Lord Shadow

Chapter 1337 Factions of the City

Chapter 1337 Factions of the City

  But that is not the only thing that have made them move. 

  It was also the fact that the person who was attacking the tavern is an outsider. 

  The factions here might have great rivalry with each other, but they also know to guard their interest.

  There is a reason why these factions did not destroy the other factions but only stopped at rivalry. They do not want a war with each other and the other one is to monopolize this island city.

  If Hanging Head is destroyed or even any other factions that have stabilized here were to be destroyed, then all of their efforts would go down the drain and outside influence would come it. 

  They already created a stable ecosystem here to feed each other and benefit each other. How could they let an outsider changes these things? 

  So, all of the factions and forces all over the city had now come to defend the Hanging head tavern and threw out the invaders.

  They were shocked of course to find that the invaders are only two people. But that did not mean they would let down their guard

  Instead they felt even warier. Two people managed to mess up the Hanging Head. That alone speak of the two people ability. 

  Azief of course could not have thought that his simple act of domineering could bring such an effect.

  He truly is a magnet for trouble. 

  Azief was not afraid even when he is surrounded by all of these people ready to pounce on him. 

  Instead, he felt more excited. It is a pity that he knows he could not fight to his heart content.

  Fighting them with his full power would be like an adult fighting a child

  Katarina come closer to him and said

  'How should we deal with them?'

  Azief thought for a while, take a swift glance on the people around and he said

  'Let's not kill them. It is enough to knock them out. Or in your case, froze them' Katarina frown but she nodded

  More portals opened up as Azief and Katarina is talking. 

  By now, there is already ten portals all over the entire district. Each portals seems to belong to some factions and forces in the city. 

  There was that portal that belong to the stout old man. Some of the portals is situated on the ground. Some of them are on the sky.

  Some people are floating on the sky and some of them on the ground. 

  They all came from different organization and they all look at that old man and the young girl. They all encircles Katarina and Azief. 

  The accumulation of such powerful energy all at the same place changes the colors of the sky. 

  Some people practices negative power causing the sky to turn dark red. 

  Some practices the Way of Heaven, the path that conforms to the Heavenly Will and one part of the sky is replescendent with golden color. 

  The clouds above the Hanging head district had all dissipated because none of them could withstand the pressure of these people. 

  The ground cracks and depressed a few feet down. Any stalls and building in the Hanging Head district that did not have high quality protection formation are all cracking like there is a shockwave slamming into them

  The sound of the wooden stalls and building cracking and crumbling echoes all over the area. 

  Even the people in the distance could feel it and anyone who is not at least Seed Forming could not even approach that area without feeling the weight of a mountain on top of their head

  Sam who were the first on the scene feel awkward right now. He looks around and he could not help but clench his fist

  'All of the ten faction's leaders in the city is here' he mutters to himself. 

  He was the first one that was here and he was just about to talk with the old man. 

  Arthur tells him to not interfere but he had his own plans. He wanted to recruit this old man to the employ of the city.

  Of course, he did not do this for himself. Regardless of what Arthur thought of him, he really wanted to stay here in this island far away from the mainland, far away from the Seven Great Powers sphere of influence. 

  He does not really like that the influence of the City Lord being eroded by the many factions in the city.

  So, his plan is quite simple. He would first show some strength so that he could talk to the old man as equal and then dangle the carrot. 

  He knows people like the old man respect strength. 

  If he did not show any strength, the old man would not respect him and that is why he summoned the City Cannon. 

  Some cities put their cannons on their walls. 

  And of course these cannon is not normal cannon.

  On the Lotus Order Palace, their cannon could even theoretically bombard the Moon. It is powerful enough that it could probably wipes out an entire continent. 

  And the Cannon of this city while its power is not as exaggerated as the Lotus Order Cannon, it also have its own uniqueness.

  It is this cannon that enable Arthur and the City Lord residence to still remains in this city even after all of these forces settles inside it.

  He had shown the power of the city so he then would offer great benefits to the old man, recruiting him into the City Lord Residence. 

  But now, all of these people is coming out of the woodwork and that is changing his plan. And they do not send their envoys or their right hand man. They directly came to the district. 

  One of the people descend on the ground and landed a few feet away from him. 

  This man is muscly wearing an armor that have the face of a dragon carved onto the chest. He had bright blonde hair, a chiseled face, and there is a valiant air around him 

  His entire attire is like something out of a fantasy novel. 

  An armor made from dragon bones. There is only one person in the city that have what it takes to wear this kind of armor.

  He looks at him and then said with a cold tone

  'Sam. This is our problem. There is no need for the City Lord people to take action' 

  There is silence but it is only for a moment

  Sam restrain his anger and said.

  'This man had created a large destruction all over the district. He must be brought to the City Lord to explain his action. It is not the place for you to meddle'

  The man then patted Sam shoulder and Sam could feel a powerful pressure pushing him down but he remains standing there.

  His feet however depressed down to the ground and the ground itself suffer spatial pressure as the ground began to crack under the pressure.

  All of that just from a pat. Sam knows that their level is the same. They are both Disk Formation levelers. But there are differences between them and that is the man that was patting his shoulder also walks the path of body refinement.

  He could probably rip out a mountain from the Earth, like someone pulling out a stake from the ground. 

  Sam looks at that man with his eyes shooting glares

  'Eudorus, do not go over the lines'

  'The Mercenary Association would take it from here' Sam gritted his teeth and slap Eudorus hand from his shoulders. 

  Then Eudorus look toward Azief with a confident smile on his face. 

  'Old man, I am Eudorus Menou from the Mercenary Association. Surrender and we will be lenient' 

  'I am Enrico from the Merchant Association. Surrender and we will be lenient'

  'I am Drake from the Adventurer Guild. Surrender!'

  Then the other people that have come also announce their affiliation.

  The demands are mostly the same, asking Azief to surrender. 

  Azief on the other hand ignores all of these people and instead is talking with Katarina, seemingly not caring that there were more people that is coming out from that portal. 

  Most of the people that is coming out from the portals now are Seed Forming leveler. 

  Many people who were looking at this battle using things like the All Seeing Telescope from the distance could see that those Seed Forming leveler are the soldiers of these forces.

  The City Lord prohibits any individuals or groups from having any private force of military.

  And this law is regulated very strictly. But, the people knows that the City Lord could not really force his hands on certain factions in the city.

  Because to enforce that law onto these people is to provoke the bigger existence that backs all of these groups that have settled inside the city.

  Outside of the Seven Great Powers, Seed Forming is the top level power. This is because Disk Forming levelers are usually the top members of any organizations

  And they are not that free to move since the Act for Metahuman was enacted jointly by all the Seven Great Powers.

  Any moves of Disk Formation levelers could change the world as each one of them is basically a nuclear weapon. 

  The damage that they could do to the world is very significant and as such they are supervised very strictly.

  Other than when Earth is under crisis, most Disk Formation levelers would rarely fight or interfere in any matters of the world unless certain conditions are met like the matters of the Burundi Incident.

  It is a battle between two Disk Formation leveler

  And this battle had created a catastrophe that included tens of thousands of people dying in a few collateral damage between these two combatant

  Those two did not even know that they killed all of those people in the heat of their battle. Since then the regulation of Disk Formation leveler become even stricter. 

  Even most of the leaders of the Seven Great Powers are on the Disk Formation level. It is actually already unusual that there is so many Disk Formation leveler in this city

  Reportedly there is only a few thousand Disk Formation levelers since Death Monarch first become Disk Formation levelers.

  It might seem a lot but when you compare that to the human population, a thousand people is very small group of people. 

  Many of them seclude themselves in many places in the world. 

  Most of them don't want to waddle in the murky water that is the Seven Great Powers and the battle between these great powers. 

  Some just wanted to live freely and some believe that this is the path of getting stronger.

  While some others are hired or recruited by the Seven Great Powers as generals. 

  Hence, for some forces in the world, Seed Forming leveler is top existence since there is too little Disk Forming leveler compared to Seed Forming.


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