Lord Shadow

Chapter 1326 Shrouded in Shadows

Chapter 1326 Shrouded in Shadows

There is a large room on the ninth floor. The ninth floor of the Hanging Head tavern could only be accessed by members of the tavern.

It is either that or you are a VIP member of the tavern. Today, there is a dozen people on the ninth floor.

There is a projection of what is happening on the second floor right now. And these twelve people are looking at the projection

'Who is this person?'

There was silence.

'Anybody knows?' Nobody answers

'Is he from the Crime Alliance?'

Someone then said

'I don't think so'

'The Syndicate?'

'If the Syndicate had someone as powerful as this person, it would not be pushed so hard by the Red Council'

Some of them nodded and some people look uncomfortable

The twelve people are all members of the Hanging Head. They could see that this old man is not so easy to defeat.

'This is not the headquarters. We do not have many elites that could be send out. This is but one of the outpost of our organization. If not, how could this old man be so daring!' one of them said.

Many of them expressed their approval. But there was someone from the beginning had never spoke.

He is a middle age man, wearing a shirt with an overcoat and a brown khaki. The look is very mix match

This person looks at the projection and narrowed his eyes.

'Is it just my feeling but this person seems familiar to me?' he said to himself. This is the Tavern Keeper of the Hanging Head.

He is tall, around six feet five. He is lean and his hair is neatly combed. He wears glasses and he appears to look like a gentleman.

He looks at the footage and the more he sees the way the old man acted, the more he narrows his eye

He almost felt like if he squints hard enough, he could tell what make this old man that he has never seen before, look so familiar to him.

Was it his face that makes him look so familiar?

No, it was something else. The Tavern keeper does not know what makes the old ma felt so familiar and that is what is driving him crazy right now.

'Monitor the situation' he said to the others

They all nodded and then goes to their room. Unlike the other floor inside the tavern, the ninth floor is designed with all kinds of magic embedded into it

One of the magic embedded into the floor is space magic. The ninth floor also have its own mini mirror dimension.

In this there is only one person proficient enough to create and embedded a mirror dimension inside a certain subspace and that would the Arrayist Sage Lee Sangmin

How does it end up on the hands of a small tavern in the Turbulent Sea is anyone guess? But this shows that this Hanging Head tavern is not as small as of an organization that some people thought it was.

Those who are at the top notice this a long time ago and that is why there is no disturbances from the city.

Only those who were not acquainted with the top powers in the world would think that the Hanging Head is some small organization. The Tavern Keeper look at the eleven people entering their room.

Each of the room look small from the outside. But if you go inside, the space inside it is very large.

Now, most of his people would probably send messages. He did not need to do everything by himself.

He himself goes to another room. It is his office. In his office there is another projection of what is happening on the second floor. There is even a reader that measures the level of power that is being released by those two combatant.

And seeing it makes him frowns even more.

'it is overloading the machine. I know I should not have bought a used up reader' he mutters to himself.

Time is of the essence here. However, he is still not that worried. He is still full of confidence of his own tavern protection formation.

He sat down on his chair and began sending orders to his bartenders on the other floor. The instruction is very simple.

to quickly evacuate the other guest using the teleportation stones.

Some people on the other floor, the moment they heard that the tavern is being attacked quickly jumps out the window and fly into the sky.

Many people had their own way of surviving the harsh new world.

Some people knows very well, that if you want to survive, don't hesitate. If you want to run, then run thoroughly.

Or in this case, fly.

Some directly teleported themselves out form the city and appears on the clouds. Below, was the sea.

Some people teleported out of the city, not even a block away, or a district away, or to another inland city but straight toward the ocean.

And then they fly away.

Finished giving orders to the other floor, the tavern Keeper then goes to a room with golden door. He goes iodine that room and there is only a table there

And on top off that table is an antique phone which is coated with gold.

There is fine workmanship on the round shaped retro style telephone where you turn the dial. Exquisite and well crafted

The tavern keeper sighed and then he picks up the phone.

The moment he did that; runes appears in what should be numbers. He began rotate the dials and calling a number he never wanted to call.

he waited and then he was startled. There is someone on the other end of the line

'The Turbulent Sea…yes'

He nodded even though the person he is speaking to is not there.

'There is a complication...I understand. I understand'

'Still…...I hope the headquarters could send some reinforcement' he waited and then he sighed.

'I will try. Understood' then the tavern keeper put down the phone onto its handle and sighed

He sat down on the intricate wooden chair. He could see the projection and he could tell that the old man is a bigger problem than he thought

'Arthur!' he suddenly thought. He got up from his chair and then conjure a pigeon out of nowhere. He then brought his finger to his temple and then his expression scrunched up a bit.

Then something silvery is pulled as he seems to be pulling something out of his temple. The silvery things is floating in the air and it is in the shape of a thread.

A fine thread.

'he needs to know this' he then put the silvery thread on the pigeon. The silvery thread seems to swirls itself around the pigeon.

'Go' he said and the pigeon that he conjured flew out from the ninth floor in a speed akin to lightning.

Then he sat back down on his chair and look at the projection


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