks to his left and right and sighed

  'And, it has gotten bigger than I expected' he mutters

  'I am not playing if it this big' Azief could hear the screams in the distance and could see the chaos. 

  The turbulent energy around this city still make what he sees is a bit blurry but he could get the gist of it. 

  He did intend to test and punish the people of Hanging Head a bit. But, he did not intend to blow it out. And he could see that Katarina is struggling. 

  It is not that the Summoner is too strong. If even one of Katarina attack could reach the Summoner, she would have won. 

  But the thing is, this Summoner methods of attacking and defending is something that Katarina is weak against

  The Summoner always stay a few hundred feet away from her. 

  Even though Katarina sword strike could reach thousands of kilometers away that kind of attack does not work against this Summoner

  Not only he has tens of thousands of beast surrounding him that act as his shield, he also has a little glowing shield floating around him. It is an artifact

  Azief himself is a bit impressed that there is this kind of Disk Formation leveler in this part of the world. 

  Because he could recognize that the Shield that is floating in front of that Summoner is actually a Disk. A Disk that is brought out but instead of it being the shape of a Disk it is in the shape of shield. 

  Azief found it hard to determine what kind of Laws that the Summoner practice but he could guess that it had something to do with defense. 

  Katarina attack power is domineering but this Summoner is maintaining defense and maneuvering his move in the sky with ease

  Given time, Katarina could defeat this person. If Katarina were to kill however, the method is quite simple. 

  Azief knows a few method of Katarina that could easily kill the Summoner

  But Katarina did not want to kill because Azief told her not to kill

  And that makes it harder. Katarina way of attacking has always been to neutralize the enemy. And the best way of neutralizing the enemy has always been killing them. 

  She is not accustomed in trying to fight not to kill. So, Azief sighed. 

  He pointed his fingers to the sky. All the while, all kinds of energy all kinds of attack is heading toward him

  But in his eyes, all of this attack is clear and slow to him. 

  Too slow.

  It is the same feeling he felt like when he is travelling with Will. The feeling that everything slowed down to a standstill. 

  The dust, the shockwave, the space distortion, all of this factor did not hinder his eyes from seeing all the attack that is coming toward him

  He could even see the hidden attack, like an assassin that is hiding in the form of an energy blast, ready to come out and slash his head.

  Some hide a double chain blast attack in their energy blast. Some throws their weapons with the laws revolving on the tip or edges of their weapons.

  This kind of attack is not an attack meant to make him surrender

  It is basically an attack wanting him to die. 

  If one replaced Azief with any other Disk Formation in this world, with such concentrated attack, not even the body would be left. 

  But unfortunately today they have unknowingly kick a very hard plate. The moment Azief point his finger to the sky, time stopped. 

  Of course, only Azief is not affected by this time stopping. 

  In the minds and perception of these people, time probably move as normal. 

  Because when time stopped, you actually could not really know if time had stopped since you live in that moment. Azief control over the rules of time has always been below Jean.

  But…. being below Jean in the mastery of control of Time is already formidable enough. Because if it's about Time, then Jean is number one

  After all, Time is not a Law that Azief specializes in.


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