Lord Shadow

Chapter 1319 Multi-Faceted City

Chapter 1319 Multi-Faceted City


The shockwave did not happen as expected. Like there was some barrier around the storm that forces the shockwave to not disperse to the surrounding area

But Azief could tell that the second blast is not that powerful.

It is more like a warning shot and then the storms that seems to be like raging god of the seas suddenly calms down a bit.

The storm is still there, only not as raging as before.

But as for the forces of elements in the storm, it was already neutralized. The sea is no longer boiling, there is no longer wind blades and there is no longer any electricity discharge from the storm

'See, what did I say? Don't you believe your man? I have been here before with the boys' a man said with a loud voice and there is woman who is holding his hand blushing red

'Quiet down a little' the woman said. The man laughed and then put his hand on the arms of that woman and then said

'That is why I said, you just have to trust me in this city. After we finish resting in this city, let's go to Black Rock. That is another city of pirates that is worth going to. It is more on the wild side. If you are pirate, you have got tour all then ten cities of pirate' he laughed again

Then looking at that woman who is pulling his sleeve, in an attempt to make that man lower down his voice, the man said even louder

'How could you be my first mate if you are shocked with this kind of stuff?' the man said and laughed.

The woman only shook her head and then they both walk away from the cliff side fence and goes away with the man teasing the woman

It is clear even though the woman appears to be uncomfortable there is a smile on her face and this shows that these two people are close

Azief and Katarina heard those two talking and look at those two people.

No wonder, the people here was not that fearful and seem unaffected.

This must not be the first time that this kind of thing had happened before and they are used to it.

There are also other people who were like Azief and Katarina who was looking at the storm and worried that the storm would hit the city.

Azief could tell that these people are also like him, outsiders coming from outside the city. As for the local, they look at the storm and then look away or they simply watched with delight looking at the storm being neutralized.

Azief and Katarina both have seen how the storm have been neutralized. And they know how this city had done it

'A weather machine' Azief and Katarina both said in unison. They look at each other and laugh a bit.

Before, Azief and Katarina probably would not have been able to guess what that thing is. But, the Orvanians had such devices able to change weather.

In the early months of rebuilding the Seresian world, the Orvanians send out probe to space to control the weather from above.

There is a supercomputer in that probe to not only calculate possible weather but also to preempt any bad weathers, manipulating clouds, draining the condensation water from the sea and so on and so forth.

Even though the weather machine of the city probably did not have the same function like that of the Orvanians tech, it is without a doubt a weather machine.

Azief then heard someone saying

'Aish. They should let the storm come to the city'

His companion who was standing beside him then ask


'How could I show my heroic if the storm did not attack the city' hearing this his companion laugh

'Why are you laughing?'

'You are just a Seed Forming leveler and you talk like you are Death Monarch. Did you think you are the strongest person in the world?'

Then before his friend had the chance to say anything, that person said

'The owner of Hanging Head is a Disk Formation leveler. I even heard some people said that he used to work in the intelligence agency of one of the seven great powers. And then there is still the Head of the City Guard. He is also a Disk Formation leveler. If this is not Arturia these people could apply to become Governor or Senator in the Republic or even be a King in the World Government just by the merit of their prowess. And you think you can show your heroics before those guys?'

That person laughed exaggeratedly. It is clear he is making fun of his friend. Then still laughing he said

'Marc, let's not brag to much'

'hey, man. A man could dream'

'Yes. And now it is time to wake up. Let's go to the City Palace and quickly send the resources'

'You are such a party pooper; you know that Trey?'

Trey slap the back of Marc head and then slowly walk ahead of Azief and Katarina and walk uphill along the cliff side road.

Azief look at this city and if it was not for the fact that he knew this city is a city of pirates, he would never have made the correlations.

Once again he felt amazed at this city. Azief and Katarina both felt amused listening to those people.

'Hanging Head, huh?' Azief also heard the name of this tavern. It seems that this tavern is very popular among the visitor of this city

It is also the destination of the place he wanted to go next. Azief look at the sea in the distance and his eyes narrowed.

Now, that he has no reservation about using his power, he is freely using his power without fearing anyone.

His eyes could see that the energy blast still have some effect on the sea waves. Then he looks upwards and he could see that there is something hovering above the clouds. It seems to be shrouded by some kind of formation

'The weather device' he thought to himself. With this he also knows that this city is also fitted with all kinds of technology.

'Is that the invention of the Order of Thinkers?' Katarina suddenly spoke beside Azief. Azief shakes his head and answer

'Honestly, I don't know'

From some of the reports that Azief had read, the Order of Thinkers had a lot of technology that they were developing.

A weather machine is one of them. But the reason why they did not create it is because of some limitations.

Maybe that limitation is no longer there, or there might be a breakthrough.

Weather changing is hard.

At least it is hard if one trying to use device to control it.

People like Azief could easily waves their hand and change the wind and the weather.

These actions are not something that did not come with consequences. Each time when Azief battle any enemies, his sword slash that dissipates the clouds and pushes away the wind, all of this had great effect to the weather.

Hence, any weather prediction forecast is always inaccurate since the Fall.

Because even if Azief did not fight anyone it is not like he is the only one fighting or using his strength to change the weather.

Azief then shakes his head.

It is not the time to be thinking about the weather right now.

'Let's go' Azief said to Katarina. Katarina nodded as they walked the cliff side road. As they walk, they saw the sun set.

They did not fly to the area.

There is the feeling of wanting to enjoy the scenery and there is also the hope that their control over the Laws of Time and Space recovered as they walked

It is like feeling an itch or some kind of discomfort in their body when they could not use all the Laws that they mastered.

But it was also like a date. The first date they had on Earth. It is a pity that it is in a pirate city. But damn, this pirate city is very beautiful.

It reminded Azief of some coastal cities in the Mediterranean.

The sun sets, and night came but instead of darkness covering the cities, the street lights lighted up the streets.

All over the cities, there is still life. Bars are opens, restaurant with all kinds of cuisine serving customers. People walking along the road with their lovers or some pirate who were drinking while boasting of their adventures, all of this and more.

'It is really a pity that this is a pirate city' Katarina said all of a sudden.

'I guess we could spare them' Azief look at Katarina and raise his eyebrows.

'Were you thinking of destroying it?' he asks.

She nodded.

'I thought of freezing the entire city. But…. the milk tea is good. And the scenery is also very nice. This city could stay' she said smiling, not knowing how terrifying the words that came out of her mouths.

If the people of this city just know that they have just avoid the fate of being frozen inside ice blocks, they might kiss the feet of whoever make that milk tea and design the cliff side road.

Katarina is sometimes extreme. Of course, Azief also thought of doing something along that line.

But from what he sees this city is not a den of crime.

Which is weird considering it is a pirate city.

Azief was trying to find some faults.

He did find some but the fault is just the same as any cities.

Instead, the fault of this city is even less than a city in his Pandemonium. The Laws of this city is very much enforced and everybody seems to know not to take things too far.

Azief don't mind cleaning up criminals.

But killing innocent people was never his intention.

The cliff side road is long and it is situated around the cliff side that is adjacent to the sea.

So, if you jump down form the cliff road, you would land on the beach. Even at night the area of the beach is full of people.

There is also stalls on the beach, selling snacks and drinks.

Azief and Katarina takes all of this in and just walk along while holding their hands together.


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