Lord Shadow

Chapter 1304 Helping a Friend is Hard

Chapter 1304 Helping a Friend is Hard

Qarliya sighed as she looked at the interface of the information of the Time Space tunnel that she had opened.

'What happened that cause such a spike of energy?' she seems to mutter to herself as her mind is calculating some data. She might look like a little kid and while she does act like a little kid and a bit na?ve in certain things, she is equipped with many function. Her head is basically a super quantum computer.

She also notices that the stabilizer is fried but she only frowned.

'Something probably happened.' Then she looks at the reading again and then she clicked her tongue

'Something did happen. They were thrown off course' she thought. She sighed but there is nothing more that she could do.

Qarliya is still in the Seresian world and she is ready to retreat from the Seresian world. her last job was to help Katarina go home and make sure that the United Intergalactic Alliance to grant independent to the Seresian world.

When she first came here, she though the hard tsk between the two is to pacify the envoys of the United Intergalactic Alliance.

But now that she knows certain things about Azief and his relations with Katarina, it turns out the harder task is helping Katarina and Azief to return home.

She believes it to be her duty to help Katarina home.

Even though, the Five Seat of Orvan seems to care more about Azief, at least to Qarliya, she cares more about Katarina.

Katarina had help her and the Orvanian Directive.

So, the return home trip is a reward.

It also a way for her to show her appreciation to Katarina.

Qarliya doesn't have many friends in Orvan. Even though ever one knows she acted like a child because she is really a child, nobody thought of her as a child.

She might have lived for eons but her mental state is quite childlike. This has something to do with the fact that she did not experience life the same way like other Orvanians

And as for the reason why she did not have many friends, she blamed her functions. She is a tool first, an individual later. You might think that she resent this Qarliya did not resent this.

She understood it. She understands why people treated her the way they did because she is intelligent and smart.

But, that doesn't make it alright. Because she is not simply a tool and she feels, so, even though she understood, she still feels hurt.

But, it would be nice if people could see her and not simply her functions.

And Katarina had seen that.

Qarliya treated Katarina like a friend because she treated her like a friend.

So, regardless of the schemes and plots of the Five Seat of Orvan, Qarliya sincerely wanted Katarina to return home without any problem

But, it seems that if you travel alongside someone who even the Five Seat of Orvan pays attention too, the journey would probably be very unusual.

'At least, nothing bad happened to her.' Qarliya thought to herself.

Qarliya got the result of her calculations almost immediately.

Even though both Katarina and Azief veers from the course a bit, the calculation shows that the time difference is not that far and the destination did not change.

And they survive whatever happened inside the Time Space tunnel

She could only sigh.

'Why is it so hard for me to make a friend?' Qarliya mutters to herself. One of her friend become a traitor.

And as for this new friend of hers, she seems to be intertwined greatly with the fate of that mortal man who has caught the attention of the Five Seat of Orvan

Whoever that the Five Seat of Orvan had to pay attention to must have some great destiny or background or certain influence.

Though in Azief case, Qarliya believe that this mortal probably has some great destiny because he did not seem that he came from some great background

And most of the time, a person with great destiny live a very complicated life full of ups and downs

Katarina standing alongside with such a person…. Qarliya is worried about her friend.

She sighed and then said.

'I hope you don't die to early. After all, if you die too early, we would never meet again' Qarliya don't think that she would meet those two again.

Since after this she would probably be stationed in some place else. If not she might return back to Orvan and take a vacation for a few hundred years.

But, in this Omniverse, who could say for sure.

'Still, what kind of thing happened that almost all countermeasure that I set up beforehand were all destroyed?' she thought to herself.

The stabilizer is not the only thing that was fried like a toast bread. She also makes sure that the time space on the portal connecting the Seresian world and the Time Space tunnel is opened.

This is a measure that she had put in case something bad happened and those two need to return back.

However, what happened afterward is really weird. The portal that connected the Seresian world and the Time Space tunnel had collapsed.

But then almost a second later, that portal suddenly up and running again.

It was like in that brief moment, the portal was destroyed and reconstructed.

However, to do that requires some unbelievable control of the Laws of the Universe.

At that time, Qarliya really wanted to dive into that Time Space tunnel and look through it to find what the hell was going on.

In her many years of opening portals of Time and Space, this is the first time, she had ever experienced this kind of thing.

Though, she must admit most of the time she uses this kind of methods, rarely she sent someone other than an Orvanian

Even though she had prepared all kinds of countermeasures in the end, something still happened.

Since the moment that the Five Seat of Orvan shows great attention to Azief, she slowly understood something.

This person must have some extraordinary fate and destiny. It is either that or Azief has some unbelievable background.

That is the conclusion she had reached.

That mortal while powerful it is not the kind of powerful that would threaten Orvan or could be compared to the great generals of Orvan.

Yes, that mortal walk the path of perfection. But, he is not the only being that had walked the path of perfection.

And probably that mortal would not be able to walk the path of perfection until the end. Qarliya had seen many mortal beings that try to walk the path of perfection

But, in the end they lack the destiny and usually would have to cut their path short

And that mortal also did not come from some huge background like Asgard or Olympus or the other great civilizations

So, that slashed the possibility that Azief comes from some powerful background.

But then why would the Five Seat of Orvan pays that much attention?

If it's not power, if it's not background, then after eliminating other factors and reason, the only one left is that the fate and destiny of this mortal is so important that it needs the Five Seats of Orvan, the highest existence in Orvan to scheme against him

Since then Qarliya knows that abnormal things would probably happens around this mortal regardless of how well she prepares for it

That is the conclusion she had reached

She could only sigh after seeing the result of the Time Space tunnel travelling.

'I expected it to some degree but now I am experiencing it, it does not feel good. Even though, the ending was good, in the end, all kinds of equipment is fried. I only hope that at least the devices I set up to maintain the Time and Space tunnel at least help them both' she said to herself before closing the interface

She sighed and then just shakes her head

'Whatever. This is the games of those bigshots and have nothing to do with me. I am just trying to help a friend' she said to herself and then she began closing her eyes

The moment she closes her eyes; all kinds of orders is sent to the labs all over the Seresian world.

Then the entire Seresian world shakes.

There is shaking all over, the seas seem to rage and the clouds opens up and the people of the Seresian world that day all look up toward the sky and seen something incredible.

They could see all kinds of spaceships flying toward the sky and before they could truly see what it is that is flying in the sky, these spaceships disappeared in a blinding explosion of light

To those people who were not educated like the maids and people inside the Palace of Altayera, when they see these weird phenomenon, they think of it as chariot of the gods.

Some painted this event onto a painting.

And some carved it in their caves.

The labs of Orvanian that was embedded on the Seresian world ground had all kinds of shapes.

Some were shaped in a pyramid-like shape. Some were saucer-like and some are like some kind of rectangle shaped flying device.

Probably because of the high profile evacuation of the Orvanian forces from this world, a few hundred years from now, the primitive living beings of this planet would form pyramid like shapes and told stories of chariot of the Gods, flyting in the air and disappeared in an explosion of light

All of this is seen by the living beings of the Seresian world. This is the day that the Seresian world would open a new chapter in its civilization

That day, Azief and Katarina is not the only one that leave this planet.

The Orvanian had also begun its exodus.


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