Lord Shadow

Chapter 1321 Hanging Head II

Chapter 1321 Hanging Head II

There was one time that one diplomat from some local forces in Europe who was drunk in front of Katarina.

Katarina was reminding that person that he is drunk. But the man did not seem to heed to her words and instead try to harass her

Of course, it is not as serious as one would think. It is not like he harassed her like touching her or insult her. He was only being louder than usual.

And Katarina reaction to it could be said very exaggerated

So, Katarina cut that man hand and gouge his eyes.

Of course, Boris like always send some healing squad and attached back the hand and rejuvenate back the eye.

But it also had created a new reputation for Katarina. That she did not like drunk people. People thought of it as like just another eccentricities of the Ice Queen.

Of course, Azief knows more than this.

the reason why she hated drunk people is related to her past.

When her father is drunk, that is when he became most violent.

Katarina hated it because it reminded her of her father beating her brother.

Thinking about it Sofia also hated drunk people.

Like Katarina, Sofia also had to deal with drunken father. Azief also had problem with his family but physical abuse was never one of them

For him, it was his mind that was abused. He shakes his head to rid out unnecessary thoughts as he looks at the walls on the beer maker counter.

Even though Azief never seen it before he could easily tell that it is a beer maker. How could he not?

Every time a certain pirate or people just finished their drink, they would go to that counter and push some buttons and beer would be poured down like some kind of juice maker.

Azief prefers coffee but this kind of tavern probably does not serve coffee.

'Azief, look at that' Katarina suddenly said as she tapped his arm.

Azief look at where she is pointing and it was on another beer counter. A middle age man, with sailor like uniform was trying to pull out the beer counter.

No doubt that this man is drunk as shit.

The man is a Seed Forming peak realm. But even with all of his strength, this man could not pull out the beer maker.

A second later, some of the friend of that drunk man pulls him away from the counter, pay some energy stones to one of the pirates standing guard and then brought his friend out from the tavern

'Powerful construction method.'

'Probably some kind of formation' Katarina added and Azief nodded.

'But, the beer must be something special too' At this Katarina nodded.

When you reached Seed Forming, or even Energy Disperse Stage, you would rarely get drunk because even the most powerful alcohol content in any drinks would be neutralized by your own body metabolism.

To make even Seed Forming and from what Azief sees Disk Forming leveler to get drunk, that is probably one hell of a drink.

Azief and Katarina of course did not stand near the middle of the first floor for long. They could see that there are stairs leading to the second floor

'I think it was on the second floor' Azief said.

Azief did hear that if one wanted to buy information, you have to go to the second floor and contacted the bartender on the second floor and express the intention of wanting to buy information.

Azief and Katarina move toward the second floor stairs.

He could just jump up to the second floor but there is no need to make a scene. He saw that even those pirates who could jump up and down did not do such a thing.

There is of course a few drunk pirate that jump from second floor to firs floor and form firs floor to the second floor.

But they would usually be seized by some of the guards of the tavern, forced to pay for what they eat and then thrown out of the tavern or escorted out by their friends.

While the vibe on the first floor is lit, but this kind of thing was never Azief scene.

He prefers quietness. Of course this did not mean he could not enjoy himself. It is just that right now he had a different objective.

He walks to the second floor and just like the first floor, there is the scent of food. Only there is no spit roasted meat on the middle of the floor.

Instead, it is more modern and look a lot like bar before the Fall.

There is a bartender on the job on the second floor.

There is also a beer maker.

The walls of decorated with sports memorabilia. It seems like a football player picture. Azief was not into sport.

At least not after the Fall.

He thought of something and he remembers that Pandemonium also hosted a few sporting event.

Of course, this is something that Azief rarely give attention to.

It is not like the world stopped sport events.

When the Seven World Power was established, other than the four world power that had to fight off against the local forces, the Three Great Powers which is the World Government, the Republic and Pandemonium are all stable.

And what it means to be stable is to be peaceful

By then the World Government had slowly perfected their governance bestowing noble titles and enthroning Kings and Queen all over their dominions.

As for the Republic, their governors had also accustomed in managing their governed territories.

And for Pandemonium, the city lords began improving the lives of the people under them

An orderly world had risen from the ashes of destruction.

What happens in the Fall might be apocalyptic but it did not destroy humanity?

And the rebuilding was faster than ever.

It is hard to think that after such calamity it would be easy to rebuild civilization. But it was actually very easy. This is because the humans after the Fall is very…. magical.

With great power, they could easily divert rivers, create tall monuments and even changes the terrains of the world by simply waving their hands or stomping their foot.

If people do not care about aesthetics, one could raise an entire city from the ground by just using their abilities.

This is the reason why Japan quickly take the lead in creating the World Government even after just a few days after the Fall.

It is because Japan was the least affected by the Fall. And what does that mean? That means there are more people. And it is easy to organize.

Both Oreki and Hikigaya quickly created a power base in just a week. With their charisma, they subjugated the others, and quickly rebuild.

Hirate was also doing the same thing. Of the many people that rises in Japan during that time, only three people stand out and these three people become the face of Japan after the Fall.

Hirate was at the right place at the right time. Hirate wanted people to forget but Hirate was once the guard that protects the Emperor of Japan.

But, after the Fall, he had washed his image and become the President of the World Government.

Japan was simply his springboard to global power.

Theoretically, in the beginning, the President was given a lot of power.

This is to centralize the power of the World Government.

Of course, since Hirate uses the title of President, there is the idea of introducing term limit and appointing successors

But, even until now, that idea is not yet presented. As for what relations it had with sport, it was that because of the stability people began missing the old things.

Sports once again bloomed with other things followed like music and performances. Culture once again bloomed.

The Three Great Power had even promoted a few sporting events.

During Loki rule as regent, he implemented many of the more diplomatically friendly policy and one of them reestablishing many of the old things that existed before the Fall

As for the memorabilia stuck on the walls, it is clear the owner and probably the customer of this tavern are avid fans.

'I did notice a huge stadium' he thought to himself. He did think to visit the stadium but there are still many things he needs to do

This is no time to be visiting stadium.

The second floor is even wider than the first floor. Azief narrowed his eyes and he could see that this floor had some space altering magic.


If this was before the fall, it would be called illegal construction. His Palace also has things like this.

A room that seem small could actually be large room that is as vast as the plains of Mongolia.

Of course, this did not mean that one could, simply just created space out of nowhere. There is a principle to this.

But even though it is wider than the first floor, it is also packed. There were groups belonging to some organization.

Azief could tell many of them came from organization that operates on the gray lines. There is also pirates.

Not surprising considering the nature of the city. There is even some musician who is drinking and eating.

The tables and chairs are the same like the design on the first floor

But there is a difference with the first floor.

The first floor has no long tables. But on the second tables, there is several long tables. Most of them are occupied by groups of people.

The other, smaller tables are also occupied.

Most of them are people who have drunk too much, though nobody seems to mind.

Even most of the stools at the bar are occupied, though nobody seems to mind more company.

There is also people that Azief sees that have some kind of aura around them. This aura is weird. It felt like the Heavens are rejecting them

Azief is quite sure that he is not the only one that notice this.

Even Katarina notices this but people doesn't seem to care that much.

This is not the first time Azief saw such people.

When he was walking along the cliff side roads and along the roads of the stall, many times he saw people like this

People who have different aura and this sense of rejection from the Heavenly Will.

Of course, Azief felt weird by this.

He could actually deduce why these people were rejected form the Heaven Will.

But, this is a bit different from what he first thought.

He need more information to conclude his own thoughts. He shakes his head. Then he walks to the bar counter.

He is looking for the bartender. Katarina is dragged alongside him. And then his eyes saw the bartenders and he walk to other side of the bar counter

He walks to one of the bartender who was winking to some girls, no doubt flirting. Then he stopped in front of the bartender.

The bartender who was winking and smiling suddenly change his face expression. He is no longer smiling and his eyes become cold


Azief simply said

'I want to buy information'


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