Lord Shadow

Chapter 1298 Twenty Second

Chapter 1298 Twenty Second

Azief look at that sword strike keep moving forward, his body is already drained. If one looks at his body, it becomes translucent.

And motes of light are leaking from his wound. He is leaking energy and he could feel the energy leaving his body

He snickered.

'So, this is the reason' Azief thought to himself

He sometimes wonders why those powerful beings that he had met did not exchange their physical body to energy body.

So, it seems that there is also a disadvantage of simply having just energy body.

When they are in this situation, one would wish that their body is solid and not composed of simply energy.

The physical body is like a shell. And the energy body is like gas. In the event he overdraft his energy, he could simply dissipate.

Azief understood certain reason why many of those powerful beings, even when they have the chance to change their body to energy body, they did not do so.

'Azief, are you alright!' Katarina shouted in shock as she sees him becoming even more translucent. Azief hold her arm and steadied himself.

He nodded but Katarina frowned. It is clear that she did not believe him. But this is not the right time to worry about him

The feeling of death is creeping near.

That is what Azief honestly thought.

He looks at Katarina for a second before looking back at that sword that is cutting through all obstacles in front of it

The sword light is becoming a real sword floating in the air, moving forward like some kind of an airship.

The Sword is the manifestation of his will.

The Sword slash accumulated so many energies, that the Will in the Sword was stimulated and created a gigantic sword apparition on top of the sword light

Azief pupil dilated as he felt the terrible aura from the sword.

Even his energy was affected. And he was not the only one.

Even Katarina felt it and she created a revolving ice wind around her to deflect that aura.

The Sword aura brimmed with fearsome cruelty and violence, brimming with an unstoppable desire to kill and destroy.

And suddenly that sword aura seems to roar as its energy skyrocketed in almost an instant.

The roar resembled all the worst calamities of the world.

Destruction! Massacre! Murder! Obliteration!

'In the end, this sword strike is meant to kill. And that is the base intention'

Azief thought to himself.

Even though he put all kinds of energies into the sword, in the end when he slashes the sword down, his desire, his intention was to destroy

And so the sword mimics his intention

What he didn't expect was for it to be this domineering. Given enough energy, even a sword light could become such a powerful attack.

Azief is reminded of this once again

Azief and both Katarina took a few step backward because of the pressure of the sword that is becoming even more pronounced as it nears the portal.

It had already cut the breath that lingers around the portal.

Unlike Katarina sword strike that only left a crack and dissipated almost instantly when it reached the portal, Azief strike had cut the breath that lingers in front of then portal and the entirety of the sword strike is about to hit the portal

And even then, the sound of the sword pushing through the lingering breath is like a saw sawing through a thick tree trunk.

This sword strike is like a violent and ferocious beast under heaven that is ready to break free from its cage and run amuck

'It is about to collide' both of them thought. If Katarina attack actually only took a nano second to reach the portal, Azief sword strike took a whole twenty second.

The portal might seem close but in this Time Space tunnel, distance is not absolute.

What looks to be near might be far away and what might look like far away might be only one step distance.

Azief and Katarina both have no energy left right now. Both of them right now are hoping that the sword light would tear apart the breath that is shrouding the entrance of the portal

The sword light is only inches away from the portal and it hits its first obstacle.

A few meters forward from the portal is the lingering air of the breath. The sword collides with this breath and the sword light vibrates with high frequency.

It is a sign of resistance.

Azief narrowed his eyes.

'It is not easy. But it is possible' he thought to himself when he saw how the sword light seems to reach

A screeching sound echoes in the Time Space tunnel and one by one, the time scene all over the road exploded into motes of lights

The pressure of the collision between the breath of the air and the sword created a shockwave that ripples all over the Time Space tunnel

And just like Azief had thought, his sword slash is capable of tearing apart the lingering breath of air.

the sword light that collided with the lingering breath of air suddenly exploded with thousand rays of cold light.

Each ray of cold light cut space and Laws. That is how sharp it is that could cut Laws. A nearby Time Scene is shredded to pieces and Time and Space went crazy.

Tens of thousands rays of cold light flew with speed that is akin of light speed and cut the lingering breath

In an instant, the Time and Space Tunnel was lit with a terrible blue light, stirring the entire Time space tunnel.

Azief could see that in the distance one timeline was cut apart. And another was forced to reverse.

'It breaks!' Azief exclaimed.

He could see the lingering breath was cut like it was thrown into a grinder. As for the sword light, when it exploded, it did not explode in its entirety

Instead, the sword light was only chipped away and the sword light become smaller. But even though it became smaller, it is still a gigantic size.

Like it is a soldier that had just break through an encirclement, Azief sword light keep moving forward and it is closer and closer toward the entrance of the portal

Azief is anxious but he could not help but put all of his hope onto that sword light

And then it finally arrived

Twenty second. That is how long it takes for Azief sword light to reach the portal.

And on the trail of this sword light is only destruction and desolation.

The destructive power of this attack is on a level that Azief had never been able to achieve b before

Before when Azief and Katarina walk the road toward the portal, alongside the road is the scene of projections of other worlds.

But now, all there is, is only emptiness. Like some kind of a white canvass, a blank state.

That sword sweeps everything in its path with its power. It was like a dead world inside the Time Space tunnel

'Be careful!' Azief said to Katarina. Katarina could not judge it but Azief could see that the moment that the sword light cut through the lingering breath of air, the sword light accelerated forward in almost in an instant

Whether it be space-fold, warp zone or time distortion, none of them could no longer delay, or stopped this sword light from reaching the portal.

And Azief could feel it. When one reached his level, the attack that he unleashes always had a connection to him.

This is not like some kind of martial arts battle where the moves are hundreds of moves. And each moves contains endless variables and methods.

This is battle that uses Laws. Uses the intangible. This is the battle of Gods and Immortals. Of Demons and Devils.

When they attack, one attack could contain tens of thousands of methods. But this method is unified under one attack.

And when they launched their attack, they could feel that attack. There is a phrase in some martial art training, to use the weapon like the extension of your arm

But when Gods battles, their attack is not merely the extension of their arm. It is more than that.

And they did not need to use weapons. If they wanted to, even their fist could form a powerful force to attack people from the distance

Azief could not imagine it before

From the moment Azief slashes his sword forward, each thing that the sword cut, Azief had knowledge of it. Whether it be the Time Scene or even the smallest ant, he could feel the sword cutting it.

He could tell how fast his sword could go and how far it would reach. And it is for that reason, he knew that the shockwave would be unlike anything he had ever seen before.


A heaven shaking, dimension breaking, reality tearing sounded exploded. He could see that the shockwave engulfed the Time Scene like a tsunami that is raging.

He then saw that the shockwave distorts space and coming toward them who are standing on the road.


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