Lord Shadow

Chapter 1301 Golden Air of Fortune and Luck

Chapter 1301 Golden Air of Fortune and Luck

As for him not wanting to accept Katarina energy, it is for practical reason.

It is not that he wants to sacrifice himself for her.

In the past, he would not hesitate to do so.

But Katarina and Sofia made him understand, that just because he sacrifices himself for them would not mean that it is the best choice.

Unless he had no other choice, unless he had no other measures, sacrificing himself for them is the last thing he would do. Because he knows how that would make them sad

Just like he couldn't accept it if either Katarina or Sofia sacrifice their life for him. That would burden him for his entire existence.

That is not a burden he wanted.

The particular reason he did not accept Katarina energy is simply because if he managed to break the suction force that is pulling him and Katarina toward the eye, then Katarina who still had energy could bring them to the portal and exit this time space tunnel

And if that did not work, then at least Katarina and him could escape inside the time fragment. Azief knows how his future-self works

He would only attack inside the Time Space tunnel. Because this is the place where it could subvert common sense and the order of time is disordered.

Even if it did not make sense the Time Space tunnel would accommodate it.

Because that is how it is. In normal Time stream, if his future-self killed him, his future-self would also be destroyed.

Because then it would be a paradox. But, inside the Time Space tunnel, this paradox is non-existent.

Time Space tunnel could be said a place where Time went crazy. It is a backdoor of sorts. And it is the road where most speedsters use in the past.

Azief thought of all of this in just a couple of second. From the moment he turns back his body and look at that eye, he balled his fist.

And when he was thinking, his fist gathers the energy that is still there, lingering in the air, a powerful destruction force comes from within Azief body.

His body instantly become even more transparent that he looks like he is going to disappear any moment now.

And then, as the suction force getting stronger, Azief shouted with a roar that shakes the surrounding

'ROARR!' And then he releases his punch.

Space breaks around his fist as his fist turns into a powerful force flying forward toward the eye, trying to break through the suction force.

Azief releases his punch and his body felt drained of energy in an instant.

But this time his attack did not have such a fantastical phenomenon like before. There is no titanic fist that is trying to smash down that suction force.

It is just the force flying forward, breaking space folds and Time Walls.

It is clear that Azief has run out of fuel.

'Shit!' Azief curses even as his body become even more translucent. It is almost like he is going to dissipate.

If not for the fact that some of his body could be solidified, his hand would go right through solid things right now

His body also began to have wounds. Unlike normal body who would drop blood when they are wounded, Azief body leaks energy.

And as the energy leaks the more he became translucent.

Azief is panicking right now but his eyes become even more determined

'Ah, fuck it!' he cursed. Since he could not survive doing this, he could only take his chances and go to one of the time scenes.

The portal is a no go.

He looks at Katarina and simply mutters

'The Time Scene!' Katarina instantly understand what Azief is trying to say and she grabs Azief hand and then kick the air on her feet.

She was about to launch herself and Azief into one of the small time fragment that is flying just right below them

Then suddenly a sound echoes all over the Time Space tunnel


There is a droning sound that is echoing like some kind of bell being ringed. Azief and Katarina was both shocked and puzzled.

But the reason why they were shocked is not simply because of the droning sound. But because right now, Katarina could no longer move.

Even Azief could not do anything right.

'Time and Space stopped!' Azief thought to himself.

'Is it because of that sound?'

Azief could not believe his luck. Each time he goes inside a Time Space tunnel, this kind of things always happens.

He probably would never want to travel through a Time Space tunnel again with this kind of experience.

As he and Katarina seems to be suspended in the air like a marionette, the only thing that they could do is listen to the droning sound

At first this droning sound is very faint. Azief even thought he had heard wrongly. But then the sound of this droning become louder

Ommm! The sound echoes again, only this time the sound seems to be like a hymn instead of a droning sound.

It was then everything seems to stopped.

When the first sound echoes, time stopped around Azief and Katarina

But now, as the sound echoes for the second time, all the time inside the Time Space tunnel seems to be affected.

The road that have been destroyed by the force of the collision of the sword light and the breath of his future-self suddenly reconstructed back.

The time scene that has been distorted and destroyed, once again appears. Time did not only stop but it is also being reversed

'What kind of being is able to do this?' he thought to himself.

Time seems to stop yet Azief could still watch and moves his eyes. By now, Azief is quite sure that this is not the doings of his future-self.

Someone else is doing this, he thought to himself. Then there is a breezy soothing wind that seems to pass through Azief and Katarina bodies.

Azief felt a sensation over his body and then not a second later, he could also move his entire body. And he immediately looks at Katarina who is in front of him.

She could also move. They look at each other and seem to be asking each other whether they know what is going on.

Azief doesn't know who is doing this and Katarina also doesn't know who is doing this.

But while they were able to move other thing in the Time Space tunnels seems to be frozen by some force.

And the Time and Space inside the Time Space tunnel seems to be rearranged by this unknown force.

Cause and effects are being subverted, time reverses and accelerated on some places, the Road of Time seems to be reintegrating back.

The entrance portal, the portal that connected this Time Space tunnel to Seresian world appears once again.

Azief is shocked to find out that the portal look like it had never been destroyed.

The strings on the road once again tangled with each other and not before long, the force field around the Road of Time recovered back

The Time Scene rearranged themselves along the road like some kind of advertisement banner on the side of the road.

Azief release Katarina hand and floats there in the air. He no longer floats around broken time voids or turbulent space

Instead, he is flying on a clear space. All it takes from the second sound to echoes to the instant reconstruction of everything, only takes two second.

He squinted his eyes and he could see the road, the time scenes, the portals and everything seems to be returned to the initial point

'This kind of power that breaks reality, cause and effect…there is only a few people in the Omniverse that could do such a thing' he thought to himself.

'And this energy. What is it?' he mutters to himself

Azief himself tries to make sense of what this force is but he could not really pin point what kind of energy this is.

It is so pure and contain such a powerful creation force.

Yet, at the same time, it felt like it could encompass every energy that existed and will ever exist. It gave him the same feeling like the All Source energy only this energy is a hundred times purer…if he had to give a quantitative quality to it

There is an aura that is lingering all over the Time Space tunnel

And then Azief could see that this aura condenses into a golden mist. And then Azief heard a voice. It is in a language that he had never learned before, but he understood it.

And he smiles almost immediately when he heard the voice. Because he recognizes it.

"The heavy rain makes my heart carefree"

"I sing a song with a glass of wine"

'the breeze blows away my troubles and sorrows"

"A dream for a lifetime is but a passing moment" This is the words that he had heard. And then he heard the sound of laughing.

This laugh echoes all over the Time and Space tunnel. Azief recognizes that laugh and he remembers that voice

'Azul!' Azief thought to himself.


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