Lord Shadow

Chapter 1335 Realization

Chapter 1335 Realization

  His subconscious mind is trying to tell him something and he is trying to decipher his own thoughts so that he could listen

  Right now, even the floating dust is slow in his eyes. 

  But while everything seems to be slowing down around him, did not mean he could move as fast as his mind

  Time still moves like normal it is just that his perception become so fast at this moment that everything seems slow down like he is in a slow motion video

  In this state of enhanced perception, he is trying to understand the identity of this old man and that young girl

  It is impossible for such a person to remain unknown. With such strength and such demeanor, it doesn't seem like the old man is a reclusive expert.

  So, he must be someone. 

  Sooner or later, that old man and that young girl is something that he has to face. He looks at that old man and that young girl

  This time he really looks at them. before, his mind is cluttered but now suddenly, things suddenly become so clear.

  He is the Tavern Keeper, he reminded himself. It is not merely a title people called him. It is a title that is given to him by the organization.

  The Tavern Keeper is the eyes and ears of the organization. But his organization does not only have one eye nor that it only has one ears.

  Hanging Head is present in all Ten Seas. They would take root in the most prosperous city of pirates in the ten seas.

  So, they are only ten of such tavern in the seas of the world. If a new sea is discovered, then a Hanging Head tavern would be established there. 

  On the sea, regarding the power and forces of pirates, the information of this forces and factions, Hanging Head is in charge of it. 

  On land, it would be another organization. 

  And he is the Tavern Keeper of the Turbulent Sea in the city of Arturia. 

  His name is Robert. Robert Redford. He keeps reminding himself that so that he would not forget.

  It is easy to get lost in your own thoughts when he activated this state of pure concentration.

  Time is running out for him. 

  he could feel that his mind is once again trying to go off tangent, trying to go to someplace else in his mind. he tries to focus and then it clicks

  Suddenly everything seems to make sense and he had already solved the mystery that has been eluding him since he saw that old man 

  Everything clicks and then time moves like normal again for him. the dust that seems slow before suddenly rushes by him

  He activated a bit of his energy to make sure that the gust of dust did not enter his eyes. 

  In front of him, there is that little girl looking at him, her eyes are as cold as the winter wind. 

  And there is that old man, standing there, straight like a tree his hand behind his back, his face shows no fear but instead carved a terrifying smile.

  Like a God that look down upon mortals. Before, it did not look that imposing. 

  But now, knowing what he knows now, he felt that he was really small in front of that old man

  The little girl words rings in the air

    'Call your backers. I want to see them' it echoes, a declaration of war. Most people would never have been as brave or as domineering as these two people. 

  Robert could never understand why something so simple could devolve into such a calamity.

  But when his mind understood some things, he immediately understood why. 

  'Hey. What you are waiting for? Call your backers. Or are you fine with us messing with the tavern?' Katarina said and the old man chuckles a bit

  Robert pales in his face and he restrained himself from showing fear.

  But even then, he could not help but be pale in his face

  Before, he might still have some confidence to fight against these two people. 

  Even though the other island is not that close if the organization really takes this seriously, they could send a few Battlestar to quickly tides over the turbulent energy that is present all over the Turbulent Sea.

  But now, he does not want anyone to come. 

  Because he knew the ending of anyone who would come to this island and clashed with these two people

  Because Robert finally understood who he was dealing with. 

  This is what his subconscious mind trying to tell him. this is why his subconscious mind keep veering off to Death Monarch.

  He now understands why the old man so easily could defeat Gave. 

  why he could easily destroy the tavern with one stomp of his feet. 

  Why all the protection formation that could even withstand the bombardment off fifty Disk Formation leveler seems so fragile under the attack of this old man.

  There is only reason and that reason was that the old man is a Divine Comprehension leveler. 

  That is the only way to explain this one sided battle

  And it is known that on Earth, there is only three Divine Comprehension leveler.

  There is Jean the Time Monarch and then there is the Illusionist Archmage Hikigaya. 

  Jean is in the Republic, trying to make sure it would tear itself apart. And he is also busy all over the world, doing God knows what

  Hikigaya would not go out of Japan as he had built himself a formation that surround that entire island nation.

  Then that leaves only one person. The person that have been absent for six months. A man whose return is dreaded.

  Death Monarch Azief!

  Yes, Robert believe right now, the one in front of him, standing there like there was nothing in this world that could move him, is the one and only Death Monarch. 

  'If this old man is really Death Monarch, then I should just surrender' he thought to himself. His organization might be powerful.

  But fighting Death Monarch? 

  That is basically dragging Pandemonium into battle. 

  And no matter how arrogant his leader is, even his leader would probably serve his head on a platter if it could appease the number one power in the world. 

  'Surrender' he thought to himself. 

  As long as he surrenders, there is still chance for survival. 

  From what he could tell, Death Monarch only wanted an information. He could give every information that he has to Death Monarch.

  It is not too late. No one gets killed and there is no deep resentment. This is the perfect moment to surrender.

  Robert take a step forward and wanted to say something to Death Monarch when whooshing sound fills the sky. 

  This whooshing should tear apart the wind and created multiple blast of sonic booms that it even drowned out the sound of the thunder up there in the sky. 

  Robert looks up and he frowned. There is a large group of people that have appeared. The space around them distorted and swaying.

  This is sign that these people have been flying in the sky with great speed to reach this area. Robert could guess why they have come. 

  They are rendering aid to him but he did not feel happy at all right now

  Instead, he had the feeling that things are getting worse. Robert was not the only one looking at the sky. 

  The nearby people that is on the other streets had also been coming to this leveled down streets and look at the commotion.

  But now before they could even understand what caused the commotion, there is people coming from the sky

  'That's the people of the City Lord!' someone shouted. They could easily recognize these group of people to be the soldiers of the city lord.

  They all wear white armor and their boots and their entire armor looks like they stepped out of some fantasy story. There is greaves and metal boots. 

  But of course, all of the armor is not normal armor that is crafted with iron.

  Instead it is crafted with Verilion 

  It is not easy to outfitted an entire squad with such iron. 

  Verilion is strong, durable, and malleable. It could also channel energy and could act as a circuit or conduit for energy. 

  And because of that it is very expensive. But the City Lord managed to outfitted an entire squad with an armor made from Verilion. 

  'The soldier of the city lord!' some shouted. And everyone knows that things are becoming even bigger. All the people in the city had also realized that something has gone wrong.

  There are dark clouds covering the entire city and thunder and lightning. There is also storms that is coming to the port.

  And to those who are in Disk Formation, they all slowly could feel a powerful pressure descending on the entire city.


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